Comm ID: Hellfire Legion Supreme Commander Mori
Target ID: Jack Kaine
Ah-ha. The usual argument. You brought in Captain Seth, not I. I could just as well say you should provide proof that Commander Thastus is alive, but I will not. I could provide you with proof, but would that stop you? No. Are are twisting the facts into lies. At first I wished to believe you had merely been misinformed; clearly, I was mistaken. I never called the LSF skilled. I called the more skilled. This means they are not as unimaginably terrible as they once were; That is quite different than actually skilled. As to their capture, I am not aware of how it took place, as I was not present.
Those recruits were called away, however, many of them were forced away by other... problems. Problems of a personal matter. As for emotions, you have clearly payed no mind to anything. Broken the alliance? I dare not take full, or, nay, even partial credit for this. I was approached by several members of the Asgard Warriors High Command, who told me, in no uncertain terms, that the alliance was broken whether I liked it or not. As for denying permission to form a bomber squad, I have no recollection of this. Perhaps if you were to remind me when and who it was? As for gunboats, I rarely even use them anymore.
My questions to you: Are these lies becoming of a former officer? No, methinks.
Any more lies, and this will no longer be worth my time. I have many far better ways to spend it.
Oh, by all means, if you have some proof that our Commander is dead, then present it. Autopsy records, a picture of the body, or perhaps the body itself would suffice. But of course, even though you state you could present the evidence, you will not. This just another bold-faced lie from a corrupt man.
And you state that I am always absent. For even if this lie was true, you yourself have committed much worse treachery by allowing Commander Thastus to fall into enemy hands, as you stated happened six short months ago. Obviously, this statement if false, but it is not furthering your own argument, it is effectively voiding yours against my presence.
And on the LSF issue, you are contradicting yourself. If the LSF are not skilled, then how can you call yourself skilled if you can beat them outnumbered. That would prove the HF to be normal pilots, something which is expected. Have you fought any more worthy enemy, that is actually capable of putting a coherent sentence into the world?
If your many recruits were called out of the Legion by personal problems, then apparently you have no judge of what is proper recruitment material for the Legion. Going into New York, and yelling "5 million if you join my faction" will not get you the tier of recruits necessary for the actions we commit to daily. You have wasted valuable Hellfire Legion time, resources, and reputation in Sirius.
I have several sources in the Asgard Warriors, Hellfire Legion, and other non-disclosed groups that clearly state that you were the one to break the great Asgard-Hellfire Alliance, and I believe that fact wholeheartedly. Your Captain Seth, aka Frozen, specifically told me of an instance of a few weeks ago when you refused his request for a much-needed bomber squadron to destroy the hordes of capital ships in Vespucci.
Do you recall it now? Of course not, that would prove my point. And anything that you find to go against your cause is automatically untrue, isn't it?
I speak the truth. I would also like to note that you have not mentioned or rebutted against my statements that show you embezzled Hellfire Legion resources for personal use, and are using dishonorable amounts of credits for your personal capship fleets. Unnecessary, and very unwise.
Is stealing money from the very group that made you who you are today becoming of a former officer?
I thought so.
You can also note your blatant disregard for the care of HF in your own signature in this communications center. You have yet to update your graphic, when 6 months ago you took command of the Hellfire Legion.
Or is changing 1 word, from Executive to Supreme, too demanding for such a high-ranking officer of yourself? Or perhaps you have better use of your time?
Kaine out.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Comm ID: Hellfire Legion Supreme Commander Mori
Target ID: Jack Kaine
Did I not only just say that any more lies would make this no longer worth my time? Those were so pathetic that I must change what I said.
Those lies make this a complete waste of time, which I have far better things to do with. Rescue an Informant who went and got himself caught, for example.
Incoming Transmission...
Comms ID: Captain Aethelu, of the Mentu
Target ID: To whom it may concern
Easy gents, break it up. here is a proposition from me. due to the turn of events, i see some drastic changes in the Legion. here is a proposal i offer, for the greater good for the Legion:
Kaine is given permission to join the High commission, but only if he agrees to follow the general conduct of the legion.
The current anger between Commander mori, and kaine is to be dissolved, to an extent, since i do not want to waste my time breaking up fights, when we can be assualting the LSF forces.
Im sure Kaine, after all the cold words between you two, wants the best for the legion, so, i say, give him a chance to prove himself. anything that diverts from the Legion's protocol, rusults in a trail, and execution, performed by myself, in front of the whole legion.
i shall give you two time to mull it over a cup of coffee, and to give me a thougtful answer.
Also, due to the way things are unfolding, we will need some drastic changes, especially with the request i put in commander mori. i wish to conclude the deal, on your part for us, so we may be granted what i seek, since it is high time things were taken control with force, something which i an willing to do. i will speak, since i have a somewhat relationship with them, so it may be a bit more useful for me to speak instead.
Comm IDPilot First Class Derek Denson Transmitting to:Hellfire Legion Command
I heard that the Supreme Commander had some business in New York, so I thought I would create a distraction. I was to say the least, surprised when a carrier greeted myself at West point. I hired a Mercenary, Prosperine, and began to attack. My Sabre, and his bomber had dropped his shields as a cruiser, Mirage, came onto scans. He was obviously the easier target, so he was immediately greeted by our guns. His shields cracked and his hull was bombarded until he eventually had his ship blown from under him.
Soon after our backup arrived, an Osiris from the Order, the "Asar." The carrier ran, but a massive fighter and bomber wing came to our position. We had our backs against the walls, but we fought anyways. The fight was split into two groups, myself and Asar picking off the bombers, and Prosperine some distance away being attacked by fighters.
Prosperine lead the hostiles into Asar's fire, where they were picked off like mere flies. Soon their losses started to mount even more from Asar's fire being covered by myself and Prosperine. Their fleet was badly coordinated as they could not even take out one of us.
As you can see they paid dearly for their mistake. A few fighters escaped, finally using their brain. As my mission was only to cause a scene, and I had far exceeded that, I didn't pursue. Liberty saw a massacre they won't soon forget. Hopefully this dent in the Liberty Forces was what our commander needed. I stand ready and willing to destroy these corrupt pigs when needed.
In Magellan at freeport 4 I found LH~Ernst.Stavro.Blofeld and Ne'tra.Taakur.[M](bh bomber). I killed Ne'tra
and then a trader called Kuraine who works for mollys wanted me to help on him in Manchester cause 2 military pilot attacked him IkArUS and Lutzifer and i killed them.
Incoming Transmission...
Comms ID: Captain Aethelu, of the Mentu
Target ID: Hellfire Legion
Greetings, brothers. i have some very good news to bring to you all. A Stike force, lead by The HFGB-Phoenixfire was assembled near mactan base. the members of the strike force were HFGB-Mentu, HF-Derek Denson, and LH-Moriarty. we detected an LSF stealth wing in the system, but not sure of exact locations. as per protocol, we launched, and made our way to the Freeport 4. thats when we picked the LS qing on our scanners.
we proceeded to eradicate them, one by one. Me, in the Mentu managed to take down firebird rather quickly:
the next target, Noah Day was again ripped to pieces by the Mentu's constant stream of fire:
the third target, though was a bit better pilot to the other two, succumbed to Moriarty's fire:
and the final kill, upon Black dog, was placed by the Phoenixfire:
it was a simple eradication mission. oh and by the way. the SA gunboat, the Utah tried its harded to intervene in the destruction of the LSF wing. Too bad. he was so disoriented, his hull was being chewed away but our combined, unanimour fire, until when the Utah's captain decided to run, tail tucked between the legs. the other SA fighter pilot was ordered to flee, which he obliged more than willingly.
Id say, a very good day for the legion, and its good to be back finally.
Yesterday, I decided to take my new Slipstream fighter out for a spin, and went to California. There I met two LH, one Sabre named Le Chiffre, and another Slipstream named Emilio. We immediately engaged a single LPI Liberator by the name of Karl Agathon. I told the other LH to back off, that this one was mine. After a few moments, he ran like the coward he is. Then we met an LR Barghest bomber, I forget the name. This is when the fun starts...
We engaged SA forces between Mojave and LA. A Mandalorian and Merc jumped in to collect on Le Chiffre, apparently. The Merc soon landed a kill on him, and left. I focused my fire on the Mandalorian and destoryed him in one pass by a nice mine shot.
The Barghest was quickly overwhelmed by enemy fighters, and two LSF ships arrived and engaged. Soon, one SA who was consistently taking my shields down got annoying, so I engaged him (Chris). It wasn't going to well, even though I got his shields down I couldn't scratch the armor. In frustrations, I launched a mine or two, NOT on a pass. Somehow, one of them hit...
Emilio, the only other friendly fighter engaged, managed to get a partial mine hit that almost wiped an LSF out, but he recovered quickly. His finger must have been on the nanobot button...
Anyway, a Freelancer Liberty GB and Arrow engaged too, for the Navy and LSF. Then, miracle of miracles, an ion storm hit. After systems came back online, there was only one SA left, John Talon. Me and Emilio were fine, so we told him to surrender, and that we'd be taking him into custody. He ran and eluded us, which is when I turned back to Montezuma to re-arm and re-fuel.
A great day, I'd say. Here is the proof of the kills (edited so they're next to eachother, they really weren't). My computer messed up the confirmation of the kill on the Mandalorian, but I assure you it was mine.
Today is a very sad day for us indeed men. We have lost one of the most Bravest men the LEgion has ever known. The news has just arrived to me, that Supreme commander Denelo Mori has been murdered, along with his brother Tarklor Mori, Major James 'edge' Bright, and the Commander's Escorts, in an attempt to try and rescue Tarklor from the vile grasps of the LSF agents on Manhatten.
It was a very Brave attempt, but fruitless unfortunately. The bodies of the Fallen have been recovered, thanks to the foolish LSF officer who succumbed to a bribe of Fake gold, and the Burial Ceremony is to be held in 2 days time. I wish ALL of the Legion to be present, to pay their final respects to the men who gave up their lives for the Legion's Progress.
Furthermore, the Death of the Supreme Commander has left the Legion Leader-less, until now. I remembered a Box which Commander Mori gave me before he left to try and rescue his brother. upon opening of the box, i found some letters, and information that is meant for me to produce to the legion. the letter, in brief words mentions that, if He (Mori) were to die during the rescue, or for any reason none of the rescue team returns, then the Post of Executive commander is mine (Aethelu), and that the post of Supreme Commander goes to Aralie, who has made a comeback to the legion after being lost to us for so long.
Asano, and Debian are to be promoted to the post of Fleet commanders, while Legeonation is Promoted to Fleet Admiral. Stratos, you are now Promoted to Major, while Jason and Derek are now Lieutenants in the Legion.
A point which i would like to mention is, we need fresh recruits. the Legion is to grow bigger, stronger and better now! we will uphold the Legacy of our predecessors, with Pride and Dignity. Liberty shall fall under our hands!
More information to follow, when we have gotten most of the affairs in order. i am currently busy Sorting out the Burial of the Fallen, and remember you all, i want you all there to honour the Fallen.