This thread, as well as many others, has some form of unhappyness about "cap spam". Dodike was thinking about player wipe as a way to deal with "too many caps" situation. I, there, said that "cap tax" would do the job. However either thing would make many people unhappy.
Perhaps there is better solution:
Make bats and bots for caps to be expensive enough to economically limit caps' numbers.
That's the idea. I wonder if it was discussed before?
- it would make sense inRP terms if bots/bats for caps would be times and times more expensive that ones for fighters. After all, they must be times heavier and times more sophisticated, to be able to patch times and times bigger holes in hull, and to charge times and times more powerful shields;
- another good thing is, it would not make people think they are paying "for nothing", unlike tax would;
- if there are unsolvable technical troubles preventing creation of specific sorts of bots/bats (like, gunboat / cruiser / battleship bots/bats with their own higher prices), then perhaps it could be possible, technically, to use just usual bots/bats at their usual price, while dramatically reducing their effect if it's a capship using 'em, while also dramatically increasing capship's capacity for bats/bots. This way, it would really be the same as original idea of mine: capships would need times and times more credits (than now) to buy bats/bots which would be "healing" same amount (same as now).
Anything silly above? Sorry if so, i am still newbish.
Please, comment!:)
Do you see the groundhog there? No? Me neither. But, it's there nonetheless.
Wooooo, great idea, I don't know if it's doable though.
Another problem would be solved with this, and that's b/b feeding of smaller ships.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
inRP the heavy and expensive cap rechargies will fix more hull points per unit, that means that the price of let's say 100 Heavy will have equal price and repairability (if such a word exist xD) as 1000 normal rechargies so it'll still be the same.
If you don't like capspam take your bomber and sow the caps that they are nothing more than a peace of poo (lol). The lolwuts will be diapointed in their caps and stop using them so often.
This thread, as well as many others, has some form of unhappyness about "cap spam". Dodike was thinking about player wipe as a way to deal with "too many caps" situation. I, there, said that "cap tax" would do the job. However either thing would make many people unhappy.
Perhaps there is better solution:
Make bats and bots for caps to be expensive enough to economically limit caps' numbers.
That's the idea. I wonder if it was discussed before?
- it would make sense inRP terms if bots/bats for caps would be times and times more expensive that ones for fighters. After all, they must be times heavier and times more sophisticated, to be able to patch times and times bigger holes in hull, and to charge times and times more powerful shields;
- another good thing is, it would not make people think they are paying "for nothing", unlike tax would;
- if there are unsolvable technical troubles preventing creation of specific sorts of bots/bats (like, gunboat / cruiser / battleship bots/bats with their own higher prices), then perhaps it could be possible, technically, to use just usual bots/bats at their usual price, while dramatically reducing their effect if it's a capship using 'em, while also dramatically increasing capship's capacity for bats/bots. This way, it would really be the same as original idea of mine: capships would need times and times more credits (than now) to buy bats/bots which would be "healing" same amount (same as now).
Anything silly above? Sorry if so, i am still newbish.
Please, comment!:)
I beg to differ,paying tax means that you're paying for the ship.Paying for bots/bats is also indirectly paying to use the ship.
Also,there is one reason why you need tons of nanobots to repair the ship.The ship does require darn high amounts of bots and bats to repair.In fact,you can easily drain the bots/bats after you seriously damage a cap ship.Also note that your idea will also hurt those who use capships correctly.
Quote:inRP the heavy and expensive cap rechargies will fix more hull points per unit, that means that the price of let's say 100 Heavy will have equal price and repairability (if such a word exist xD) as 1000 normal rechargies so it'll still be the same.
If you don't like capspam take your bomber and sow the caps that they are nothing more than a peace of poo (lol). The lolwuts will be diapointed in their caps and stop using them so often
Try taking down a dreadnought in a bomber.If they spam missiles,you die or you lose a lot of CMs and get a high repair cost
Capspam is disrupting gameplay,we must sanction capspammers with 1.2
This thread, as well as many others, has some form of unhappyness about "cap spam". Dodike was thinking about player wipe as a way to deal with "too many caps" situation. I, there, said that "cap tax" would do the job. However either thing would make many people unhappy.
Perhaps there is better solution:
Make bats and bots for caps to be expensive enough to economically limit caps' numbers.
That's the idea. I wonder if it was discussed before?
- it would make sense inRP terms if bots/bats for caps would be times and times more expensive that ones for fighters. After all, they must be times heavier and times more sophisticated, to be able to patch times and times bigger holes in hull, and to charge times and times more powerful shields;
- another good thing is, it would not make people think they are paying "for nothing", unlike tax would;
- if there are unsolvable technical troubles preventing creation of specific sorts of bots/bats (like, gunboat / cruiser / battleship bots/bats with their own higher prices), then perhaps it could be possible, technically, to use just usual bots/bats at their usual price, while dramatically reducing their effect if it's a capship using 'em, while also dramatically increasing capship's capacity for bats/bots. This way, it would really be the same as original idea of mine: capships would need times and times more credits (than now) to buy bats/bots which would be "healing" same amount (same as now).
Anything silly above? Sorry if so, i am still newbish.
Please, comment!:)
Another lovely hidden tax for caps? No thanks.
' Wrote:I have a idea for outcast weaponary:
Make a Kraken type 3. (class 10)
So? Corsairs got cola del cid or whatever and thats class 10 and energy eating pulse?
Outcasts could use something like thias but hurts hull more and shield abit more, make it eat energy aswell
it could use the kraken 2 turret effect
Corsairs got Tizonas and Coladas, Outcasts Krakens and Infernos. I don't think that outcasts needs really something more.
' Wrote:I have a idea for outcast weaponary:
Make a Kraken type 3. (class 10)
So? Corsairs got cola del cid or whatever and thats class 10 and energy eating pulse?
Outcasts could use something like thias but hurts hull more and shield abit more, make it eat energy aswell
it could use the kraken 2 turret effect
From my point of view the thinks are well ballanced betwen outcast and corsairs
The outcast got the krakens(>samalahas) and the sabre which can shoots it's turret forword.
On the other hand the corsairs got the tizona and theis ship is better armoried than the sabre. The colada isn't a corsair advantage since consimes the energy of 2 codenames for little firepower impouvment over tizona, if you ask me colada is useless.
' Wrote:Try taking down a dreadnought in a bomber.If they spam missiles,you die or you lose a lot of CMs and get a high repair cost
You missunderstood me, i am not going to take on a battleship alone, i know that's impossible (exept if the cap driver got the skill of a chiken)
My idea:
make H-Fuel perishable, to enhance roleplaying running out of fuel.
Pros - more RP possibilities
Cons - many would not RP it (powertraders, powerminers etc)