***Incoming Transmission***
From:Kell Tainer
To: LSF Command
Subject: A change in tactics
I have noticed recently that our tactics are increasingly becoming fleet based. I agree, we need to work as a team. But we are an ingelligence service NOT A FLEET. I reccomend that we form new tactics. Asuggested change would be to develophit and fade tactics. The days of fleet battles are over. I believe it is time we develop new tactics more to our profile.
' Wrote:[i]Incoming Transmission [Destination: Battleship Missouri] COMM/Operative ID(s): =LSF=Joolean, =LSF=Arazima.Fezim* (agent Julian Mellanby, VHF pilot) TO: Commander in Chief
We were ordered to suspend all traffic coming in and out of ZONE 21 (Alaska minefield) by Liquid, I was curious as to our disposition on the matter (in full)? Are we to engage those who flee without any exceptions..?
Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter
Callsign: =LSF=Liquid / Fluid
Transmitted to: =LSF=Joolean
That order is not in effect until the Director has discussed it. I beleive you went absent from your ship as we regrouped with SA Officer to discuss several matters this one included. After several attemps to invite you to our Comm channel which you did not respond too. At this point only Smugglers and known enemys of Liberty are to be restricted through Zone 21 as normal until the Director and SA High Command discuss this matter further.
Capt. Daniel Carpenter
LSF Fighter Combat Instructor
Comm ID: Captain Richard I. Bong
To: Liberty Security Force Operatives, Liberty Navy Senior Staff
Gentlemen, I enclose to you indisputable and incontrovertible proof from the security database and from a high ranking commander of the LNS Missouri that standing orders indeed exist to restrict access to Zone 21.
Captain Bong out!
Today while docked on Manhattan I picked up one Derelict[Merc] broadcasting to all of NY system. He was having a conversation with [SA]-Mathew.Anobi. In his transmission, which I have included, Derelict stated that he is taking bounty's on all Liberty Pilots.
This concerns me greatly as it threatens our relations with Mercenaries in gerneral. I ask that a general warning be issues to all Liberty forces and that Derelict be put on our kos list. We may also wish to review our stance on allowing any Merc the privlege of flying in Liberty space.
End Message
***INcoming Transmission***
To: Baroness Nina
From: Lieutenant Kell Tainer, LSF
Subject: Smuggling
Let me set this out straight for you, IF IT IS ANY FORM OF MARIJUANA OR CARDAMINE IT IS ILLEGAL.
from: LPI officer Fezini
to: the liberty forces message dump?
"regarding the incident with this derelict[merc] - while getting into close visual range to that merc, my sensors picked up at least 4 or 5 capital ship sized missiles shot at my little patriot. the countermeasures did their job by spamming the space with jammers but the fact remains that this rheinland gunship attacked a liberty officer. he then left to conetticut and was not followed by the LPI.
during that incident he claimed to have some sort of contract about killing liberty law enforcers. it is most probably more important to know who would set such a contract than actually going after the merc. - but firing capital ship missiles in such a populated hub like fort bush station is a crime in itself for who knows what those missiles could have done if they had hit a civilian station."
Quote:during that incident he claimed to have some sort of contract about killing liberty law enforcers
Such an arrogant act in the heart of Liberty can't be tolerated by the Navy as well. Those who claim to be fulfilling contracts in order to kill Liberty officers will be immediately put to Navy's KOS from now on.
To: Liberty Forces
Contacted a Hacker in California today. He was flying a shiny Slipstream and trying to attract some attention. We pursued him to Magellan and being outnumbered was he forced to retreat to Vespucci after a short while. On the return to California, scanners picked up a Molly operating around Mactan who was shortly after intercepted by our wing and obliterated in seconds under my guns. We left his pod floating in space, to be recovered by Hackers since Mollys are not our primary concern to deal with. But if these Rogue lovers continue aiding Hackers in Liberty, there will be a hell to pay for them!!
[Incoming Message]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]
The matter of Zone 21 has been discussed and the decision and affirmation that
we can restrict access has been confirmed. SA and LSF forces are within their
rights to halt, scan, eject and seize anyone within Zone 21 without proper authorisation.
The matter that remains would be the policy which LSF holds, at this time I wish for our
forces to act in unison.
For the time being all SA forces are to enforce the border as best as we can, scan for
contraband and the like. Maintain that no criminal elements are let in, or out. However
use your own judgment to allow any lawfuls past as you see fit. Until I can confer with
the Director of the LSF these are your orders.
Woolsey out.
// It was checked with Kane, as far as is concerned we have the right to control Zone 21 however
we like.
//Transmitting Message, San Jacinto Station
Comm.ID: Vice Admiral Kress
To: Liberty Forces
Quite an eventful day. We dealt with an Outcast battleship and destroyer belonging to Rogues in California which was followed by an encounter with unorganized Outcasts and a Blood Dragon bomber trio in Colorado. None of them were able to pose any kind of threat though. I hope the LSF will provide a more detailed report about the recent engagements soon enough.
On the other hand, something strange happened while I was in contact with an Outcast bomber in New York. A mercenary named as Derelict tried to infiltrate my secure comms, stating that he had a bounty on my head and would open fire if I didn't break off of the Outcast pilot who was obliterated seconds later. We had another Outcast bomber soon after inbound, who ran to the depths of Colorado after a long chase. The Liberty Navy can not tolerate any kind of mercenary or bounty hunter fulfilling contracts against Liberty officers. Therefore, consider Derelict[Merc] kill on sight from now on in Liberty space, until further notice.
Eisen here, We have manage to make a emergancy landing
I wil not give our where abouds on our location
Our ship substained very heavy damage and the engineers are doing the best they can to get the Battle Cruiser up and running
I and my Tactical officer are digging on a attack on the Blood Dragon manace that put that bounty on our ship
I will contact you all as soon wen the ship is ready, and hoping you all could escort the Thunder out of liberty for safe pasage