If needed, I am willing to temporarily recommision the former LNS BC Kearsarge to the Liberty Navy. Since she was decommisioned I have taken great care with her upkeep. She has scored many Corsair Victories under my command, and her crew is extremely compitent. She has updated systems and is currently battle ready.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
Incoming Transmission..
Comm ID: [SA]-John.Talon
To: All SA and LSF pilots...
Today I have attempted to stop a trader named "Millymina[TT]or" that was carrying 5000 artifacts towards Manhattan, the pilot managed to dock and sell the artifacts. After he or she undocked I have asked Millymina to pay a fine of 4 million credits for the contraband that was sold. The pilot refused to pay and after a short dispute opened fire on me. All pilots be vary of Millymina as the pilot is clearly willing to fire upon the SA without considering the consequences.
From: David ''kingvaillant'' Copperfield, LSF 2nd in command
To: SA, LPI and LSF high command
After action repport,
Yesterday was a pretty busy day for the Liberty forces, We have encountered multiple pirates in Liberty and a lot of hostile mercenaries.
We have been reported that Banderas.B[TBH] a well known pilot to the liberty forces was escorting a smuggler to New York. We went to The Alaska JG in Zone-21 to intercept him. After a long fight our repair ship =LSF=Goodwrench has managed to deal the last shot to him.
Then, Me, =LSF=Maximus and [SA]-Saber- went at West point. There, we have found a Bretonia GB piloted by a Mercenary. We did ask him several times to leave but he refused to so we had no choice than to engage him.
He got eliminated in no time.
Later, we have been reported that multiple Lane hackers and independents pirates were lurking aroud planet Manhattan. So we went there to push them out of Liberty. We have managed to kill most of them, but a few ones have fled.
During the fight an other Bretonia GB (mercenary) has decided to engage me, but When =LSF=TheWise undocked from the nearby station the GB fled with his tail between his legs.
In the End, We went to Planet Houston in Texas and found the two Bretonian GB flying together. We had no choice than to fight them since they have tried to kill some of us before. Both have been killed in a few minutes. One of the [SA] pilots has been shot down during one of the GB explosion but we have tractored him on our ships, he is alright now
Note: The two Bretonian GB are now on our KoS list ( Jason.Merced and Cruz_del_sur )
I would like to thanks all the Mercenaries who have proved themself loyal to us by fighting our enemies
Incoming Transmission..
Comm ID: [SA]-John.Talon
To: All SA and LSF pilots...
After kindly asking Derelict[Merc] , Old|Crow[Merc] and Kleinee[GB] to leave Liberty because they are in violation of the ban, they refused to leave and made several insults towards me, they were all piloting gunboats and I was in a fighter so I was outgunned. When I mentioned that I will report them to LSF and SA pilots, one of them, namely Derelict[Merc] opened fire upon my fighter and would have destroyed me if I did not engage my thrusters. He said after that it was a warning shot and made several more insulting remarks. I returned to dock to repair my vessel and write this report. I would like to see some immediate action being taken upon Merc's that fire so lightly on Navy personell, I regret that I was not able to fight them but I believe that losing my ship and my life in such an unfair battle would have been a waste of Navy's resources.
Incoming Transmission..
Comm ID: [SA]-Darell.Mc'Ely
To: All SA and LSF pilots
Iv noticed a increase in Lane hacker attacks this is starting to become a problem they have attacked me in large groups where im seriously outgunned. Even when I try to escape they will have me taken out before i have time to escape to try find help. They have fired on me in New york and callifornia on numerous occasions. Maybe we should think of increaseing patrols to remove these pests before there numbers get to large
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To: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey SA Command
From: Trek Centuari on the NCC.Trekker
Dear sir I have respected the SA and LSF for some time and I have not considered Unlawful contracts.
I would like to request an application of Mercenary movement in to be put in place so I may able to help those brave men who lost there lives to that derlict(merc) ship
if my ethics are to be questioned here is transmission of the bountys that was placed and my answer to them.
I engaged into talks with Derelict[merc] earlier today. I switched on my comms to see that it was almost to failure point with a full blown arguement. I intervened, asking what the problem was.
Derelict[Merc] had opened fire on titan true enough. However i did receive a complaint saying that it was an ICO ship that had ordered Derelict to leave liberty space. USS Titan has logs on the registration and codes of the ICO ship. Derelict[Merc] then proceeded to destroy said ICO ship after being shot at as a result of not leaving the system.
Now, as far as i know, the actions Derelict took against Titan were unjust, however his actions against the ICO and subsequent complaint to me were. I have not been informed by SA and LSF high command that the ICO ships are allowed to enforce the Mercenary ban. Is this true? If it is not then i propose we take a look at these ICO ships and their actions, as i have received several complaints, all pointing to ICO enforcing a law that, to all my knowledge, they are not entitled to enforce.
Derelict[Merc] was then asked to leave the liberty systems by myself to which he agreed, stating that i had the authority to remove him. I was however attacked by Xeno terrorists that we were hunting at the time. My ship was disabled and i had to eject. This ended what turned out to be a very very stressful morning's work.
Please, let us just make sure everyone knows who can enforce what...
I'd received word of pirate activity in the California system so; I flew over there in my Guardian to investigate, once I reached the California -> Magellan Jump Gate it became apparent that I had chosen the wrong ship as there I encountered Discordant.Melodies, an Outcast-aligned Lane Hacker Gunship. As I wasn't immediately fired upon, I scanned the ship and found that... hostages had been taken! (1, 2) Because I was flying my Guardian; I didn't demand the release of the hostages but, I was able to tractor in the escape pods of a civilian and two Liberty Police officers, at which point the Outcast fired on me, asking that I surrender them to him. With my bats/bots running low and my guns barely scratching the gunship's shielding; I fled to Planet Manhattan and released the pilots into medical care before getting into my Liberty Gunboat, the Scottsdale so that I could rescue the hostages. ((Discordant.Melodies allowed me to do so, after I asked him for permission))
I found Discordant.Melodies around 5k from Mactan Base and declared my intentions. During the battle that ensued; a trader named Term arrived from the direction of the Leeds Jump Hole, and the gunship moved to engage him with me on his tail. Regretfully; I was unable to save the transport, as the gunship's firepower proved too much for its hull to take. ((Term wasn't asked for any credits but; in my opinion, he was "in the wrong place, at the right time" and don't think Discordant.Melodies is deserving of a sanction.))
Eventually; after bringing the gunship near destruction, the hostages were released into my custody but, before I was able to bring the pirate to justice for the destruction of Term's transport, Discordant.Melodies had jumped to Vespucci. After this, I returned to Planet Manhattan with the hostages. (3)