(06-20-2013, 04:57 AM)people in thread Wrote: Touhou
I love those games. Only one I can reliably clear without continues is Imperishable Night, though. Working on Subterranean Animism but Satori is giving me trouble. It's always around the 4th stages that things start to bugger up |:
Subterranean has always been one of my favorites, took me 'forever' to complete it though. It does get really difficult.
(06-20-2013, 07:12 AM)Omicega Wrote: Satori is giving me trouble.
*Looks at avatar*
Sorru. I am sorru.
I play Touhou casually. Play it on my laptop while waiting for people.
I can usually complete 1 level without dying on lunatic, but that's about as far as my abilities go.
Lunatic is a bit silly. I feel like with the bullet density and speed on that mode it gets less about twitch dodging and reacting to patterns etc. and more about just rote memorisation; you just have to KNOW that a particular pattern is coming and exactly how to beat it, rather than reacting on-the-fly. Granted, there's situations like that in all difficulties, but I think Lunatic takes it too far.
That, or I'm just upset that I suck and can't pass "Border of Wave and Particle" on Normal despite it being a real fun card. Gone out on it like 3 times now.
(06-19-2013, 08:44 PM)LolRawr!? Wrote: I guess you could say that I'm a bit of an otaku, at least compared to some people...but if /jp/ is like a 4chan board or something, no, I don't go there...but I do love me some good anime.
So hi.
I'm the same, I like to watch anime from time to time (I was a hardcore anime fan for a little while there), but I'm not into it so much these days.
I'm like trying to beat all touhou games in order on Normal and No CC (All Chars And All Good And Bad Endings), So far that's not going well mainly cause i get distracted by anime and playing other games ;-;