wedge, i'll make statements for the SF, you give opinions.
Ok I agree about the alliance being cut.
Hey Josh, you could always come back to SF.....
Admiral for the books am for the alliance.
Is dab in SF ? no sir he's not . So why are we having nay say. this is aliance between SF an DVL. why would you let some one take something away from us that would not hurt us in the long run but help us in the long run?
wedge antilles,May 13 2006, 06:35 PM Wrote:Is dab in SF ? no sir he's not . So why are we having nay say. this is aliance between SF an DVL. why would you let some one take something away from us that would not hurt us in the long run but help us in the long run?
Uh no I'm not in SF, and what does that have to do with anything. I'm jsust saying you aren't leader so you shouldn't be saying things liek that about something that is the decision of the leader.
Jamez,May 13 2006, 04:56 PM Wrote:Well you see the SF is a bretonian clan, and the DVL is a Kusari house clan. Bretonia and Kusari are supposed to be at war or at the brink of war.
I agreed to the alliance because Josh is my friend.
But if Igiss says its a bad idea, it's most likely a bad idea.
How? those are ncp .
Were not ncp. Plus the NCP bertonia an the NCP kusari are the ones at the brink of war not us .(I wish the sev was up right now)
Yes i know you an jush are friend . I've been talking to him. Am the one who talk to him about making alliance with you. So we could better are two clans.
Dab,May 13 2006, 05:33 PM Wrote:Please use better grammer its hard to read your writing.
Also its NPC not NCP.
And this is a roleplaying server. We make our factions as roleplaying factions ollowing the game, news, and storyline.
ooo sorry about the grammer. ok I see your point but only the roleplaying part of it. this alliance is to better both are clans.roleplaying has notthing to do with it.