(01-12-2014, 08:55 AM)Drrobe Wrote: So - Just got done watching all 6 Star Wars movies in one day. My eyes hurt.
But, with that - My mind is full of Star Wars.
So, lets start talking. I want to know your Star Wars thoughts. You know, stuff like
Favorite movie
Favorite Char
GU or EU
Favorite Story Arch
Annnnnnd go:
(I'm also partaking of the green goodies, so mind is... yeah)
Holy shoot that's one hell of a grind, I might be able to do a trilogy in one sitting but not all 6.
Han Solo rocks and doesn't need no hokey pokey fantasy crap to get through the day. His earlier training in the Imperial Army showed he was the top of his class. His successes as a smuggler was even more fantastic then his military career and by the time of the New Jedi Order he's one of the most experienced and succesful Generals of the New Republic. By this time he can take on Jedi and Sith (I doubt full masters though unless they meet in spaceship combat) he's so combat aware and experienced. Look at his first meeting with Darth Vader, now yes he wasn't effective because Darth Vader is not only a Sith Master but a Force Prodigy to boot, Han was fully distracted and not expecting to see him yet without hesitation, without stalling or even showing a hint of being caught unaware he instantly had his blaster our and shooting at Vader while everyone else was still slack jawed. Han is an example of how skilled a man can get without the need for magic.
No idea what your acronyms mean. GU or EU?
The Star Wars story arc I've taken a liking too is the books detailing the New Jedi Era when the Yuuzhon Vong invade. The Bothan Frey'a is the head of the New Republic. Luke made a new less restrictive Jedi Order (because he was only trained to fight by the last two Jedi and was never trained how to teach the force or it's finer philosophies) and is causing new Dark Side users to appear everywhere.
I know quite a bit of the Old Republican era thanks to video gameslike the KOTOR series and SWTOR. It's interesting from a fictional historian perspecitve.
I also like both Star Wars and Star Trek. Why people bicker over two seperate creative works is beyond me. The two is apples and oranges. The fact that the only thing they really share in common is that it's in space isn't good enough to compare the two with each other. I like them both.
edit add: Expanded Universe then while always giving credit to George Lucas for creating the foundational setting with soo much detail that it's what makes all else possible, indeed if he hadn't been detailed when creating his new galaxy other's wouldn't be motivated in expanding upon it as there wouldn't be content to work with.
(not that I aspire to be a RL smuggler, but) Han Solo was my childhood hero. I would have gladly had all the prequels and sequels to be about Han. Force vs Harrison Ford? That's a no brainer.
No atmosphere? GTFO.
The propeller is the greatest invention of all time.