' Wrote:the junker's union is still in planning. The tenacity has been destroyed (aka no longer exists on the server) but I still have some funds set aside to get started back up once 4.85 hits. Right now it's all about waiting for the new ships to back the character's RP, and after the character comes the faction.
There's the junker congress already in existence, which 'controls' puerto rico and most of the liberty junkers (at least, I assume that's their primary zoi), and there's that junker people's party or whatever it ends up getting called that's being started as well - and it will operate within bretonia/taus. The junker's union will be based within rheinland, sigma 13, and omega 15.
Hopefully once all three of these are fully established and start working together, we can gain a bit of momentum in junker activities and 'earn' that respect we've been denied.
This is moving in the direction that Xoria suggested & I think it will do us well. I've been a free agent, and I've drifted between Trafalgar, Rochester & Yanagi doing my stuff & what I've seen is our bases being used as launching pads for others who don't give a monkeys about the Junkers. I was in S-13 the other day & 2 pirates were merily plying their trade - Ok by me, but when business was quiet the odd Junker NPC got blown away...the pirate would drift away...F1...return & repeat. In fairness I think a few CDs just went amiss. I told them to go, but a freighter ain't gonna compete with a Fighter & a Bomber. I don't want to feel impotent again at my own base! :angry:
RL is gonna swamp me for the rest of August, but when September comes I'll be cracking my knuckles.
I just hope jinx's junker salvage frigate is decent in combat, since it's the only thing that will even resemble a 'capital ship' for junkers without using stuff from other factions. I suggested several times that it be similar to the container transport - with a high amount of armor and a large number of transport turrets, but enough cargo space to serve our needs.
Right now I am in a collector but I plan to equip a bomber (taiidan most likely) and gunboat (rogue) for Junker defense. I think all of these groups can work together as long as no one looses sight of the true goal. (My family plans to join all three.)
Hopefully my stay at the Rochester medical facility will end soon and we can meet up on the smelter to talk things over.
Quote:I just hope jinx's junker salvage frigate is decent in combat, since it's the only thing that will even resemble a 'capital ship' for junkers without using stuff from other factions. I suggested several times that it be similar to the container transport - with a high amount of armor and a large number of transport turrets, but enough cargo space to serve our needs.
.. Unfortunately, judging from a PM I recieved from Jinx, the new Junker ship will be a (roughly) cruiser-sized repair ship with only moderate, unorthodox combat capabilities (three turrets, I'm hearing). I was hoping this ship would fill the Junker's dire need for a combat ship, but it seems that isn't going to happen. Here's the exact PM, if you're interested:
"Jinx Wrote:ah, but thats a repair ship - supposed to be:
so, not really a transport - but more an extremely heavy repairship that is capable of being near invulnerable due to the high amount of bats/bots - and to fend off the casual attacker ( by using its 3 turrets - which are ideally missile turrets )
the stats above were suggested to igiss - but i don t know what HE does of it.... prolly go for something lower after all.
As for the original topic, well.. My "combat" Junker flies an IMG Gunboat (which happens to be the sistership of another like her). I sometimes feel dirty when flying this Gunboat as a Junker, but since we don't have our own GB (or any other respectable combat vessel, for that matter) I deal with it and play it off as if I simply bought it from the IMG.
I tend to play my Junkers as opportunistic "entrepreneurs" who'll go to almost any length for a juicy reward. Most of them usually end up being petty criminals of sorts, but I do have one particular Junker who's beginning to aim for large scale operations n' such. Lately Junkers have alot to be annoyed about (and not just from Liberty), and so I try to reflect this in all my Junker characters.
Your average Junker is a scavenger, and maybe a part-time thug. You're starting to see alot of militant Junkers popping up, though.
Quote:There's the junker congress already in existence, which 'controls' puerto rico and most of the liberty junkers (at least, I assume that's their primary zoi)
.. Junker congressmen also frequent Omega-15/Bornholm. Also, it should probably be clarified that not all with the .:j:. tag are "congressmen" (atleast, my Junker isn't), but many are also grunts/operatives.
Our ZOI is the same wandering one all Junkers have but our RP is centered on Puerto Rico and one other place I can't say 'cause its a secret.
We have no intention of claiming bases or systems other than applying for system ownership when we are eligible and assuming we get approval.
The main things we want to do are set up "role play intrigues and story events" and in general act as a "rapid response force" and public voice for Junkerism in Sirius.
So other factions can come in aand make a base "their turf" with no conflict from us. We just go where we are needed and leave when we are not (I watched "Nanny McPhee" with my wife last night:))
And we've managed to help take down *BH* twice now and drive him off twice!
Quote:.. Junker congressmen also frequent Omega-15/Bornholm. Also, it should probably be clarified that not all with the .:j:. tag are "congressmen" (atleast, my Junker isn't), but many are also grunts/operatives.
They may visit, but it doesnt mean that's where they're based out of. Besides, my Junker's Union is "taking over" omega 15 as it's home system =P That's not to say other junkers arent allowed there, but they should at least acknowledge the Junker's Union as the governing body of that area. We still 'look up' to the congress as the overall central leadership of all junker groups, however.
Quote:.. Unfortunately, judging from a PM I recieved from Jinx, the new Junker ship will be a (roughly) cruiser-sized repair ship with only moderate, unorthodox combat capabilities (three turrets, I'm hearing). I was hoping this ship would fill the Junker's dire need for a combat ship, but it seems that isn't going to happen. Here's the exact PM, if you're interested:
I received the same, but as it stands repair ships are not needed in this mod. They're a joke, and are not effective in any combat situation.
Hopefully Igiss sees that, and gives the thing at least enough firepower to ward off fighters and bombers - Like I said, even having container-transport like stats would be great. 12-14 transport turrets, cruiser-level armor, a transport shield, and high cargo space. It maintains the need of a junker ship to be able to carry cargo and salvage, while serving as a psuedo-capship for us to defend our bases with.
I was rereading and regarding the "selfish--what's in it for me?" angle, I'd say Junkers can have one other equally strong imperative, "What's in it for us?"
And I am so looking forward to those new ships. It will be a real delight to play with Junker firepower and not the hodge podge mix of ships. Love the Collector though!
Junkers, like Zoners (should be) are very open in terms of what your character can be like.
If you're a Corsair you have to be a bloodthirsty pirate. If you're a member of the LSF you've got to play as an opressive rule-book loving no-nonsense un-questioning enforcer of Liberty law.
If you're a Junker or a Zoner, you're a businessman, and that's it. That's all the guidance you're given. The rest is up to you.
If I where a Junker, I'd make a big effort to create a distinct and unique personality for my character. I'd have friends in some organisations, and be prejeduce against others regardless of diplomatic status.
Carlos Benitez is defined by what he does, but to be honest has nothing special in regard to personality. On the other hand, my smuggler character Sean Ashcroft the 2nd (who I spend about 2% of my game-time on) has a much more colourful personality despite the lack of attention I give him.
I think, for a Junker or Zoner to really shine, their personality must be developed above all else.
We're a bit of everything. We all want a fast cred, but see different ways of doing it. I always imagine myself to be a bit of a "white van driver" - will break the law when it conveniences me, but if the eyes are on me I'll be a legit trader. I'm a bit of a loner, but like us all I care deeply about what the Junkers as a whole are doing & hope Tink & TC do well. I'll gladly help all 3 groups unquestionally, but if its not reciprocated then "what's in it for me?" to coin the phrase that has defined this thread.
We are getting more militant, but this is more in response to our environment & when we get a handle on it, we'll revert to civilian roles again.