I've had two or three encounters with PLR, and the RP is outstanding. Especially the way you pirated a transport, for a pen and a hat xD I really do hope you guys get officialdom, because you deserve it.
Rogues against Cardamine. How interesting. Lets see how our next encounters will work out, we've quite a while not been to Liberty.
But from the encounters we had back the days, good show.
Also Moka, one day... one day... we'll send an assassin after you.
(02-23-2014, 02:13 PM)Sol Wrote: Since you're focusing on northern Liberty, I am sure us people in the [KNF] will see you often, and we'll keep on playing nice, minding for the fun of both sides.
That's the plan..... Nothing like good ol' Liberty Rogues making them selves at home in your space demanding your pants
(02-23-2014, 02:22 PM)|BH|Dida Wrote: Hahah thumbs up from me... was quite unusual to ask for my pants. You guys are ton of fun hope this goes through. Best wishes
Well, Minty decided she liked them, a lot, and therefore must have them. Its a pity you didn't have the post-it notes. Many an idea has since been forgotten. That was a great encounter with you guys.
(02-23-2014, 02:40 PM)sathish.wazza Wrote: Good luck Alte,I would love to join you guys if only I was good in PvP,I suck at that.
RP over PVP. We will try to RP a situation out before fighting, and those who don't feel like they will be help if it does turn bad can always leave the area before it gets to that point. We usually work well together in group chat, so everyone knows whats happening...... And when to run! (We also try work on the 'no Rogue left behind' thing. Usually one or two of the more senior members will come back and either get you out of there or die trying. )
(02-23-2014, 03:16 PM)Floyd.G.Murphy Wrote: Someone asked for a nice hat, and another asked for a blue pen. *smiles*
That hat is still being talked about today! Must be a very impressive one indeed...
You guys are all awesome. Thanks for the feedback, and see you in space!!
(02-23-2014, 08:18 PM)Divine Wrote: Rogues against Cardamine. How interesting. Lets see how our next encounters will work out, we've quite a while not been to Liberty.
But from the encounters we had back the days, good show.
We're not against the trade of Cardimine in Liberty, we're against the dependency the general Rogues have upon it and as we are the Rogues guards with our home system our priority. So we don't want frittered pilots who are unreliable for being on the crack. We're better than the average Rogue, therefore being condescended by our bigger allies is something we're trying to get away from as a player faction.
This is not too say we're trying to change Rogue lore, as no matter what the course, Cardimine pays the majority of the bills. NPC Rogues (and their respective player factions) can earn that money from the trade, as it technically still goes into the NPC Rogue coffers upon which we base off.
(02-23-2014, 08:18 PM)Divine Wrote: Also Moka, one day... one day... we'll send an assassin after you.
Some concerns I would like to see addressed; (forgive me if these have been answered elsewhere, I don't read everything)
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: The Padua Liberty Rogues have evolved into the group responsible for the defense of Cassini and the Liberty Rogues' most sensitive technology and information.
Is the current official Rogue faction ok with you staking claim to Cassini like that? They are the ones that designed the system and got it into the mod, it'd be rather impolite to just roll up and go 'hey, this is cool, we're setting up shop'.
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: They consider themselves the elite Rogue Guards, in the last line in defending Lord Moka's empire and employ various nefarious means to fight bitterly against all that try to test the defenses.
Not a question, but that sentence made my head hurt from the grammatical and flow problems.
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: As Lord Moka invested most of his treasury into building bigger and better weapons for the Rogues, the PLR have a stockpile of various ships and gear left over from The Nonsense Factory research department which they use to their advantage against their foes.
'olol, we haz fun toys because plot!' ??
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: Rogues are expected to run when encountering any enemy unless friendly forces are sure to win in a battle. Do NOT lead enemy forces to a Rogue base. You are expected to lose your tail by some other means.
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: Cardamine
No Padua Liberty Rogues are permitted to partake in the use of Cardamine; not even those that were already addicted when they joined, as is the tradition in the Liberty Rogues.
Cardi addictions are for life. Not "heroin is hard to quit" for life, "your genetic code is altered and you die if you quit" for life.
Quote:->Rumor #131989:
They say if you want to get in with the Outcasts, get friendly with the Rogues. Then graduate to the Lane Hackers. Run some drugs. Then you're on your way. Hard to turn back at that point, since you'll be a Cardamine addict for life.
* Bounty Hunter/Hunter Spike Ruffins
->Rumor #133435:
The Golden Chrysanthemums are becoming too close to the Outcasts. The allure of Cardamine is seductive, but deadly. If you use too much of it, irreversible physiological changes occur in our body. You are no longer truly human. That is the curse of the Outcasts.
* Blood Dragons/ Naoko Shimizu
->Rumor #132338:
Cardamine was the one good thing that fate gave us. When we first landed on Malta the weak who didn't want to live anymore could go to a better place chewing the orange grass. It was also a curse, as we became dependent on Cardamine to survive, though we don't get a high from it anymore. Now we use Cardamine to make money. Eventually we'll run Sirius. Once a large enough portion of the populace is hooked, we've got them.
* Outcasts/ Howard Desmond
->Rumor #131536:
The Outcasts use our base as one of their R & R bases on the long journey into Liberty from the Edge Worlds. We trade information for Cardamine, which we need on a daily basis. Funny, we didn't use to need it all the time like nowadays. We have to take Cardamine with us any time we leave base, as we start to get sick pretty quick otherwise.
* Lane Hackers/ Allan Von Krunk
->Rumor #525365:
.One of my friends, Carlos Ricardo, spent too long out on patrol and ran out of Cardamine for several hours. He's down in the medical bay recovering, so let his story be a lesson to you. If you're truly addicted to Cardamine, always make sure you have enough, because people like the Outcasts and the Lane Hackers cannot survive very long without it. I heard some scientists say once that it mutates human DNA, so that we're not even truly human anymore, but that's ok. Humanity abandoned the Outcasts long ago.
* Outcasts/Amatista Olivo
"If you are addicted to Cardi, and you quit, you die"
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: Mission Statement
The modern Padua Liberty Rogues exist for the sole purpose of defending Cassini and what it contains from all outside threats. Any other objectives or purposes existing aside from this one take a backseat to their primary objective which will always remain the same.
The long term goal of the Padua Liberty Rogues is to re-take Cassini, eradicating all foreign influences from those not their allies in the system.
Those seem like some very static goals, what are you doing to accomplish them ingame?
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: New York is a common place for pesky foreign capital ships to be found. Moka's Rogue Laws state foreign capital ships are not permitted to operate in Liberty without permission, and being followers of Moka and his ways, The Padua Liberty Rogues can be found here ridding Liberty of the problem, protecting their turf and upholding their law.
How are foreign capships in New York the concern of a group that is focused on defending Cassini? Is this not just cheap thrills at the expense of newer players who just got capships they want to try out?
(02-23-2014, 03:56 AM)Padua Liberty Rogues Wrote: Shikoku:
The Padua Liberty Rogues recently ventured into Shikoku and found it to be a nice change from Liberty, and the Liberty forces.
Again, if the primary goal is to defend and cleanse Cassini, what are you doing in Shikoku?
Overall, I didn't mind the writeup or faction, I'm just concerned about the "oh, we have magic toys because we spent money gotten from Cardamine and piracy, and we don't need the Outcasts anymore" themes in the Rogues the last few years. I'm also very concerned about the lore inaccuracies regarding Cardi. For a faction that claims to be "all about the roleplay" and "not trying to change Rogue lore", that's a lot of changes to Rogue lore.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Is the current official Rogue faction ok with you staking claim to Cassini like that? They are the ones that designed the system and got it into the mod, it'd be rather impolite to just roll up and go 'hey, this is cool, we're setting up shop'.
It is more a RP mentality the PLR: have "We are leet, and because the LR- cant, we will". We have had talks with the leader of LR- about this, and with the Colorado and north systems being PLR:'s, the rest being the LR-'s. Of course, at the end of the day we are all Rogues, and territory doesn't really matter.
It's more the 'gang turf' mentality.
Putting it simply: Yes, we work very closely with LR-.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Not a question, but that sentence made my head hurt from the grammatical and flow problems.
Whoops. I'll try re-word it. English isn't my best suit.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: 'olol, we haz fun toys because plot!' ??
There was a bit of RP behind this, and one ship has a SRP for it, the rest of the folk know there needs to be good stuff written before they can use non-Rogue stuff. Not just "because"
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Nice.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Cardi addictions are for life. Not "heroin is hard to quit" for life, "your genetic code is altered and you die if you quit" for life.
We know -.-
However, we do have one using cardimine in PLR: and there has been some good RP behind the reasoning there. Moka has always disliked it, and being so dependant on outcasts because of it. So again, there has been substantial RP done over the years when Moka was warlord in LR- and PLR:.
As far as I am aware, LR- are still into the cardimine thing, so we aren't actually ruling it out completely, and we know it is a Rogue thing. As a group of Rogues though, we follow Moka's law, as loyal followers.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Those seem like some very static goals, what are you doing to accomplish them ingame?
Granted, that needs work. We initially thought that would be a good thing to do. But when we realized how freaking boring it is because no one goes to Cassini anymore..... We kinda came to a stand still there, and it is on our to-do list to fix up and get some direction there.
It made a lot more sense when the jump hole was actually in Galileo.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: How are foreign capships in New York the concern of a group that is focused on defending Cassini? Is this not just cheap thrills at the expense of newer players who just got capships they want to try out?
Again, very long standing RP with Moka's law. And not too different to the LN not wanting capital ships. We do occasionally operate in New York for that reason.
Well. It is all well and good operating in the north Liberty parts, but reality is they are pretty inactive. And 95% of the folk in PLR: want to interact with other players. So, we allowed them to go to New York if reports of a capital ship have been made to give them that interaction.
If the cap RPs, we are far less inclined to shoot it.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Again, if the primary goal is to defend and cleanse Cassini, what are you doing in Shikoku?
We can't necessarily smuggle much into Cassini, we can't shoot people who aren't there, and we needed something to keep people logging and add some interest. We are more often then not looting NPCs in Shikoku, for money. And the way I see it.... If KNF and co. log to tell us to leave, activity is Kusari isn't really a bad thing. Especially if everyone enjoys it (And I believe the last time I was there during an interaction with them, pants were pirated and fight followed. Everyone enjoyed it as far as I am aware).
So, activity really.
Again, it made more sense when the Jump hole was actually in Galileo. That being moved made things a little more complicated and has essentially forced us to primarily work more South in Liberty then we actually want to.
(Keep in mind the other intention of the ZOIs was to spread out activity and not have it all in New York.)
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Overall, I didn't mind the writeup or faction, I'm just concerned about the "oh, we have magic toys because we spent money gotten from Cardamine and piracy, and we don't need the Outcasts anymore" themes in the Rogues the last few years. I'm also very concerned about the lore inaccuracies regarding Cardi. For a faction that claims to be "all about the roleplay" and "not trying to change Rogue lore", that's a lot of changes to Rogue lore.
Yeah, you are right with the changing Rogue lore thing.
We know that the Rogues lore is as it is, and its only really the views of our group - not necessarily Rogues in general, and we don't push it onto Rogues - short of giving the ones with cardi a hard time in RP. And we are intending on, at some point, looking into whether getting our own ID may be a better way to go. As a group though, we believe different groups should be allowed to have different ideas and opinions as long as we don't cause trouble. It just adds to the roleplay rather then 'all of X faction will love you if you do Y'. It means people actually need to talk to their allies in game rather then a simple "hi" as they jump through to the next system.
What we are trying to do is pretty tricky, finding the right balance between stuff being fun for the people in the group - as well as having a good time for people who come into contact with our group.
I do realize this needs a few things changed to make it make more sense, and your points will certainly be taken into consideration while we tweak things and wording slightly.
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Cardi addictions are for life. Not "heroin is hard to quit" for life, "your genetic code is altered and you die if you quit" for life.
We know -.-
However, we do have one using cardimine in PLR: and there has been some good RP behind the reasoning there. Moka has always disliked it, and being so dependant on outcasts because of it. So again, there has been substantial RP done over the years when Moka was warlord in LR- and PLR:.
That roleplay doesn't change the lore. "You quit cardi, you die". So either your group needs to allow current users to keep using, or not accept members who are hooked.
(05-10-2014, 04:01 AM)Mrs. Altejago Wrote:
(05-10-2014, 03:34 AM)mwerte Wrote: Those seem like some very static goals, what are you doing to accomplish them ingame?
Granted, that needs work. We initially thought that would be a good thing to do. But when we realized how freaking boring it is because no one goes to Cassini anymore..... We kinda came to a stand still there, and it is on our to-do list to fix up and get some direction there.
It made a lot more sense when the jump hole was actually in Galileo.
Well. It is all well and good operating in the north Liberty parts, but reality is they are pretty inactive. And 95% of the folk in PLR: want to interact with other players. So, we allowed them to go to New York if reports of a capital ship have been made to give them that interaction.
As discussed on Skype. If the primary goals of your faction are going to lead to your faction being inactive, something's gotta change.
(05-10-2014, 04:01 AM)Mrs. Altejago Wrote: We know that the Rogues lore is as it is, and its only really the views of our group - not necessarily Rogues in general, and we don't push it onto Rogues - short of giving the ones with cardi a hard time in RP. And we are intending on, at some point, looking into whether getting our own ID may be a better way to go. As a group though, we believe different groups should be allowed to have different ideas and opinions as long as we don't cause trouble.
That's the problem though, as an unofficial faction, you can do slightly weird things, but as an official faction, you set the tone for how your NPC faction works, both ingame with making cardi users' lives difficult, and through development, by lobbying for your PoV. Neither of those are bad, but they do need to fall within the bounds of lore.
(05-10-2014, 09:51 PM)mwerte Wrote: That's the problem though, as an unofficial faction, you can do slightly weird things, but as an official faction, you set the tone for how your NPC faction works, both ingame with making cardi users' lives difficult, and through development, by lobbying for your PoV. Neither of those are bad, but they do need to fall within the bounds of lore.
We could certainly go into a lengthy discussion on the subtle differences between loreplaying and roleplaying, but this is actually more a case of keeping up-to-date with the lore. The issue with recruiting cardamine addicts is easily reconciled with the recent introduction of Stabiline into the game. Will addicts with dependencies and DNA alteration be treated the same? Probably not, but "You quit cardi, you die" has been a thing of the past for a while.
Furthermore, although the official faction's inactivity is unfortunate, this can still open new avenues for interaction with Cryer Pharmaceuticals.
Stabiline is produced by Cryer Pharmaceuticals through an advanced nanomanufacturing process in a zero gravity environment. The drug is a synthetic copy of essential chemical molecules that are found naturally in Cardamine, with one crucial difference: Stabiline does not create further genetic alteration in the DNA of the user. Regular doses of Stabiline may replace Cardamine intake, resulting in an addict who is no longer dependent on an illegal substance, although the pharmaceutical does not reduce the pre-existing chemical dependency, nor does it reverse previous DNA alteration. Side-effects are the same as from consuming Cardamine, although use of Stabiline does not involve a biochemical dependency unless the user is already addicted to Cardamine.