@Swissscorch: I was the BS that took down the Osiris. A BH dessie was being savaged by the Order Osiris and a Bomber (evidently you). I tried to react realistically by aiding the BH. I certainly wasn't going roll down my window and blow kisses at you guys as I headed toward Alaska. If you had been in my shoes you would have engaged the hostile ship. At least I assume as much. By pure serendipity I happened to be in OM to witness the slugfest with the other BH.
I enjoy flying caps. What is fun for you isn't necessarily fun for me or for some others. I've flown LFs and VHFs on another server, and frankly I'm tired of them. I have my own reasons for flying caps, none of which have anything to do with the desire to pwn other players.
I try to be fair and cut slack when possible. Collecting frags isn't my ultimate goal. Some examples: a Corsair Osiris was guarding the the jh to O41 in OG. He asked me what I was doing and I replied that I was en route to FP5. He told me to turn around and go to the OT jh. I said it ain't happening. He opened fire. A couple of minutes later he told me to cease fire and I did so. He yielded and I continued to the O41 jh. I could have finished him off, but I thought that it was unnecessary, since he yielded.
Second example: I was gathering OC prisoners in OB near the S19 jh. An OC dessie showed up. We traded verbally barbs. He demanded my 115 prisoners. I told him they were being brought in for interrogation concerning their dealings with the Nomads in OA. I left OB and proceeded to my destination when the dessie intercepted me and opened fire. He screamed "For Malta" and then his ship expanded into a cloud of incandescent gas. He was gutsy and had no intention of surrendering. I had avoided for as long as I could. Had he not followed me, I wouldn't have even engaged him.
As a rule of thumb, I don't engage single fighters. Now bombers I tend to more ruthless with. It only takes two to ruin my day. If one is buzzing me (flying nearby), I will try to nail it so I don't have one less bomber to deal with when his 2-5 buddies arrive.
In generally, I'm usually the one on the receiving end of pvp ownage. If it isn't a Corsair flotilla after me, it's an Outcast one. As far as quality of rp is concerned, I don't see a huge problem: they simply want to eliminate a potentially dangerous ship for violating their space. Basically it was the same situation when I still flew the gunship. Only my ship has changed.
At the moment, the BH is at war with the Order. That is my understanding - if I am wrong please update me. OM is one of the battlefields, but there are certainly others. Personally, I don't spend a great deal of time in OM. Piloting a BS in there is a hassle.
@stewcool: Yep, I have cap 8 armor. I'll sell it when SNs disappear from this server. A BS is a big target and it needs all the armor it can get.
hmm, funny, when i read this topic, almost all have bh fighters or bombers. i will nto say that it is not true, i know that it is, but boys where are you hidden? why is not someone from you in delta, o41,gamma, or minor ? not to attack us in fighters, but to teach the indies and the capwhores why it is better and more funny and better in roleplay to fly a smaller ship. because nothing personal to noone, but who can say me, when in last year was bounty hutner attack on gamma, with more fighters as capital ships??? i think noone ....
and when i am on all my chars and i meet bounty hunter, in 99 percent is that indie in destroyer or bigger... and that is problem. and sad is, that this end as cap whoring problem with mercenaries .... and some good players and people will be punished for some pvp cap whores ....
@Klaw. Your bomber was the only one I ever saw in Minor, which is good, and I think I just invited you to bring all your BH ships to minor lol *head desk*
@Skoorb. I know it's easy to get killed there if you stand still, and it's as easy for Bounty Hunters as it is for Order fighters. I have that problem too but I'm in my fighter most of the time and I don't complain so that's no excuse for the BH caps.
@Magoo. I know what the infocard says... and I think it needs changing.
@Meggido. Yes, I remember you. And honestly, up until I read your message I just thought you were another indie BH BS. But I guess you have shown your RP behind it. Although I see you around alot lol, and I'm curious as to why you entered Omicron 100 yesterday and logged out there, hehe.
But yeah, I think I just got everyone who has BH fighters and bombers to turn towards Minor lol. Now we got the caps and the little fish XD.
Still, it's good to see that many people agree and have also noticed this. Hopefully the message gets out and playing gets better.
BHG seems to be an ID for capship whorage with no limits from any 'official' faction.
I have a BHG account, but he doesn't know anything about the Order or Omicron Minor, but he has heard rumours and he is probing to find it... Problem is, he has no idea how to get there in his Manta. It would be interesting how people would react if I found my way in there.
I too share this sentiment of BHG capships being everywhere, one fight outside Freeport 9 made about 6 or 7 capitals undock and destroy me in my Taiidan Order Bomber. Typical.
We can all whine and get frustrated, I know it. But we actually NEED A SOLUTION THAT WE CAN ENACT.
Quote:On a more realistic note.... Bounty hunter cap ships are being restricted to the omicrons soon (again last i heard). This means the only place for these cap ships to fly is in order space.
DarkWing has been trying to keep our Caps in Omicrons and Omegas and out of the houses as much as possible.
This leaves us as Skorb said stuck in O Delta, and protecting O15 and O56. With our Caps. I am afraid the community has pushed these caps on your space. (plenty of threads on why this is)
Although I am sure your not finding DW caps camping your system as contrary to popular beliefe we don't fly caps that often. The only reason you haven't seen us there. But that is why all those BH are there.
I think that getting your own CAP is probably best option, and maybe some day you will see Cap'n Crunch SR. looking for you in minor.:ylove:
Currently DW is the only official Bounty Hunter faction and I have made inquiries about trying to take steps to limit the independet BH that go around with no other purpose but to attack pirates for no reason with battlecruisers. There are quite a few BH independents that try to do what BH should be doing, the main issue is that they are few where the "I want to pwn people" players are the most visible due to the number of them.
The way that I look at it is this, until DW's purchase of Omega-56 is approved, we dont have the right to issue restrictions on other players and the BH ships that they use. When it is approved then I would like to get at least 1 member from the other organized BH groups to form into a council and then policies can be enacted. Then if a BH is going around doing nothing but flying into Gamma or Minor then it can be addressed.
And yes, the war has been over for a very long time and I think a review of the war between the BH, Liberty and the Order should be done.
' Wrote:Fletcher,
Currently DW is the only official Bounty Hunter faction and I have made inquiries about trying to take steps to limit the independet BH that go around with no other purpose but to attack pirates for no reason with battlecruisers. There are quite a few BH independents that try to do what BH should be doing, the main issue is that they are few where the "I want to pwn people" players are the most visible due to the number of them.
The way that I look at it is this, until DW's purchase of Omega-56 is approved, we dont have the right to issue restrictions on other players and the BH ships that they use. When it is approved then I would like to get at least 1 member from the other organized BH groups to form into a council and then policies can be enacted. Then if a BH is going around doing nothing but flying into Gamma or Minor then it can be addressed.
And yes, the war has been over for a very long time and I think a review of the war between the BH, Liberty and the Order should be done.
I don't mean to brand the entire BHG as capships galore, and in hindsight, I should have reworded my post.
Most of the time I am on I almost always see BHG capships with no RP in Omicrons. But there are a few RP'ing capships I know, and I know you'll need capital ships to survive the purple flying tentacle termites in the Omicrons, however there are many flying SHF/VHF and bombers out there.
But it is probably since I hang around NY and Minor/Delta a lot.
' Wrote:<snip>
I have a BHG Manta, Hammerhead, and Bomber (I had a Bs| Cruiser take pot-shots at me as I went to get the SN:dry:), and if you want some BHG fighters that way, I can put the Manta on FP11 and harass you some, though I usually hang out around Bretonia.
<double snip>
Zapp, I only did that because I knew it was you. Besides, if you were a bomber, how was I supposed to know you had a Supernova or not? I couldn't have scanned you in time, and it was all fun and games to begin with. I wasn't out to kill you and neither were you out to drop the Duality.
Anyway, at the topic at hand, I'm very tired of the cap whoring by the Bounty Hunters in our space too. A couple weeks back I checked the server to see who was on, and a pair of DarkWing capitals were in Bs| home system, probably farming Guard pilots or something to that effect. If the BH (and not just DW) keep cap whoring around Omicron Minor, then me and Swiss will have to find a way to counter it. I'm sick and tired of coming across so many of them. And you can bet that I'm working on having an Osiris of my own.
Now, when the time comes that some BH Battlecruiser or Battleship destroys my Viper Mk I, then I'll really be pissed.