' Wrote:human organs - contraband
(these commodities were all stated in the ID proposals)
Exciting and I'm sure theres many more!!!!! :D
ah 5000 human organs in adv. train... wow on which station you want place "butchery" from where all those organs would be?
RP and simple math:
5000 human organs = maybe 1000 dead ppl.? Ok 1 train = 1000 dead ppl... ok with good trade route it can be 5 +/- trains per hour which is 5000 dead ppl. 24 x 5 = 120 trains per day x 365 = 43800 dead ppl. per year... jesus it is genocide!
Main Entry: commode
Pronunciation: \kə-ˈmōd\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from commode, adjective, suitable, convenient, from Latin commodus, from com- + modus measure more at mete
Date: circa 1688
1: a woman's ornate cap popular in the late 17th and early 18th centuries
2 a: a low chest of drawers
b: a movable washstand with a cupboard underneath c: a boxlike structure holding a chamber pot under an open seat ; also : chamber pot
d: toilet
Main Entry: 1toilet
Pronunciation: \ˈtȯi-lət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French toilette cloth on which items used for grooming are placed, from Middle French, piece of batiste, from diminutive of toile cloth
Date: 1667
1archaic : dressing table
2: the act or process of dressing and grooming oneself
3 a (1): bathroom , lavatory 2 (2): privy
b: a fixture that consists usually of a water-flushed bowl and seat and is used for defecation and urination
4: cleansing in preparation for or in association with a medical or surgical procedure <pulmonary toilet>
Main Entry: commodity
Pronunciation: \kə-ˈm?-də-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural commodities
Etymology: Middle English commoditee, from Anglo-French commoditee, from Latin commoditat-, commoditas, from commodus
Date: 15th century
1: an economic good: as a: a product of agriculture or mining b: an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures> c: a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
2 a: something useful or valued <that valuable commodity patience> ; also : thing , entity b: convenience , advantage
3obsolete : quantity , lot
4: a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (as brand name) other than price
5: one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market <stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry Film Quarterly>
well its a good thing i'm not french! (and didn't add an E!)
anyhow back on subject...
Kambei, normal smugglers cannot fly the advanced train in 4.85 (as far as i remember) and your figures were too small... it would be 5000 an hour, 24x5000=120,000 a day, x365.3333 = 43,840,000 people a year killed (isn't that more than the population of sirius?!?)
So I do agree this may be over the top, however i expect they've thought things through (organs grown in labs perhaps?)
we need
BDSM whip, chain and manacles
to go with slaves.
nah, I was joking! Really! don't murder me!
We need starship marines, we need fighter pilot, we need ship captain, we need military officer, we need criminal pilot, we need, terrorist pilot, we need scientist, we need xenoarcheologist, we need a wide list of PEOPLE commodity that wont be seen as contraband.
We also need love and respect.
But maybe not tree huggers.
' Wrote:well its a good thing i'm not french! (and didn't add an E!)
anyhow back on subject...
Kambei, normal smugglers cannot fly the advanced train in 4.85 (as far as i remember) and your figures were too small... it would be 5000 an hour, 24x5000=120,000 a day, x365.3333 = 43,840,000 people a year killed (isn't that more than the population of sirius?!?)
So I do agree this may be over the top, however i expect they've thought things through (organs grown in labs perhaps?)
Realize that each individual cargo unit may be very large indeed and the numbers get even larger. Although your comment about it being larger than the population of Sirius is incorrect. The infocard on Manhattan clearly states that it houses 220 million people, thus far exceeding 43 million or so. Oh, and the infocard is clearly incorrect, as it says that the planet is covered in one huge city. Think about that for a moment... just think. 220 million people... on one planet? And they manage to cover it in a giant city? The population of the entire United States is half again as large as tthat, and the US damn well isn't one huge city. My estimate for the population of Sirius would number in the hundreds of billions, if not more. In fact, for an entire planet to be covered in one giant city, you'd need... well... likely tens of billions or more. Possibly much more. Then, take into account the other houses, the Outcasts and Corsairs, the Zoners, with Planet Gran Canaria, and the multitudinous pirates. The figures for that must be enormous.
EDIT: Alright, I've done some calculations. If we assume that the total land area of Planet Manhattan is the same as that of Earth, and we assume that it has the population density of New York City (which is likely somewhat off, but we may as well sue it as a baseline), then it must contain about 372.35 billion people. That's one planet, people. One planet. Sirius has a population that numbers in the trillions, possibly quadrillions.