(01-14-2017, 04:41 AM)Black Widow Wrote: Actually thats a great texture:
No. It isn't. The worst crime is telling an artist their work is perfect when it's not, and simply re-tiling a different diffuse map on the faces where it doesn't belong creates a weird discontinuity. Your "metallic" material replacement on the hull doesn't even come close to matching the present theme, made even worse by the blue wings. The blue wings on their own could be cool, but I'd avoid using available Freelancer tiles and actually create something more fitting. The guardian was the signature tough ship of liberty in the original game, and damaging that beautiful texture art of the arc formations on the side is just a crime. So, if you don't have the patience to paint a texture that's worth while, don't waste your time. Artwork is sweeter if you take the time required for excellence.
Concerning "too much detail," consider what is required to detail a ship hull. You're obviously going to have rivets, bolts, atmospheric wear, dirt/rust/dust, and many more things. There's a lot of room for detail without creating clutter.
I like it alot and your points are noted but are not of concern.
If you think you can do a better job then you do one? So we may all bask in your glory and marvel in your artistic genius else stop suggesting things coz I dont care....
It looks horrible with that color and the torpedo slot on the cargo doors also looks ridiculous. They can't seem to use their heads to add the torpedo slot under the wings.
Dunno. While I like the idea of replacing some of the overly bland texture on vanila ships, this one is very odd. The sides show a sort of slap-together connection that does not really make sense for a military ship. A pirate or a junker ship, sure, but not on a ship like this.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502