"'Aight. Go ahead, Beth. And tell Andy I to expect two, alright?"
She nodded, smirking as she looked at Nicole before turning and walking away. "Gotcha."
"Up for a round..?"
He smiled rather positively, taking steps in the same direction as Beth, but slower, motioning for Nicole to follow him as he walked. "I dunno why drinks come to mind, but it's something to do while we chat. Besides, you strike me as the kind of girl who enjoys her spirits."
"I do love a good drink, it seems to follow me where ever I go as well. I'd love to have a drink." Nicole followed along, her hands in her hoody's pockets, she seemed carefree at the moment, having lowered her guard. "A nice ship you got here too, must be your living place?"
They continued down the hall, passing a few other ladies by. "Thank you. It's all that reverse dumb pay we got back from that Rheinland guy who sold us the plans for the bodies. About the best thing Max's done around here.."
They reached a small offshoot off the hallway, entering a rather Kusarian themed room with a bar in the back, and numerous booths and table dotted around. There were a few people in the room as well, and one obviously Kusarian guy behind the bar. "I love this room.. A lot of cool stuff goes down here on a regular basis.. You should be here on Fridays when Taki goes to town on some of the sushi he gets from the importers. Friggin' delish. Go ahead and find a seat. I gotta talk with him real quick."
"Fitting for me. I enjoy the theme." She looked around the room, feeling at home again. She let out a relaxed sigh, taking a seat, analyzing the room. "Authentic.." She relaxed, playing with her necklace as she waited, her pink hair partially blinding her, covering her left eye.
He came back from the counter with a bit of a smirk, sitting down on the other side of the table and relaxing himself. "Alright.. should be a good selection heading our way.."
He pulled his arm back over the edge of the chair. "So.. humor me real quick.. How many of the girls have you met so far..?"
"Just a couple of them, like Urma and that one that installed the chip for her.. oh what was the name.. I don't remember the name but she tried to get me in bed." Nicole continued to look over her surroundings before directing her attention to him. "Otherwise, that's all I've met, though I heard of a rather violent one.. and a 'lost' one."
He chuckled. "Not surprising.. they're all girls, so only makes sense they prefer them too.."
He thought her mentioning the 'lost' one. "Shame about her, though.. She used to hate the fact that a lot of them run away.. only to do it herself.. I'm not really so much mad with her as I'm upset I couldn't do anything.. Max always held such a tight leash on them.."
"I do have to ask, what was Max having them poking around secure Navy facilities and databases for? Do you know?" Nicole wasn't able to easily get over that Urma had been poking around Virginia and breaking into Navy databases to extract information, and had to find out why.
"I'm not fully sure, but I'm guessing it had something to do with his whole 'master plan' schpick.. Even that I don't know much about.."
He seemed a little offput by the fact that he couldn't tell her much, despite being one of the closest sources to this 'Max' before his meltdown. "I doubt Lil's ever gave him anything useful.."
One of the bartenders soon approached the two, a pair of bottles in hand. He set them down, giving them a friendly nod before walking away. One bottle looked to be that of Sake, and the other looked to be rum.
"I hope not, but still, it's a serious breach of security, you should be glad I'm the only one who knows about it. Anyone else knew, there'd be marines kicking down the door. But, I don't exactly like doing that, especially to people who don't deserve it." Nicole took a glass, opening the sake, pouring some for herself. "Mmm I do love sake.. some of the best drinks I can get, personally."