If you really want to make a faction, I guess you should take in consideration these questions(I am not saying no to your idea):
1) Are you truly prepared to lead a faction? (Note: Decent english and sense of leadership is required)
2) You wish to expand your RP capabilities so much?
3) Why do you want to create a faction.
4) What are your expectations on your faction?
In any case, I don't see the problem in another faction in Discovery. People who tell you not to do so...well..they are trying to change your thinking by their will. Don't listen to them. I promote new factions in Discovery for the simple reason: This is an ROLEPLAY server, that does not forbid you to do Role Play with another people, to meet great players, and make a LOT of friends. Things are much funnier when doing teamwork, trust me
It is still September 2017. My advice is not to do it before, for example, September 2018. Every new player wants to create his own faction, that's normal, because every normal guy would rather be a leader than a servant. But there are currently more factions than players, and most factions are run by people who have been here longer than you have. If you want your faction to have more members than 1, then you will have to attract players better than other factions run by experienced players, who also have a lot of friends, attract them. You might be a born leader, I don't know that, but even a born leader can't lead without having properly understood his surroundings. My advice is to join an existing faction before you make your own. And who knows, maybe you will advance up through the ranks and, one day, when the old leader gets bored and wants to leave, maybe he will make you the new leader.
If what you say after "September 2018" doesnt change, there will be no discovery in September 18.