Few things...first off, there's been some mutterings from CCS about your tendancy to field GBs against the Scimitars. Now, I have yet to encounter a CR GB ingame, but this may be due to my lack of bomber in the Taus, so this is merely what I've heard.
Secondly, an awful lot of your traders seem unwilling to RP when confronted by a pirate...one even told me that I took the game "too seriously"
Thirdly, I feel there is something not quite right about you being IMG-alined yet acting as police/military to the point of chasing pirates into asteroid hields/nebulas well out of your ZoI. Protecting a convoy, yes, but hunting pirates through dangerous, unknown territory? Dosn't seem right to me.
And one final point: Why the hostilities to the Outcasts? I can find no reasoning behind it, save that you're IMG aligned (which, as I have already pointed out, I don't quite see the reason for)
' Wrote:Few things...first off, there's been some mutterings from CCS about your tendancy to field GBs against the Scimitars. Now, I have yet to encounter a CR GB ingame, but this may be due to my lack of bomber in the Taus, so this is merely what I've heard.
Secondly, an awful lot of your traders seem unwilling to RP when confronted by a pirate...one even told me that I took the game "too seriously"
Thirdly, I feel there is something not quite right about you being IMG-alined yet acting as police/military to the point of chasing pirates into asteroid hields/nebulas well out of your ZoI. Protecting a convoy, yes, but hunting pirates through dangerous, unknown territory? Dosn't seem right to me.
And one final point: Why the hostilities to the Outcasts? I can find no reasoning behind it, save that you're IMG aligned (which, as I have already pointed out, I don't quite see the reason for)
1. That is slander. I may have you ask anyone if they witnessed that. The particular incident was when we were outnumbered, including 2 dessie enemies, and called in a battlecruiser which fired only on dessies, while the fighters repelled bombers.
I find that not only non-spam, but exemplary fighting style.
Now I can tell you the little story of certain 9 caps going against 4 vipers in Tau 44 as quote "revenge for what we did(which we didn't and the person leading the charge "heard we did it"), and me being forced to call for admin intervention and asking for only but a warning, despite my right to post a report. But I digress. And apologise if this seems like criticism of someone, I am making a point here.
I have always been supportive of the CCS faction, and so have the rest of the Remnant, and I respect it. Although I disagree with Mr. Weed and his policies of taking the game like a competition, and regularly flaming me and capspamming me because "I did it", and you can check my stats that =CR=Atlantia is hardly ever flown. In fact, it almost gets deleted sometimes.
Unless you have proof, which you don't, don't sling mud at us. To clarify, I am not angry or anything like that, I am merely stating something.
2. I would not know about that. You are welcome to pirate me on my route from Falkland to Manhattan with niobium any day. And trading is more of a chore for some, but that yes is not an excuse to do silly things. But lack of RP(not hindering anyone's) while trading is something most do. Catch us on one of our RP operations.
3. Read our RP on the first post here. We are guests of the IMG, not IMG by itself. We do have a certain say in what goes on, but IMG is IMG, we are it's unofficial military wing, by RP very very old. That's how I see it.
4. Our diplomacy is ours to judge, and the countless transgressions by the Outcasts make it clear.
I hope I answered your questions to your satisfaction, and you are welcome to post anything else that contains constructive criticism. I will be more than happy to explain it, or heaven forbid apologise.
I am in no way in any position of leadership of CR, and my points about our RP are how I understand it to be. Doom, feel free to correct me cause I see that you are posting.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
From day one since i came to this server and made the RoS when you where BSG i have found you folks to be a great enemy, even now i find you to be one of the most fun factions around to fight. Any faction that flies souly fighters have my extreme kudos and i hope that you never leave, cause itl mean one of my fav things in disco disappearing.
to sum up, fun, good rp, excellent enemy best any opposing faction leader could hope for
Just as a response to the 9 caps v. four fighters and whatnot:
1: It's suicide to enter a hostile guard system with anything under a bomber.
2: We expected Battlestars. D:
And come on, you could've at least talked to us instead of calling the Admins.
Let's be grown-ups and work this out on our own, rather than calling the parents to deal with it all. :wink:
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Kurosora, had that been the first time, I would've went over it.
Had that been motivated by RP, or even just plain old bloodlust, I would have went over it.
But that was nothing more than one player I will not name gathering the hounds and leading a 9 cap fleet which trust me, we can't defend against if we take out all the battlestars gunboats, bombers and what not. How easy do you think it is to gather 9 high ranking Remnant players in oh what was it, 10 seconds we saw you before you opened fire? Yep sound 'bout right.
And as for your point number 1, why is it sucide? Don't you guys see us occasionally in Omicron Alpha with nothing more than VHFs? *gasp*
I have tried to work things out many times with Mr. Weedalot, but if you knew what kind of amazing flames I get on a regular basis, you'd trust my decision to stop trying.
Now I am not putting all of you in the same basket, but I dunno what exactly was everyone's motivation.
And lemme ask, can we then say bring our whole capital fleet including all the many indies we could gather and assault Alpha, "expecting" a big defense? Of course not. It would be utterly foolish of us and extremely lacking in fair play.
That about sums up my answer to your post, I think.
Sidenote: I do not have anything against the CCS faction, nor their leadership. I respect their decision to fly Scimitars, and did not encounter any bad stuff except a few incidents I am willing to forget about.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
First.. Please DON'T have that shiplist in the faction status post, since its 2/3rds of the entire post and just too huge.. Just make a member roster, don't see a need for factions to least who owns what ships except for capital ships. Cruisers + for CR, since you've got so many GBs.
Skipping over the fact that I still think imports are bad (no need to get into this.. Again), there is only one other major issue I have..
Lack of sportsmanship and RP from a very large amount of CR players these days. Lately the only responses I've ever gotten from CR, on any of my characters, were short one-liners that barely scratch the RP warning requirement, then I get fired on before I can respond. And when I'm not fired on immediately and try to RP, I either get very short responses, or none at all.. So I guess it boils down to this; Please improve your in-game actions, RP, and attitudes. (Attitudes not being used in a derogatory way in this sentence..)
@swift; Those VHF raids on Alpha.. They are full of missile-loaded Vipers going after Vanilla Sabres, I don't see any nobility in that.
Oh, forgot something.. I believe both NovaPG and the GC have canceled that treaty, I should know, I instigated it. Not for personal reasons mind you, but because I'm of the opinion that the reasons we should be hostile vastly outweigh the reasons to not be. That is, several to none.
And to my knowledge, neither has renegotiated that treaty.
Also, why is IMG friendly and not allied?
Hideyoshi's Guard merged back into NovaPG.
Union of Gold disbanded, and was replaced with Molly Republic.
Ghosts of Razgriz isn't the correct name, it should be 101st Outcast Guard.
Cali Combat Squadron [CCS] should be added.
You have Lane Hackers and Outcasts listed, but what about other NPC factions? GC, BD, AFA, Hogosha, Gaians, Corsairs being the most important.
EDIT: Bah, auto-merge not working..
Also, you have both BHG and Corsair weaponry allowed.. Those don't go together, and having both on the same ship is in violation of rules.. So one needs dropped, and I don't see any reason why Bounty Hunters would sell their weapons to you. They want to stay neutral in the BAF-KNF war, so they wouldn't ever supply one side with weapons. Especially Kusari's ally, since Kusari doesn't allow them any closer than Shikoku.