Looks like the web server it's sitting on isn't configured correctly. There's unfortunately not much I can do about this myself besides asking the ones running it what's up, which I did a bit ago - my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
PS: http://471.no/Navmap has a mirror of it, but it's not completely identical to the "correct" version that's usually at http://space.discoverygc.com/navmap/ nor is it even half as fast to load - I wouldn't recommend using it once the main version is up and running again.
(11-17-2017, 02:14 PM)Error Wrote: Important notice: The map is now only accessible over HTTPS at https://space.discoverygc.com/navmap/, the redirect from http to https doesn't seem to be working at the moment so you'll have to manually go to https instead if it's not working for you right now. My apologies for any inconvenience caused, I'm unable to do anything about this directly myself - it was caused by a web server configuration change at some point tonight.
Yes sir, the link you gave is working OK. Again, thank you for the fixing, and THANK YOU FOR THE GTEAT INTERACTIVE MAP you created!
I'm sure all mates will confirm its very useful and friendly tool
All the best