I could go on and on how your side is unable to comprehend the logistical nightmares Ageira Technologies and in return Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping would have to face due to sudden change in your laws that we stand to gain nothing from and you have just lost two corporations able to supply with Docking Ring, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts. Your unwillingness to comply with our reasonable request to criminalize unauthorized shipments of our own proprietary technology leads to such situations where we have to put our time and resources to uncover the truth, to investigate any broken protocol, to cover legal expenses instead of doing what Ageira Technologies should be doing - providing Sirius with faster than light technology.
We will not be held for fools when your government suddenly took away shipping rights from Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping on your own accord, without consulting us first how would this affect process of constant maintenance or emergency repairs. As such, Ageira Innovations is not ready to be singular entity that is allowed, no, forced to provide solutions to your problems while being discriminated or ignored when it fits you better. We are unwilling to provide you emergency services due to shortage of available ships to cater to your needs when we have dozen other obligations to fulfill while being assisted by DSE or Universal where their expertise or shipping prowess is both, welcomed by our clients and required by us.
Instead of working with us, you chose to limit us in what we are able to provide. We have been nothing but patient and understanding throughout the years while servicing your house during wartime. In return, this is our reward? Forced labor at the expense of our sanity while Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping gets shafted to the side without cause or reason? This is unacceptable and such we can only offer to repair your Jump Gate at such time when all other projects we are obligated to complete has been finished by combined effort from Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping. One for all, all for one.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter President White.
I am not sure if you did not misunderstood the situation. Decisions regarding restricted cargo license for your products for Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping was not made yet, because it was decided they will be discussed and voted separately for the sake of easier and faster progress of approving the law change and license for Ageira Technlogies.
The law change -you- requsted I would like to add. And stop blaming us for lack of legal protection of your products because, like I said previously, this issue was never brought to government´s attention by anyone including your corporation until now. I wonder if you act the same way with governments of Bretonia or Kusari which also did not include restrictions for your products in their laws so far, at least judging from their officially published versions. Contrary to your words how we discriminate or ignore you, obviously we are the most understanding government so far apart from Liberty one, yet you keep very inapropriate or almost hostile and accusing tone during our talks.
We are willing to negotiate agreement which would be satisfactory for both sides, but if you think that the Rheinland government will meet your one-sided requirements immediatelly and unconditionally, you are wrong, Herr President White!
Now back to the main issue. Reason why the situation is more complicated when it comes to DSE and USI is that, like I said previously, while members of the government and the Bundestag mostly do not object against restricting your products and issuing license for them to you, they are at this moment quite less inclined to approve licenses for both DSE and USI on top of that. I would like to note again that whole matter is quite delicate politically as it may be interpreted by some media, unfriendly organizations or even uninformed citizen as giving Rheinland corporations economic influence in Rheinland because only one side would have gains if we would approve inicial proposal.
Thus it was decided by the government that the best course of action will be to open negotiations before the votes, as they may bring some new privileges to Rheinland corporations in exchange too. Result may be important factor for many representatives during vote about licenses for DSE and USI.
This is the reason why I asked for your statement regarding idea of one or two Rheinland corporations getting privilege to transport your products. If you, as you said yourself, have "shortage of available ships to cater to Rheinland needs when Ageira has dozen other obligations to fulfill", it seems that this would be beneficial for both sides.
If this is an attempt to extort shipping rights for our Whiteboxes in exchange for reestablishing same rights to Deep Space Commerce and Universal Shipping, then we will not be obedient in inter-house political and economical manipulation. We suspect this sudden law change is a breach of peace treaty between Liberty and Rheinland as it stands by inhibiting what was counted as free trade for our three corporations. To add to this, our proprietary technology is Liberty's national security and thus is protected even at higher level.
While we cater to our clients' needs, this goes beyond any rationale that we can accommodate. Past presidents of Ageira Technologies may have been lenient in exposing our Whiteboxes to third parties, while we pride ourselves to play by the book and comply with all protocols required to assure safe and secure delivery to destinations something that recent incident with unarmored and under-armed Interspace Commerce Mammoth hauling Whiteboxes in New Berlin has revealed.
Who will be held responsible if our technology falls to wrong hands due to your corporations inability to adhere to strict guidelines? Will we be put to a test once again to solve disastrous situations caused by your house? Will you have enough resources for reparations? Since Rheinland has already proven to be irresponsible with our technology, we are not willing to see another incident come to life due to experimentation outside of controlled environment or malicious sabotage by hostile entities.
We are offering our services to repair your Jump Gate while you have just prohibited Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping to ship what they were able to before until favorable votes have been "exchanged" for your corporations getting rights they have not had before. From pure mathematical standpoint, that is hugely in your favor, not ours. From actual standpoint, your border with Kusari is damaged while we continue to fulfill our obligations on other projects. And we have not even touched the issue of Munich System or inactive Jump Gate to Bering despite both of these being on the planned list of issues that requires intervention after other projects are finished.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter President White.
It is quite absurd to hear you talking about possible breach of peace treaty regarding free trade during negotiations where you request from us to introduce additional cargo restriction to the Rheinland laws. Also, if you plan to start calling our negotiations "attempt to extort", I can very much do the same because those are exactly words which some Bundestag representatives use during discussions about your request and the way you promote it. However it will get us nowhere so I think there is no need for this.
Maybe for you this is not a political issue, but I can assure you it is quite a big one hier in Rheinland and will be even more now when things are slowly getting public now. You may not like it, but that is how it is and you have to deal with it.
If it was not obvious enough from what I said during our talks so far, the fact is that part of Bundestag representatives refuse to vote for the agreement in form you proposed at the beginning. For them changing laws in favour of not one, but three Liberty corporations is not something trivial, so they want to see Rheinland getting something too. Something what will help to present the agreement as beneficial for both sides, especially to the citizens, so they will not get impression Rheinland legislators are under influence...or even direct control of Liberty corporations. That can have implications I am not sure you realize, including even increase of support for Rheinland criminal movements and organizations such as Red Hessians, Bundschuh and mainly Unioners which are known for their antiforeign rhetoric.
And when I am at explaining, let me also note that the way you handle our talks is starting to be a problem itself and I do not mean myself now. Over time it created impression that you approached us not to ask for something and negotiate about with respectfully, but to order the Rheinland government what we are obliged to do for you and expected we will do it obediently without a single comment. And that is becoming an issue in which you are harming yourself, because government and Bundestag representatives which are interested and request access can see your messages and some of them really do not like the tone and words you use. They can be hardly called diplomatic, and for many people they are not even respectful.
Your reply regarding possibility of Rheinland corporations getting privilege to transport your products is very gut example of that. You could have said that it is not acceptable for your corporation and then simply explain why. But nein, you felt the need to call Rheinland irresponsible and our corporations as incompetent to adhere your guidelines, despite I seriously doubt you can assess that accurately at this moment. Despite we have treated you with respect during these negotiations, without touching any issues of responsibility with reminding you Texas incident or that situation with diamonds. We actually started to apply what you requested in attempt to show interest to reach an agreement instead.
Honestly, this is starting to take its toll. There is increasing numbers of voices that the understanding attitude got us nowhere, or actually in even worse position because as you declared, right now Ageira Technologies is unwilling to provide us emergency services. And thus maybe all we should do is to stop negotiations and return to the state before them, revoking the restriction of transportation of your products in Rheinland space. Once again, you request something what you have granted by laws only in your house of origin at this moment, yet you act like attitude of the Rheinland government of not approving everything you want automatically is something extremely exceptional.
I hope you finally understand why government, which like I said before is actually interested to find some agreement which would satisfy both sides, is trying to find something what can be presented as our gain from the deal, especially when the deal is supposed to involve two more Liberty corporations. This returns us to the issue of possibility of Rheinland corporations transporting your products. Your corporation do not want to allow that for reasons you mentioned, which can be summarized as concerns about following your guidelines, safety measures and generally insufficient control you would have about your products reaching their destination.
On the other hand, you said that Ageira Technologies itself do not have enough transport capacities to fully cover Rheinland needs alone and that is why more corporations need to be involved. For this reason we would like to propose idea similar to our previous one in nature, but possibly solving your concerns. How about allowing Rheinland corporations transporting your products only to Rheinland, and only under mandatory supervision of at least one ship of your primary division?
Now before I finish this message, to prevent any misinterpretation I will rather note that the proposal is not any "attempt to extort shipping rights for your Whiteboxes™". It is just us looking for something what could be presented as the benefit of the Bundesrepublik from the deal. However, like I suggested, if you plan to refuse -every- our proposal and on top of that insist that Ageira Technologies will not provide emergency services until -all- your demands are fulfilled, not to mention you did not came with any possible compromise proposal whole time, the situation may start to be complicated. But do not consider this as a threat, just as a stating a fact, Herr President White. Sort of incentive towards you to really consider things carefully so the effort invested into these negoations from both me and you will not end wasted.
Ageira Technologies is prepared to manufacture required replacement parts for Sigma Jump Gate on-demand and allow them to be shipped by authorized Liberty corporations as per our unwavering seven hundred year old protocols and Liberty Laws, and now suddenly changed Rheinland Laws. Due to our obligations towards other innovative projects we anticipate that with singular logistical capacity by Ageira Innovations and affiliated contractors will be below satisfactory levels when it comes to appeasing you and your so beloved citizens who keep on using our Jump Gates and Trade Lanes everyday since forever, including the wartime during which we had been looked down by both Liberty and Rheinland populations, discriminated, pressured and in rare occasions insulted by your officers of the law while shipping maintenance parts to Rheinland itself.
The only time you cared enough about us in Rheinland was when your convoluted laws with poor wording allowed to fool us and then be threatened by Rheinland Federal Police. Later on was when your malicious warmongering sabotage came close to causing another aforementioned Texas incident, that we regrettably caused while peacefully researching new ways for interstellar travels. Our experience from unfortunate and accidental incident gave knowledge on how to deal with what you would have intentionally caused if not for our intervention. I don't think that we received appropriate recognition for this by either government or by either population, because common people prefer to feel safe than know the truth.
You talk about fear that your citizens will express more support for terrorist cells and pirate groups, while we are afraid that those entities will have more chances to get hands on our Whiteboxes from covert supporters in your corporations. We believe that latter should be more devastating issue when it comes to possible harm done. We believe that our request is fair extension on protecting our technology while we share the end product with Sirius without hesitation. Financial burden including resources we would have to dedicate to conduct thorough background checks, interviews, mandatory training and constant overviews far outweighs the benefit we would receive by exchanging shipping rights that you are demanding in return for what Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping was able to freely trade between our houses.
While we might understand your displeasure with Universal Shipping for their over-the-top participation in unfortunate military actions, you have to understand Liberty's view on Rheinland Government requesting, nay, demanding exchange of shipping rights on the most advanced products we offer for purchase. Therefore I have strong opinion and view that it is highly unlikely that foreign corporations will be able to ship our Whiteboxes for as long as we hold the monopoly in our hands. This is huge source of our income that we use on further research into interstellar traffic that is already coming to fruition with unbelievable prospect that once properly tested may be offered to our clients for purchase.
As a final note, and final offer, we are willing to put your emergency repairs on our priority list if you add Deep Space Engineering to authorized organisations to ship our Whiteboxes while Universal Shipping could be added at later date after separate negotiation by. Should you find this request appealing, we will start manufacturing required replacement chassis parts and actual Jump Gate Parts and should be able to offer for transportation within a week or two. If not, then by all means, come up with counter-offer that benefits us.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter President White.
Your proposal was discussed and for many it seems to be acceptable. But the Bundestag did not reach the decision yet, because some are not convinced enough. However, there is one last issue I was asked to discuss with you which may help to persuade them. Following this negotiation, we plan to open another one with the government of the Republic of Liberty regarding legal restriction for transportation of nuclear devices. Reason is that during gathering information for our talks and such, we found out that situation with them is kind of similar to situation with your products. Rheinland corporations, mainly Kruger Mineralien and ALG Waste Disposal, are the dominant producer of these devices and they are considered as restricted cargo by the Rheinland laws for safety and security reasons (so situation is very similar for Ageira´s products and their legal restrictions in Liberty), yet in Liberty these same corporations are not allowed to transport this cargo.
Thus we would like to try to obtain right to transport this commodity for some Rheinland corporations and we would like to know if Ageira Technologies can promise us to help with this by using its soft power and lobbying for this law change.
It seems that Ageira is once again placed in position where you are asking, requesting or suggesting to give something in return for what you have taken away from us - speaking on behalf of Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping. In different circumstances where we are to gain something we hadn't prior this might be acceptable. However current situation simply does not allow us to give promises after your abrupt law change that while partially fulfilled our request in restricting cargo, shafted our partners to the side and left sour taste. It seems that your government is unable to work with us in goodwill and are requesting one thing after the other without offering full package as kindly requested by our own side.
Should your government fulfill our request to full extent - Docking Ring, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts are counted as full contraband unless shipped by Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering or Universal Shipping, as we do not appreciate them listed in restricted cargo as if there is a chance for someone to obtain licence outside of our authorized companies, then we will see what can be done equally rightful in Liberty for your corporations. But let us be clear, this is not a promise of favor exchange. We understand your position, but so far your reluctance to work with us put a rather grim outlook and reservations towards your government. We have less to gain in this "transaction" than your side it seems.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat SOURCE:Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter President White.
It is really unfortunate you see our proposal this way, instead of looking at it as an opportunity or sort of investment which may pay off in the long run.
However, to prove -once again- our willingness to cooperate with your corporation and reach agreement satisfactory for both sides, the Rheinland government and the Bundestag decided to accept proposal from your previous message anyway. Bundespolizei was asked already to issue restricted cargo license for your products to Deep Space Engineering.
We hope that Ageira Technologies will now fulfill what was promised, necessary parts will be ready in mentioned short time frame and the jump gate will be repaired as soon as possible.
We wish to express our gratitude for fulfilling our request in order to protect our products and allow us to focus on (re)building future for our clients. We have already started calibrating and manufacturing required substitute Parts for your Jump Gate and expect to start shipping within a week. We will also require additional shipping power for chassis replacement parts which we will be posting an open contract and welcome your corporations to take part in to hasten the process considerably and to show up in Liberty more to provide a good reason for requesting lifting up Nuclear Device restriction for your corporations.
After haste and efficient program we have successfully repaired the Jump Gates which should be fully operational by now. We will of course monitor the situation closely to avoid any complications that might unveil.
On a secondary note, we have made an addition to our product lineup for bureaucratic reasons and we are now shipping Docking Ring, Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts under commodity named Ageira White Boxes. As such we would like to kindly ask to update your laws to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. We hope this will be beneficial to all relevant parties.