I am happy to hear that progress is being made. In the meantime, I have compiled the incomplete intelligence data we have on the encounter I mentioned, back during our meeting on Cambridge. Perhaps you will find some use for it.
I thank you for the information you have provided, it will be held in the utmost confidence I assure you, and we will act on that information when the time is right. I'd like very much to know what I could do for you in return.
As to other matters, both the Council and the SCRA have been contacted in regards to you problem in Edinburgh and both are willing and able to provide support, the Council have provided further information on the drydock and have suggested contacting the Crayterian Republic for additional support. The Crayterians were brought up in our conversation I believe, and we decided that Edinburgh was too far out of their Zone of influence for them to provide any meaningful support, I ask you again if you believe this to still be true. If not, would you like to bring them on board with this attack?
From: Matriarch Caroline Ross To: Director Weber, SIS Encryption: Exceptional Subject: Crayter involvement
Director Weber.
I have no reason to object contacting the Republic, if the Council wishes them to be involved. I still maintain my opinion that their military would not be able to contribute much to the operation, however.
Also, if you do not mind, could we receive this additional intelligence provided to you by the Council?
Caroline Ross, Matriarch of the Emerald Order
From: Matriarch Caroline Ross To: Director Weber, SIS Encryption: Exceptional Subject: A discussion
Director Weber.
I would like to discuss something. Preferably in person, one on one. I am confident you would find the matter... Sensitive, and I am sure you will appreciate the precautions. Tell me a time and a place that suit you, and I shall be there.
Caroline Ross, Matriarch of the Emerald Order
I shall meet you at the University's Imperial Library whenever you are free if that works for you. May I know the nature of this matter in advance or would you rather keep that to yourself for now?
The Imperial Library has several conference rooms that allow for private conversation, so yes, we will be alone, unless you bring an escort with you. Bear in mind of course that it is still within the University grounds and therefore is public to the students.