R6S, For Honor, Titanfall 2, rarely Warface and previously Il-2 Sturmovik '46 (I should try that again...)
WoT, War Thunder, Paladins
Edit II: Elite Dangerous
In order of most to least played:
World of Warcraft (Primary)
Discovery (Secondary)
D&D/Pathfinder (Tabletop games count, too!)
Besides that, I'll occasionally play the following:
Risk of Rain
Team Fortress 2
World of Tanks (Haven't played in months; more fun with friends)
NieR Automata, sorry, am addicted.
Disco, obviously.
BDO, Black Desert Online for the unknowing.
Fallout 4, modded like hell.
Borderlands, cuz EXPLOSIONS.
At times out of a mood:
Both South Park games, stuff like Doki Doki, oh and Yandere Simulator, no joke. Also rarely LoL oh well.
Have more, don't find time for it.