Comrades Gutierrez and Ivanov,
We confirming the delivery of Hull Segments in quantity of 8,398 units. Your rewards has been sent to *VI|CPS-Solidaridad and *VI|CPS-Novorossiysk bank accounts. For the Coalition!
Absender: Kapitan Hans Bauer Empfänger: A. Shevchenko Location: Bruchsal base Encryption:Medium Herr Shevchenko,
This is a kapitan of transport ship "WTS-Versorgung" Hans Bauer. I want to apologise for delay with the answer, as "Versorgung" has completed your request two times earlier this report. You should forgive old Hans, my memory leaves much to be desired, but I am sure that your hafenmeisters already accounted these supplies.
Herr Shevchenko I apologize again for inconvenience. Please, Herr, find the proof of delivery in attachments.
Reward destination: DWR|WTS-Versorgung