Allies of the Order
Agent Solandros
SCRAMBLED █ █ █ █ █
A call for aid.
Post access, read access to Order comms and own faction comms
Hail brothers and sisters in arms.
All Heat Sinks and Robotic Hardware required has been delivered,
the initial hauls of Engine Components and Ablative Armor plating has arrived as well.
Payments have been sent and the Resource List updated.
We have passed the halfway mark at an astonishing rate. You have my and the Overwatches gratitude
for your efforts so far. We will finish this project yet and show those pieces of unfried calamari just what
humanity can do.
My transport pilot Lt. Ozaki Ton of the Yuso.Dorangonrodo has reported that two shipments containing 8,070 units of Engine Components has been delivered to Planet Akabat and that shall complete your units needed for the Engine Components with spares. We are also able to get the Energy Field Equipment and the Ablative Armor Plating.
I feel dishonored that I did not see this message from our allies sooner and had offered more help, I will keep a more watchful eye on the communications device to not miss any further communication up-links. The shipping manifest can be found bellow and payment into the account of BD|Yuso.Dorangorodo.
Anata no tatakai ga anata ni meiyo o motarashimasu yō ni. May your battles bring you honor.
ありがとう, Arigato,
中井大名俊, Daimyo Nakai Shun
中井Cの大名, Daimyo of the Nakai Clan
Allies of the Order
Agent Solandros
SCRAMBLED █ █ █ █ █
A call for aid.
Post access, read access to Order comms and own faction comms
Hail esteemed allies.
New loads of Engine Components have arrived, providing us with the required amount.
Additionally, Order transports have made a start on the High Performance Alloys, delivering 15'200
before running into trouble with the Rheinland Military.
Payments have been sent and the Resource List updated.
We only have a little bit to go, lets do our best to get this project finished.
To: Agent Solandros From: Daimyo Nakai Shun Subject: Cargo Drop-off
Koniciwa honorable Agent Solandros
My transport pilot Lt. Ozaki Ton of the Yuso.Kamakura has reported that two shipments containing 8,410 units of Ablative Armor Plating has been delivered to Planet Akabat. We have brought back with us 8,410 units of Kemwar Munitions, these shall help us in future efforts. More shall be delivered in due time. Please deliver the credits to BD|Yuso.Doragonrodo
If you manage to see our Dragon pilots stationed there please tell them I said hello.
Anata no tatakai ga anata ni meiyo o motarashimasu yō ni. May your battles bring you honor.
ありがとう, Arigato,
中井大名俊, Daimyo Nakai Shun
中井Cの大名, Daimyo of the Nakai Clan
Allies of the Order
Agent Solandros
SCRAMBLED █ █ █ █ █
A call for aid.
Post access, read access to Order comms and own faction comms
Hail esteemed allies.
New loads of Ablative Armor Plating have arrived.
Additionally, Order transports have finished delivering the required the High Performance Alloys.
Payments have been sent and the Resource List updated.
We are reaching the end of this phase of the operation, the Order thanks you for your continued support.
I apologize for the delay, as you surely know allready, an anomaly has appeared connecting the Taus and the Omega borderworlds.
The Guild has decided to prioritice the survey shortly.
Now that we have a bit more free time, I have finished your request in full, with some spare parts in case of malfunctions. As usual, I'll leave all the protocols below.
If there's anything else you need our help for, let us know. We are more than willed to assist you.
With best regards,
Claire DeGrasse
Independent Miners Guild
10740 Ablative Armor Plating
17900 Energy Field Equipment
Allies of the Order
Agent Solandros
SCRAMBLED █ █ █ █ █
A call for aid.
Post access, read access to Order comms and own faction comms
Hail esteemed allies.
I am pleased to report the final deliveries of Ablative Armor Plating and Energy Field Equipment
have been succesfully accounted for.
Payments have been sent and the Resource List updated to reflect this.
You have our thanks for seeing this project to its completion, expect word from us soon regarding the next phase.
Regardless of if you are able provide aid during it, you each deserve to know what you have helped made possible.