Andrey smiled cold. He has made his decision already even before Petrov started to talk. The man understands what was the crux of the meeting even if he tried to show that he doesn't understand it really. Some kind of secret party has come here to talk about the future of the state.
Would be funny if not so sad - this is a short explanation of the whole situation which have a place to being here.
- "We have a lot of work to do." - Andrey started to talk, with a smile on his face. - "I am not going to hide the truth: Petrov would be an awful leader of the state. He's a warrior, not politic."
Andrey smiled to Petrov but this was a cold smile like snows of planet Volgograd. Then Shevchenko has turned his eyes to the third man - Alexey Novikov.
- "Comrade Novikov, I actually never understands what kind of game you are playing... Also - you have no trust between the non-military society as the pretty shadow person."
"I am the bad candite too," - he almost finished explaining his point. - "I care about economical things more than others, and I might be a better candidate for Minister of Plenty rank but I believe our dear Natasha is doing her job well. Also, she has a pretty face what can't be said about me"
Then he finally turned back to Guiterrez: - "We have only you, Leon. Taking into account these candidatures you are the best possible choice."
He drank a bit and then proceed to speak. His eyes light with a mock over most of the people here. The news service was trying to keep society stable but it created a stagnation which led them all into doom. This was the things in which Andrey Shevchenko believed but he also understands that the current situation is very silly and any kind of reckless changes, made by a bad leader, might make Coalition weak in the geopolitical arena.
- "I believe you understand that Coalition and our peoples deserve a better future in a state of prosperity. Our military is strong but its spread across all the Sirius" - seemed like Andrey doesn't care a lot about the abovementioned military. It was really so. Andrey thought that the military was the thing which ruined Coalition's growing at the very beginning. Who knows how the state could look now if they have chosen another way into the old times. - "Our expeditionary corps sends fleets to distant stars in seek of something beyond the common people understanding."
- "In this time we need someone who can make people trust him and government as well as make Coalition prosper again. So this is you, Leon" - he smiled. This time with a warm. Andrey was really believed that this is the best possible candidate and nobody of them could handle this position better than Guiterrez. - "But we still have to hear your answer - would you like to try become a Premier of Peoples Coalition?"
Novikov wanted to answer right after Petrov, but seeing how young Shevchenko prepared to speak, he decided just pass another shot. Seems they all reach consensus, need only shape it out. "I has thought about it right after Ivan's words about new premier. Right now we finally have a chance to divide the powers branches and stop this damned cycle of military coups."
He looked right at Guiterrez. "Coalition need somebody who will combine different visions of it. Somebody who not tied with siloviks, because we all see to which lack of ideas it lead in the end."
Alexey pointed at Petrov, continuing his speech. "Comrade Petrov right. Soldiers should serve to the people they protect, not to their own agendas. Also both the Army and Militsya require accurate reforms." Novikov turned his face to Ivan. "Somebody should take care of it."
"We all here have many things to do. As comrade Shevchenko noted, my games is shady... as anybody's in the MoT though. Half of this situation is a consequence of HWE becoming premier's personal guard. Somebody should as well reform our counter-intelligence net, because right now situation is just fuсking shame."
Alexey turned back to Leon. "While comrade Shevchenko pointed that we need your answer, I don't think that you have much choice, comrade. We all have little choices before duty."
Hearing Petrov's response touched him , while Leon lay dormant to recover, he had feared he would never get to see the day that the Coalition would amount to new heights and take a stand for what it once believed in; his biggest regret would be to of died not fighting for the Coalition that made him. He would then hear Andrey's comments and in his words, he would notice a tone of worry, something that Leon was sharing given what he returned to. Lastly with Alexey's input, Leon would rub that back of his own neck processing what he was being positioned to do.
He would sit silent for a few dozen seconds, taking one last glance at the crowd in the establishment. The roaring of the screens with news of an uncertain future. A waiter with a plate of drinks for another table would pass by Leon, he would quickly grab the person by the bottom of their shirt. " A final round for us here. " He would then look back at each of them, scanning their faces with their proposal.
"Compañeros, what you've explained about the circumstances have been a lot for me to just simply nod to. Each of you are fully capable and have stayed by your post at this point for much longer than I even have. What you ask of me is for me to step into a whole new domain I have never dealt with. Leading the Industrial revolution was one thing, but to lead the very history of the Coalition is another. It will be truly an immense amount of work, that I will share with all of you.
His eyes would drift over as if scanning to see if the new round of drinks was coming any sooner. He was getting anxious as the reality began to click to him when suddenly his drinks he ordered would appear. The waiter with the plate of drinks, would begin taking one off at a time and handing each one to his comrades, Leon would quickly take his and down it. He digs into his coat's inner pocket and lays out some Social Credits onto the table for the bartender to close their tab with.
" Enjoy this last free round of drinks on me. " A brief chuckle would escape. " We've got a lot of work to do. " . Leon would then sit up from his table, patting down his coat to straighten it out, preparing himself to look presentable, as he would look to Petrov. " Comrade Petrov, organize a meeting with the Party and the Duma . I have something to say . . . " .
He said laughing glancing over how Guiterrez is slowly moving out of the Bar.
He takes another shot.
“Well then, it's settled Comrades. A new future is awaiting us, I will arrange the meetings and then we will have to start fortifying our borders as quick as possible. I don't think those Bretonians are gonna wait any longer."
Petrov Looks back at Alexey and Andrey before he finaly moves towards his Gunship.