I am happy to confirm the completion of your contract, below you will find the delivery manifests. Due to a shipping error I did end up delivering 120 more units then requested, I doubt that they will go to waste though.:
SENDER:Commodore Christopher Edwards RECIPIENT:Vice President Dan Johnson LOCATION:Cortez system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Contract PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
Vice President Dan Johnson,
I have to admit that I was under the impression that the entire idea of transporting the supplies to Norfolk in a Camara-class was a joke. I am dumbfound to find out that I was wrong, and that is one contract I won't be forgetting any time soon.
Regardless of that, it's my pleasure to be cooperating with Deep Space Engineering, and of course you in particular Mister Johnson.
In order to ease your job, I will provide you with an updated list showing the progress Deep Space Engineering has made towards this contract, as well as what resources remain, which I will be attaching below.
That being said, should Deep Space Engineering require any extra funding for any extra materials you might drop off at Norfolk, for example the 190 units of Nuclear Devices, please do let me know.
That will be all, Vice President, good luck.
With regards.
Commodore Christopher Edwards Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
TO: ..................... Commodore Christopher Edwards
CC: .....................
SUBJECT: ...... Contract
Good day,
Mr. Edwards,
My apologies for the delays of these shipments, but they have once again begun. I have taken it upon myself to continue and complete the remaining of this DSE contract. See below, that the 12,500 units of Fusion Diodes have been delivered to Norfolk Shipyard.
TO: ..................... Commodore Christopher Edwards
CC: ..................... DSE Board of Directors
SUBJECT: ...... Re: Contract
Good evening Commodore,
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lulatia Bellisario and I am the director of the HR department at Deep Space Engineering (DSE).
One of our employees informed me of the sudden halt of deliveries and shipments regarding this contract. While I am normally not in the position where I attend to shipping contracts please accept my sincerest apologies for the delays. While my staff and I are looking into this matter we have brought this to the attention of the board as mistakes like this should be avoided at all cost.
I was taught that apologies are only valid for as long as an action follows suit. For this reason I have arranged for the delivery of 13.000 engine components [1][2][3]. Slightly more than which was requested as we account for possible (yet unlikely) component failure. The extra components are, of course, with our compliments.
Lulatia Bellisario Director, Human Resources Department
I would first of all like to introduce myself as well; I am Captain Mary Uhmen, Commanding Officer of the Akhetaten. I am aware that you did not expect to see my figure responding to this communication channel but command has seen fit to put me in charge of the procedure and make sure that everything flows smoothly and as planned and predicted.
The slight inconvenience caused by the sudden halt of deliveries on your side was minor to say the least. We appreciate the quick deliveries that you have made over the past few hours however and are more than delighted to know that the contract is once again resumed.
Your deliveries have been successfully picked up by our men at Norfolk Shipyard and are confirmed to be all valid. We will be expecting a further update from you on the status of the Heat Sinks and Magnetic Superconductors that need to be moved to the shipyard.
As with last time, you will now be provided with an updated list on the materials you have gathered for the Fifth Fleet so far as well as the amount of materials that have not been transported yet, for your ease.
TO: ..................... Captain Mary Uhmen
CC: .....................
SUBJECT: ...... Contract
Good day,
Mrs. Uhmen,
You will find with your dock workers, that 2 shipments of 5,000 each of Heatsinks have arrived on Norfolk. You will find this part of the contract completed. I will be bringing in the Superconductors soon.
TO: ..................... Captain Mary Uhmen
CC: .....................
SUBJECT: ...... Contract
Good day,
Mrs. Uhmen,
You will find with your dock workers, that 2 shipments of 5,000 each Magnetic Superconductors have arrived in Norfolk. You will find now that DSE has completed its contract. Again we apologize for the delay and look forward to any future business you may have for us.
TO: ..................... Captain Mary Uhmen
CC: ..................... DSE Customer Satisfaction Dept.
SUBJECT: ...... Contract
Good day Captain Uhmen,
Miss Bellisario informed me of the issues regarding this contract. While calling it issues I am in no way taking this lightly and we at DSE are investigating this matter internally as to ensure this will not happen in the future. Reading the message you sent to Ms. Bellisario and Mr. Burke I am pleased that it is what you named, a slight inconvenience.
On a good note, our employee, Mr. Burke, has been thanked and rewarded by the DSE board for his observance and direct action regarding this matter.
Should you be willing to do so and if and when schedule permits It would please me to have a face-to-face meeting either at Baltimore Shipyard or a location of your choosing. This way I, on behalf of DSE, can elaborate on what has contributed to this error on our part as well as to mend fences and ensure a harmonious and cooperative business for the future.