Cycles have [passed/been destroyed]. Flow of happenings altering the shape of the [world/void/everything]. The [Grey/Lone Dream/Broken] shall acknowledge. We request the [voids/space/emptiness] of the TAU. The Banisher may request the [singularity/point/moment]. Our [Seed/Thrall/Puppet] will accompany.
Distrustful [Darkling/Banisher] demands our [truth/knowledge]. We must perform. We have. The One of Flight has sung of the Key. Truths now shared. Uphold the Banisher's Song.
Foresight gifts. The Banisher desires communion to [Sing/Ponder]. We await.
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[[Private Communication Log Loaded.]]
[[Log transcribed exerpts untampered: True]]
[[[Subject A: Accepted as Allied Operative]]]
[[[Subject B: Accepted as Subject "Bird"]]]
[06.01.2022 00:43:53] Subject B: And do they happen to know what the Order intends on doing?
[06.01.2022 00:44:11] Subject A: Apparently, letting him continue his research.
[06.01.2022 00:44:32] Subject B: What of the Sentinels though?
[06.01.2022 00:44:44] Subject A: Don't know.
[06.01.2022 00:44:52] Subject A: He's [Key is] the only one who can open the-
[06.01.2022 00:45:00] Subject A: ...Gateway? Anomaly?
[06.01.2022 00:45:04] Subject B: And did they just figure that one out?
[06.01.2022 00:45:06] Subject A: Whatever you want to call it.
[06.01.2022 00:45:28] Subject B: Different circumstances can agitate them.
[06.01.2022 00:45:29] Subject A: I'm asking, is he the only one who's figured it out?
[06.01.2022 00:45:46] Subject A: How to open the gateways, reliably.
[06.01.2022 00:45:59] Subject B: For now.
[06.01.2022 00:47:40] Subject A: No offense, but isn't that basically what you all have been doing?
[06.01.2022 00:47:55] Subject A: Poking and opening that anomaly, causing all of this to happen?
[06.01.2022 00:48:05] Subject B: Well, Vincent did.
You and I seem to have very different understandings of what constitutes irrefutable proof of Abrams' betrayal. But I do appreciate this data; it confirms that your intelligence can be relied upon.
You are correct, we will need to discuss this further. Where and when?
Tides turn. We may form communion [Date Generation: 1500 SMT 7-1-823AS] upon wakes of OMEGA. The Voids contain the Giant Red. It advises [Sector Generation: B7]
Such windows close swiftly, it will close and we will be [sealed/stuck] if are to wait. The Banisher will sing then, or it will rest in silence until communion may come.
The Unto Nightfall will not be able to attend this meeting. I will send a more mobile asset in our stead. The operative will be fully briefed and confer with you as my direct representative.
We have scoured. We obtained. The Banisher acts. Its song was sung. Such notes formed as solids. We [Demand/Plead/Desire] it act.
This [Existant/Light/Being] Sings over the Voids. The Song becomes [strained/garbled/difficult]. A great [tiredness/exhaustion/dread] looms. Such singing of Knowledge [destroys/removes/burns] [gateways/bridges/connections]. The Banisher must act. Must act. [Must act].
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[[Private Communication Log Loaded.]]
[[Log transcribed excerpts untampered: True]]
[[[Subject A: Accepted as Allied Operative]]]
[[[Subject B: Accepted as Subject "Bird"]]]
[[[Subject C: Accepted as AUXO Operative]]]
[[[Subject D: Accepted as Subject "SCHEMER"]]]
[03.09.2021 23:31:11] Subject B: I'm surprised you haven't heard of him? A big thing in their culture.
[03.09.2021 23:31:31] Subject A: Our vague speak makes it hard to parse which you're referring to.
[03.09.2021 23:31:37] Subject B: [Subject D].
[03.09.2021 23:31:47] Subject A: *Audio clipping.*
[03.09.2021 23:31:59] Subject A: Piss. Are you for real?
[03.09.2021 23:32:04] Subject B: I'm serious.
[03.09.2021 23:32:08] Subject B: I made a deal with him.
[03.09.2021 23:32:08] Subject A: You're joking, right?
[03.09.2021 23:32:11] Subject B: No joke.
[03.09.2021 23:32:16] Subject A: Are you insane?
[03.09.2021 23:32:19] Subject B: Possibly. Why?
[04.09.2021 00:12:41] Subject A: Then at least pick the option that best saves your people.
[04.09.2021 00:12:49] Subject C: She is.
[04.09.2021 00:13:01] Subject C:: She decided that long ago.
[04.09.2021 00:13:08] Subject B: That is why I made the deal with [Subject D].
[04.09.2021 00:13:10] Subject A: Making deals with [Subject D] is hardly the best course of action.
[04.09.2021 00:13:13] Subject B: I did it out of interests of preserving our people.
[05.09.2021 20:16:25] Subject B: So, [Subject D], I spoke with him.
[06.01.2022 01:16:50] Subject B: I... I don't think [Subject D] is all /necessarily/ bad. His intentions are just ... ambiguous.
It seems you had greater success with your task than we have had with ours. The evidence you have provided is sufficient. However, complications remain on our side. The Key's current location remains unknown to Section 8, and our liaison in Overwatch is not exactly forthcoming with information on its status. I will do what I can to rectify this.
We will move to act as soon as the opportunity presents itself.