You seem like a man of many talents, very resourceful even in times of crisis. However, you appear to have no recorded experience in the Sales & Marketing field. We'd rather have a man of your skills involved in our Research department, as your academic background would fit perfectly. I believe your application mentions Sales & Marketing by mistake?
Either way, your experience with hauling in harsh environments is exactly the kind of skill we expect our transporters to have. With no further due, Cryer Pharmaceuticals will accept your application into the company. You may proceed to Syracuse Station in New York for your orientation in the Logistics and Security departments, as well as the Research department if you decide it may fit for you. At Cryer, we maintain a dynamic work environment that enables our workers to serve multiple departments at once.
Welcome Aboard.
Neville Mills Human Resources & Onboarding Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Name: James Arthur Moreton
• Blood Type (if known): B
• Gender: Male
• Cardamine Usage: No.
• Date of Birth: 06 07 774AS
• Medical Background: Yes
• Place of Birth: Thames Outpost, New London
• Height / Weight: 174cm / 70kg
Born on Thames Outpost I studied hard to earn a scholarship on Cambridge. There I worked hard throughout my senior education earning myself a doctorate in Xenobiology and Xenomedicine.
From there I took a position at Planet Cambridge where I remained for about twenty years. I eventually became a project executive and was in charge of numerous projects involving xenobiology and medicine. Much of my work involved studying the various microorganisms around Sirus and how we could use them to develop new pharmaceuticals and treatments.
About fifteen years ago however I resigned from my position to work in the Omicrons. I mainly worked with Zoners helping them develop their own medical research (obviously whilst respecting our corporate secrets and practices however).
After the Gallic War however I returned to Bretonia and volunteered to help with clean up and relief of New London. I've most recently signed back on with Cryer as a contractor shipping goods across Sirus but I'd like to return as fully fledged employee should the current corporate administration accept me back.
Division(s) You Are Most Interested In? (delete the ones you're not interested in for now, can be changed later)
• Name: Caleb Anderson
• Blood Type (if known): O+
• Gender: Male
• Cardamine Usage: No
• Date of Birth: 11/11/799 AS
• Medical Background: Yes
• Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles, System California
• Height / Weight: 178 cm / 75 kg
"I was born on Los Angeles, just a regular person. Graduated from the Medical School of Los Angeles, with honors. I became a doctor and practiced for a few years, until I received an ad in my NeuralNet inbox for Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Thought it would be a good evolution for my career, but I put it out because I had to overview a patient, then another one, et cetera. Today, I'm here. I don't know what to say else that I'm considered a kind person, albeit a bit too pragmatic. Had no friends back then at the Medical University. Focused on my grades I suppose. Now, I Just want to start researching instead of mindlessly prescribing to middle-aged wives. I want to find meaning. I'm here for that."
• Name: Lilith Tanaka
• Blood Type (if known): AB+
• Gender: Female
• Cardamine Usage: No, but yes in the past
• Date of Birth: 07/09/805 AS
• Medical Background: Yes (informal)
• Place of Birth: Planet Honshu, Honshu System
• Height / Weight: 171 cm / 57 kg
I come from a relatively poor family, so rather than pursuing higher education, after finishing my mandatory schooling I had to enter the workforce. I pursued employment as a pharmacy technician at a local drugstore chain. My interest was, amusingly, sparked by my interactions with other users on the popular neural net site Honshuchan's /int/ board, which has since gone defunct, where I communicated with several independent researchers as well as physicians working for various companies. In my free time, I informally studied pharmacology, including auditing lectures at Keihin Polytechnical, and while I never gained a degree, I thought of ways to go further in the field than simply manning a counter. I saved up for my own flight sim holotainment system, and spent countless hours learning how to operate ships both large and small, eventually acquiring a pilot's license as well as freighter and large transport certifications.
At this pharmacy, I not only learned the basics of pharmacology from the other employees, but gained a strong background in customer service, accounting, logistics, the formalities of Kusari law regarding distribution and manufacture, and most importantly a passion for the health and wellbeing of my fellow humans. I believe that the best way I can put my skills to use while contributing to raising the standard of living of the whole sector would be to offer my services to Cryer Pharmaceuticals and help ensure the safe distribution of fine medicines to all patients who may be in need of them, thus enabling the future development of even more wonderful substances.
As for my past cardamine use, I've often enjoyed going to concerts and raves in Keihin City, and was naturally exposed to the drug in my time there. Despite its illegality, it did indeed tempt me, but I realized that such foolishness was not conducive to either my long-term health nor my goals of a stable career which would allow me to help others and support my family. I fully submit to any medical checks or procedures to verify that my limited past use of cardamine has not deleteriously affected my capacities or modified my genetics.
• Most interested in:Combat/Trade/Ingame RP/Forum RP/Mining (I'm interested in all. As discussed on Discord, I was planning on starting my own Cryer faction with @Kherty until I was informed that +Cryer+ exists, and I'd like to contribute to the faction in whatever way I can, most especially via ingame activity as well as forum rp. If accepted I'd also like to create an R&D character and help advance Cryer's lore and roleplay on the forums.)
• Your Timezone: GMT-7/GMT-8 (Pacific Time)
• Discord username (PM if you like): punished evergreen#0288
Your biography is rather thin, but it seems like you have the relevant experience in medicine to join our R&D team. Although I am confused by your request to join the Locgistics and Security departments. You provided no background whatsoever indicating that you are capable of flying a transport or engaging in combat. I'll just assume you meant to apply only for R&D.
With that being said, Cryer Pharmaceuticals will accept your application into the company. Please make your way to Syracuse Station in New York for your orientation in the R&D department. Once you're done, you may later apply to different departments as well based on proof of capability.
Welcome Aboard.
Neville Mills Human Resources & Onboarding Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
It sounds like you're really passionate about helping people out by transporting medicine! I'm very glad to hear that. You have plenty of useful skills, and I can already see how you could contribute to our operations in Kusari. Your background in Pharmacology is also a great addition. I'm sure that given the dynamic work environment here at Cryer, you'll find yourself putting those skills into good use.
Cryer accepts your application into the company. I know it might be a long ride from Kusari, but currently our orientation process for new employees is only available aboard Syracuse Station in the New York system. Due to your background of using Cardamine, you'll have to undergo additional medical exams. As an employee of Cryer, you'll be provided with a partially subsidized Stabiline treatment to make sure you don't slip back to the real drug. Make sure to ask for the dedicated forms for employees who used Cardamine in the past. Note that there's a box you can check that says "opt-in for experimental treatment". By checking it, you'll receive the treatment completely free of charge!
Cryer Pharmaceuticals Inc. holds no liability whatsoever to any physical or mental damages caused by opting in to the experimental Stabiline treatment, as well as any undocumented side effects. Choosing this optional treatment is at the employee's own discretion,
Welcome Aboard!
Neville Mills Human Resources & Onboarding Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
We apologize dearly for the delayed response. It has been a rough year for Cryer, and now that we're back on our feet we need all the manpower we can get.
If you're still available for work, we'll be glad to accept you back into the position you once had within our company. You will, however, need to undergo some medical exams as per our new recruitment policy.
Feel free to contact me directly for more details, as it's been a while since you last worked with us and I'm sure you'd like to know what changed.
Neville Mills Human Resources & Onboarding Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.