I understand the complaints, even agree... but this looks like an example of the players influencing direction of the mod, to me. Trading is generally drudgery so if players have to grind it makes sense that they gravitate towards options that offer more freedom. Factions with a large population will see more development.
You want corps to have more, I agree but don't see it happening (at least not any time soon, poor Xoria.)
' Wrote:Samura which is supposed to be one of the huge powerhouses in Sirius has really got an update since vanilla,
Yeah, Samura is the only House corporation I can think of which has really advanced it's holdings since vanilla. Need more like it... More like it and MORE.
Been thinking on this for a while now, ever since I discovered Kensington (gateway's only base) only has a single large ship dock point...
Rumor has it that there will be a pile of new bases for corps soon... Sadly that rumor comes and goes and I'd love to know if it was true or not :S
Would love to see any sort of proper development of house territory, as it stands, we're the big unloved centres of population, while the lonely-crons get expanded.
Edit: @Zelot, I'd love for that to be true of all house corps...
Just because GMG doesn't have gunboats/cruisers/battleships doesn't make us less powerful! I'm happy with the development the GMG has seen so far, but yes Planetform + could use more love!
' Wrote:Just because GMG doesn't have gunboats/cruisers/battleships doesn't make us less powerful! I'm happy with the development the GMG has seen so far, but yes Planetform + could use more love
GMG hasn't had the exponential expansion that the IMG and Zoners have seen, but I think they've had a bit more than most House corporations. But the GMG was already powerful in vanilla, significantly more so than the Zoners or IMG, and probably more than most House corporations. Now it's debatable whether or not the GMG is more powerful than the IMG or Zoners (completely discounting capships and such things).
Yeah, pretty much every single corporation, regardless of house or purpose, has been given no love at all. I think we need to seriously consider their development and improvement.
' Wrote:Now it's debatable whether or not the GMG is more powerful than the IMG or Zoners (completely discounting capships and such things).
zoners have a planet with like 40 billion dudes on, a bunch of systems just for themselves, around 5000 bases, a ridiculous over representation in trade (not just zoner traders, but how much more of a hub gran canaria is than, for example, any other planet, let alone capitals of houses.) not sure gmg can give them a run for their money with bases in a couple of systems, one good commodity and a rheinland battleship.
I luves my Interspace. Unfortunately, the IND stole all of our privileges for their ID, so it's not nearly as shady as it used to be, and my liner has been nerfed into the ground.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen