In a strange and unprovoked message via Facebook I was asked to continue this story and finish it. It's been four years since I've been inspired to continue the story of Zigeris Garmen. Namely because his story gives away some important details about the Crossbones I hadn't intended to reveal yet. Call it writer's preference in the lore. As few of you understand there are several stories that consists of many parallels to each other characters, events, and environments. Each of them have a chronological importance to each other. However this is the original story and the one least connected, or integrated rather, into the lore of the Crossbones. Here Zigeris and Kimi fight great evils as Zigeris attempts to find the truth behind all cloudy secrets that the LSF kept from him. Not only that this is a love story of raw passion between Kimi and Zigeris and there love will be challenged.
So in a long winded way, for those who wish for the continuance, Chapter 4 "Separation of Blood" is currently being drafted
Zigeris takes all strength all his courage to free his fused, melted, and deformed boots that kept him attached to the cable line. Because it was dark inside the elevator shaft he couldn't notice that he was still sliding downwards. Whether it was the loss of sensation or he had too much on his mind he simply couldn't feel his weight shifting. Through the lisping sounds of air that tumbles the temperature from cold to colder Zigeris can faintly hear voices and boots stomping around. Out of the dampened chaotic sounds he hears a faint persistent noise that could only be described as a child attempting to whistle just after having their tonsils removed. Zigeris looks around and sees a glimmer of light pulsating with the whistling sound. It’s close enough for him to reach down and grab hold of the door railing. He reaches and manages to hoist himself against the doors. He is thoroughly concerned for the safety of Kimi and his brother. However he cannot rid himself of the nauseating idea that his brother used him to start armed conflicts. The Alpha Centeria is a monster machine. If Lezen is truly starting wars surely he’ll have an upper hand. The Alpha Centeria must be destroyed he thought. Zigeris now wiggles his fingers into the slot and forces the doors to slide apart, almost losing his balance which would cause him to fall to his death. By the time he is stable there is no one in sight. His boots are too malformed for him to use so Zigeris takes them off. Finally two guards run up from the hallway on the opposite side of him. The guards shout at him Zigeris replies “Where is the intruder?” The guards trot up to him, they are fully armed, and they grab his arms and carry him forward from where they came from. “He’s gone, but we still need to get you to more secured location of the base. Not every sector is viable for Life Support” one of the guards says in a hastily high toned voice. Zigeris is carried into a conjunction of several hallways and he pulls away from them. “Sir?” they questioned. Zigeris looks around and asks “Which way is the hanger from here? I need to go there.” The guards put their hands up facing their thumbs together “Over that way, but we’re not under attack…” Before Zigeris could hear their banter he runs in the direction they pointed. The guards looked at each other and shrugged they carried on to their orders.
Lezen is sitting at his desk, he is nervous about the encounter he had with Gothera. Not that he has a warhead of mass destruction, but the fact he knew GADC had those types of weapons. Lezen ponders his plans for his prototype machines and his enhanced human pilots. “Wars are just chest pieces, black ones and white ones. There is no rule that says the chest pieces have to remain as such.” He says to himself out loud. He stands and turns to the security monitors. Someone who is close enough to me and able to handle the warhead must have artier motives. Lezen goes through the list of people he considers powerful enough to betray him. The list is few. His thought is quickly disrupted by the images of his older brother, Zigeris, racing through the hallways. “Where are you going brother? Where are you going?” he mutters to himself as he takes his hand and runs it across the screens collecting the dust particles unto the tips of his fingers. “Where are you going, big brother?”
Zigeris finally reaches the hanger deck, but it is the wrong one. Each level of the deck is layered onto of one another there are ship lifters, elevators, which go through every floor. Zigeris rushes to the lift and presses the down button.
“ZIGERIS!” echoes through the oil stained walls. ZIgeris momentarily stops the lift. He takes a look around. “Zigeris where are you going?” Lezen now appears in front of him.
“Lezen! I’m going to the Alpha Centeria!” Zigeris says in a soft voice.
“Why is that? What are you planning to do? If you’re worried about Gothera, don’t. I will take care of it.” Lezen responds with a reassuring voice.
“Gothera? Is he the terrorist?” Zigeris replies.
“Terrorist? I am not sure, really. I don’t know what his intentions are however I won’t let it be the stain of the GADC. Come with me brother.” Again in a soothing voice Lezen speaks as though he must convince his brother.
“It’s my ship, I’m leaving.” Zigeris takes a step back from his brother’s hand. Neither one of their faces now resemble two brothers who grew up together. They were just mere middle aged strangers whose fates have brought them together in an unfortunate clash.
“Zigeris, remember our half-brother? Gynsu? He died in Liberty didn’t he,” Lezen now with a firmer voice, “what happened to him?”
“He died because he was shot down by a Xeno gang in Colorado.” Zigeris replies quickly and confused as to why Lezen would bring up their much younger half-brother.
“Shame even our mother regarded our father as nonexistent as he was while living.” Lezen turns away from Zigeris in a long day dream about his last time seeing their father.
“Dad had a job. You were too young to understand, Mom understood. Why would you say that?”
“Dad could have chosen any other profession. Didn’t have to be the guy to save the entire world. Unfortunately I see that quality of his, in you. I wasn’t too young to understand. To understand that a boy needs a father in his life.”
“Lezen we have a sense of duty because we see the world for what it could be. I’m sorry he wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry you feel robbed by fate. We cannot change that all we can do is honor him today by our actions of today!”
“To hell with fate, and honor.” Lezen reaches for his weapon and points it directly at Zigeris. Zigeris is stunned and raises his arms out.
“What are you doing!?” he shouts.
“You cannot leave GADC. I’m sorry brother it has to be this way. There are powers in this world that go beyond fate and honor and you’re an asset to these powers. The Alpha Centeria is staying here. You see the combat system was uniquely calibrated to your DNA. The combat system is entwined with your ambitions to stay alive. It’s why you could feel the battle around you. In a sense you’ve turned the Alpha Centeria into a living creature. It strives to survive no matter what. Zigeris we’re on the brink of a new era for all of Sirius!” Lezen preaches with a high voice.
“So this was a trap? To get me here?” Zigeris lowers his arms. He now realizes that some things, in fate, were too well designed. “I will not stay here Lezen. What you’re doing is wrong! We’re brothers! We have the same blood! The blood from our father!”
“Our father? A father. You were more a father than he ever was! His blood may contribute to mine, but he is no father to me. Blood can be altered. Blood can change. You’re no more to me than that bastard child Gynsu. I am creating a new world and if you’re not a part of it then your role in the old world is over!” Lezen takes the safety off from the weapon and rises higher.
Utter silence, chilling of the air, and the escaping feeling from his heart, Zigeris staggers backwards as he watches his brother's head become deformed and twisted. Without a moment to process what just happened he ducks behind the crates on the lift.
"Where's the bastard that took Quinn?" A soft, young voice echoes from below, "Man, the one I didn't shoot, answer me!"
Zigeris inches a look to the side to see a young woman standing there. Confused and paralyzed he doesn't respond.
"So this is the Alpha? Wasting my entire life away chasing down hunks of metal, pieces of junk." She walks up to the stem of the nose gear and kicks it. "So are ya going to tell me or do I have to blow this entire rock apart?"
Zigeris looks around to try to find the best angle to shoot her from. Despite anything he has heard, what she has done proved to him that she is an enemy.
"Well I hate to bug ya, but this place is already going to be if you tell me I'll help you outta this place, if not, whatever..." She turns to the Alpha Centria and unlocks the canopy. Zigeris now looks intently, "She can pilot? She's just a kid!" Zigeris reaches from the side and takes aim, and fires. The girl jumps back and raises her middle finger at Zigeris. "Ok A-hole I was being nice, now you'll just die here with the bombs. Have you seen Quinn?" Zigeris is stunned by the random question he quietly answers while looking for a way out, finding none he answers louder, "I don't know who he is, tell you what, you step away from that ship and we together can go look for him." The girl tilts her head and twirls her pistol around her middle finger, "Sure guy, more eyes the more can be seen! Don't shoot me though, that'd be mean, just come down and be very intentional with your movements else I'll plug you like I did that dirt ball." Zigeris tries not to have emotions over what she said and replies, "Ok, I am coming down, don't do you know who you just shot?" She looks around aimlessly almost as if she was looking for something, "Yeahhhh, but if I tell you it's a secret, and I don't know you and I don't know if I can trust you." Zigeris seemed skeptical that her answer suggested she knew, to him it would be impossible for such a little girl to know anything about her brother. She continues, " But since he's dead, and I don't care about these old farts, the guy I popped was some sort of traitor blah blah blah blah. I'm just here to find Quinn!" Zigeris reaches the floor and drops his weapon and looks at the girl, standing 4'6" and barely 85 pounds. "You can fly this machine? You unlocked it... who are you?" She perks up and hangs the muzzle of her pistol on the ridge of her shoulder, "I am Tammy Cooper! Pleasure to meet you mister..." Zigeris puts his hands on his waist, " I am Zigeris."
"OHHHH CRAP MISTER! We gotta get going!" Tammy shouts, and Zigeris begins to reach for his backup weapon, she notices though she didn't mind. "What why?" Zigeris replies. "Oh well I was told to blow this place up, and take this thingy!"
"From who? Who ordered you? are you able to do this?"
"No time! NO TIME! NOOOO TIME! I'll answer later! Let's go!" She hops into the cockpit. "C'mon Ziggy!"
"Wait, I gotta get Kimi!" Zigeris waves her off.
"Oh my gawd, you'd bring your girlfriend here?! Seriously!? Ugh! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!" She starts up the Alpha.
Zigeris runs to the side panels to secure the location of where Kimi was presently located, thankfully for him she wasn't too far, just a floor below. He grabs two pilot suits and darts off. Tammy sits and watches him leave and she ponders in her mind, "Nothing is more true than love, he moves and it's the truth. He's not going to get money he's going to get his lover. He could die, or we all could, and he's willing to risk my life for hers. Quinn would do that, and this is why I have to risk my life, and theirs, to find him! Because what I do is true, I love and it is true, what I do is more important than anything!" She looks around at the cockpit of the Alpha she feels a strong drawing sensation from her chest. She speaks out loud, "Alpha you're a lot like him, Ziggy, you want to live. The only difference between you and him is that you have no one to live for, he has everyone... only one to live for and that's enough. Would you, Alpha, fight as hard has he would? If you had someone to love I bet you would. For now all you have is ME! I'm not much to fight for if you can't love me. So don't try, if you don't feel like doing anything just tell me. I won't make you die for me. Quinn though, he'd have to do whatever the cost to keep me alive. Alpha will you help me find Quinn? All these stars, all of them, so many, I need Quinn and the world can have the stars. I am broken, Quinn is too, which is why we must be together! He was robbed from me, he didn't leave, my heart felt something. Where is Quinn, Alpha? WHERE IS HE YOU STUPID PIECE OF JUNK? I'll kill you, when the time is right, because of you Quinn is missing, and I will kill you, but for now I am going to use you. Or maybe I can find something you can love, so that you'd kill me. It's the only way anyone could ever defeat me, that is to love someone. You can't kill me Alpha no matter how hard you try. You're a machine and I am a human. I can love, you can't. But I will try to find someone for you to love. Because if I am going to kill you, I don't want you to give up and let me. I don't know if I have to kill Ziggy and his girlfriend, I don't want to, but if I try he'll kill me. He's too strong. I'm afraid, Alpha will you protect me from him? Kimi is weak, I can feel it already. But she loves, can she kill me too? I suppose anyone is undefeatable when they love. Weak or strong. Alpha they're taking too long, we have to find Quinn, how much time till the bombs go off?" *******Alpha-rBrain******** 2 hours till detonation********
"AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oops, oh well! C'mon Zigggy!" Tammy pushes some buttons on the information screen and a picture of the hall cams appear tracking Zigeris. "Oh she's pretty! No wonder he loves her!"
Zigeris and Kimi reach the hanger doors and slide their things towards the Alpha, Kimi cannot see who's in the cockpit and asks, "Zig who's in the ship?" Zigeris picks up another bag and motions her to come, "It's some girl, let's go." They throw what they could into the back watch, behind the cockpit which had house two people.
"Hi! I'm TAMMY!"
"You're a little girl!? ZIGERIS!? SHE'S GOING TO FLY!?"
Zigeris secures the hatch and settles the bags and such down. "Yeah, nothing worse can happen anyway." Zigeris mutters.
Zigeris looks to see that the exterior doors are not open. "Don't we need to open them first... can we do that from here?"
"Yes it's called plasma!"
Suddenly a wall of force presses against Kimi and Zigeris' body and tosses them back into each other as the entire cockpit flashes a brilliant blue light that eventually erodes away to reveal the entire side of the hanger is now gone!
"Ooops wrong button!" Kimi looks over at Zigeris with the notion of concern and disbelief that he'd allow such a thing to happen.
"Tammy, this is Kimi, where are we going now?"
"Oh well, we can't fly this ship in the open, nope, we have to disguise it! So I am going to pick up a transport."
"I have no money the Liberty Government took all my things."
"Oh I hate LSF, you LSF? UGH LSF! Such snobs thinking they can rule everything with codes and secrets. Well, if you're LSF turn a blind eye I am going to steal one."
"Ah, yeah no. No stealing anything."
"Don't be such a baby! I've done it BEFORE!"
"That doesn't...comfort me at all..." Zigeris sits down by Kimi. Kimi looks at him with confused eyes. "Where's your brother?" Zigeris clenches up and looks away.
"I killed him." Tammy says softly, but abruptly. Zigeris refuses to let his eyes connect with Kimi, knowing full well this isn't a time to be emotional, or let up on trying to figure out what's going on, and who this girl is.
"You assassinated him, is what you're telling me? You killed my brother I am owed the reason as to why and who wanted him gone." Zigeris says with a flat tone to his voice, Kimi never experienced this tone before and it frighten her.
"He was going to kill you anyway, what was the issue? Usually people point guns at someone doesn't have much more to say to them or love them. But I guess that doesn't matter to you, not that it doesn't, but you don't see it from my view of things. Well I am Tammy. You already know that. Quinn is my boyfriend. Him and I are from the same place. We're not siblings that's gross. No, but we grew up in the same house. I had other's like him, brother types that weren't actually my brothers. We didn't have a family or anything it wasn't a family we were stolen. But your brother had nothing to do with that. He just made a bad deal with even worse people than him. These people wanted him dead because of the Alpha. They want the Alpha. They sent me to get it and destroy the control thingy. Your brother was going to die anyway, I just made his death the best option he had. Better than those Foun...." Tammy pauses as she sets the auto controls. Zigeris adjusts his eyes to meet hers has she looks back at him. "I'm sorry I had to kill him. I listened to what he was saying to you, and I think he is wrong you can't change blood of family. DNA and crap, but not family blood. He wasn't your brother anymore and I am sorry I had to kill his body. But his soul was gone before you got there." Tammy now turns around and gazes out into the Tau's debris fields. "You see your LSF has begun this entire thing, whatever is going on, I am apart of it, and you are too, I know because you were at that base. There is no reason for anyone not involved with this war to be there. Anyway there are people, bad people, who are going to cause millions and millions worth of genocides. They want everyone to suffer. I am an instrument of that genocide. I was created for it. I am designed to kill. They tried to, but failed. They failed with Quinn too. They tried to make use love nothing. I and Quinn love, therefor we cannot be used. I don't let them know that, because I've used them back. I've done bad things, but to bad people. Now Quinn is gone, somewhere, and I have to find him. I am being hunted by many people. You're too, I guess. Because if they know your brother they also know you. They know everything! They see everything! They have for a few hundred years. These people...are pure evil. I can't take them on my own. And I don't want to. I just wanna find Quinn. Because without him I will become a tool of genocide and I will kill millions." She hangs her head down and sways back and forth. "I don't wanna kill anymore people. I just wanna die loved."