to see the effect of torpedo weapons on rediculously small and agile fighters - you just need to take a fight vs. a keeper LF ( not the morph but the other one, the good one )
it has a minedropper + torp slot and 15.5k energy ( most of all fighters ) - combined in the most agile ship by far and a very small hitbox. - of course, these torps do 15.000 damage and not the suggested 1000.
the way it sounds - it just adds another gun to the light fighters - which is problematic. even a single gun can change the balance quite a bit. - it won t take long till people scream for emp / pulse guns in the slot - and we ll end up with unhittable ships that can still defeat much more heavily armed ships but cannot use their weaponry effectivly, cause they have almost no chance to hit the little bugger, - while the small ship slowly but steadily chews their armour away.
i am a bit cautious with such things. - the ships are made for a specific number of guns - adding more upsets a lot.
i ll not resolutely say "no" - but such a feature would need very very extensive testing.
It should use the torpedo slot, for the reason Jinx mentioned. It wasn't meant for "light fighters", it was meant for "underpowered" or "low-level fighters".
One question I have. What ship level would it be balanced for? The vanilla ships are notoriously un-equal. Liberty < Bretonia < Kusari < Rheinland, as the SP campaign went. So, would this be for a HF with lvl 4 guns? Or maybe lvl 6? Or ... you get my point.
lets say its like a magma hammer - some 500 projectile speed at a 2.0 refire and maybe 1100 damage or whatever the magma hammer looks like.
when its a torpedo slot weapon, it fits in all torpedos. - small and weak ships as much as heavy and expensive ones.
so we might get the heavy bombers really doing fighter hunting. - they d still have their "relativly" large powerplant - and with additional 2 "guns" they could beat up a fighter - maybe not better than they do with a SN cannon.... but easier.
what you might get is a bomber with 4 codenames + 2 torp guns that do not need to be used like sniper rifles at an extreme energy cost. - but could be "spammed" like normal guns. - the bomber looses a lot of its anti-cap power but might gain a lot more anti-fighter power.
while specialization and choice of specialization is not a bad thing.... it turns the bombers away from its original purpose very much.
bombers can be outmanouvered by fighters, yes - but additionally to their heavier armour, they also have the ability to fire all their weapons for a much longer time.
a hammerhead with optimal guns ( gunslinger / buckshots / reavers ) drains dry in around 3 - 4 seconds. - a bomber does not.
just a prospect of what might turn up against a VHF:
BHG bomber with 1 imp. deb II, 4 buckshot, 2 micro razors - almost never running out of energy. - such a vessel wouldn t be used against capships anymore - but only vs. fighters... i m not sure if its good to face a ship that - while being a bit slower and bigger than an average fighter... can still fire 7 guns for such an extended period of time.
*even worse when its some pulse gun that does 1k shield dam at 2.0 refire.
Thats why I did suggest that Supernovas, minis, all energy based heavy hitting weaponry and such are given a separate class from torpedos that use ammo.
Jinx, you do realize that a macro would have the refire of maybe one shot every 5 seconds, I dont see how it would be chainfired or treated as an addon weapon on heavy ships.
I'd say its refire would have to be quite low to keep the performance on powerful ships as low as on the underpowered ones. Something like 0.33 refire, depending on the practical refire on its intended ship level due to power consumption.
I repeat, this weapon shouldn't be very useful on high-end ships, it should be used like a mini razor on the low-end ships and it should behave like a very weak mini razor on the high-end ones - you keep the low refire and the damage turns out to be unsatisfactory.
I would also give it around minirazor speed, maybe a bit higher (the low-end ships tend to be maneuverable), 500 seems too much.