A man in navy uniform walks into the tearoom and looked around, he picked a table and sat down,
the bartender came: "What can I get you?"
-A cup of tea, please."
The bartender places the smoking cup on the table. "Enjoy."
God this trading is killing me, I deserve this tea and some rest, heh. He thought.
' Wrote:A man in navy uniform walks into the tearoom and looked around, he picked a table and sat down,
the bartender came: "What can I get you?"
-A cup of tea, please."
The bartender places the smoking cup on the table. "Enjoy."
God this trading is killing me, I deserve this tea and some rest, heh. He thought.
The four quiet oriental men at the table, three in KNF uniform, and one with the cap and trim of a KNT Trader, bowed and smiled as each new arrival entered the Tea Room. The sipped tea quietly, and seemed engaged with an ornate hookah on the table. It bore a raised glasswork apple of gold.
Chijin: Our young pilots do well. They improve with each kill. I predict good things.
Shikikan: Hai! How is trade faring in Kusari, Hex?
Hex: Our guest traders increase. They know our naval pilots stand guard.
Chijin: Hai!
Hex: I will miss Chuushin. He was a great Holy Man and advisor.
A very, very short man swaggers into the Tea Room. White gloves, white belt, and gold-trimmed white cap sparkle against the black of a KNF uniform. A strange cap badge, ornate shoulder flash, and a chest-full of medals seem to indicate a person of high prestiege, and the voice that shoots out, like the crack of a whip, fails to disappoint.
"Tea! Hot! Now!"
"Of course, Captain-san. Right this way."
The Officer swaggers to a corner table, bearing a small 'Reserved' sign on it and sits with dignity. As the tea is rushed onto the table, he glances around and snorts quietly...
"Hrmf! The Admiral is still not here! I have so many funny things to tell him!"
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
' Wrote:A very, very short man swaggers into the Tea Room. White gloves, white belt, and gold-trimmed white cap sparkle against the black of a KNF uniform. A strange cap badge, ornate shoulder flash, and a chest-full of medals seem to indicate a person of high prestiege, and the voice that shoots out, like the crack of a whip, fails to disappoint.
Chijin rose from the table and walked over to the KTA's table, where Akagi was savoring the aroma of his jamsine tea.
"Akagi-san. Hai. I am Chijin, humble fighter pilot for KNF. I wish to honor you for taking heavy fire in your Destroyer while LoTeK and I chewed Corsair gunboat from behind the other day. I hope your refit at Yokohama was satisfactory?"
The man's gruff exterior and aloofness fell for just a moment, and a twinkle pased across his piercing eyes. "Ah, yes. He focused all on me, and though I had to withdraw, you fighter jocks finally put him down. I honor you as well. Join me in tea?"
A fighter pilot walks in, an older man, unkempt with three days beard peppered with gray and a wrinkled flightsuit. He already has a head start on the rest of the patrons, leaning heavily on a "hospitality" girl, his arm around her shoulder and hand danging down in front of the tight red dress she wears like a uniform of her trade. The hand at the end of the arm is holding a half empty bottle of rice wine with the stopper missing. Wasabi he is called by some, Wobbly by others, and his next action is to whisper something in the girls ear then nibble at it. She responds with a giggle, the smile brightening a face that is not unpleasant but is forgetable, the perfect face for the amusement of a fighter pilot drinking off the last mission or drinking to the next. The girl slips out from under his arm and leads his staggering body by pulling his one hand with both of hers, pulling the man twice her weight as she walks backwards to a corner table where he grunts as she releases him and slips into a chair, long dress slit up the side falling off her legs with a wanton grace only this sort of girl can show. Wasabi sits down heavily next to her, sliding his chair over where it bumps against hers as she pulls out a small compact and checks her to heavy eye makeup and too red lipstick. Grabbing a dirty half full teacup from the tables last patron he throws the tea out and fills it with the Sake, then staggering back to his feet he yells Kanpai! before draining the cup in a gulp. He then reaches up and unscrews the bulb over the table, leaving him and his companion in relative darkness.
*Not open a day, and the Boom Boom girls have already staked out the clientele, and they're changing the lighting on me. Next order of business is posting Tea Room rules, I can see.*
Due to the pain in his nether-regions he almost missed the whisper of his comm from his ship. Upon responding he turned red and made an embarssed wave to all assembled in silent apology. Explanations would have to wait. An emergency had been signaled by his fellows in Liberty and all experienced veterans were called to Cali.
A carbon scored Wyrm moved into the hangar bay. Just from looking at the ship, it was very obviously new, the carbon scoring being received from lost training battles. A girl opened the cockpit just as soon as the ship touched. She seems barely old enough to join the Navy, still in her early 20's. She had black hair and a well-formed body, an obvious athlete. As she came closer to the tea-room, a small scar, a sliver, was visible on her cheek. Nothing took away from her beauty, not even the scar.
She entered the tea-room quietly and glanced quickly about the room before sitting down at the bar.
With the pneumatic hiss of the opening of the doors, a man with a defined limp entered the Tea Room. His hair was blond, almost to the point of being blindingly so. However, little could be seen; the hat the man wore covered most of it. On his waist hung a large scabbard, ornately jeweled, with a massive hilt protruding from it. The man's face was an assortment of scars and wrinkles. While he couldn't be any older than fifty, he looked almost seventy.
Anyone who viewed that man saw two things; calculated risks, and gristly strategy. Renown simply for his capacity of hatred, Captain Igor Svaldi, recently reassigned from his position as Admiral, sat down in a secluded corner of the room. His table had been reserved, and no one dared near it.
That is, of course, except for one particularly aged man.
Standing no higher than five foot two, the stooped old man sat adjacent from Svaldi. The menacing glare that erupted from the eyes of the captain of the Pride of Kusari did nothing to ward off the old man.
"I am Richard. Richard Walters," said the old man. Svaldi grunted. "Here, try the wine, yes? It is good, I think. Ah, that Sophie might be a mechanical being, but she can sure make a good cup of this here tea!"
"I thought you said wine, old man," Svaldi said. His voice matched his face: scarred, angry, and worn out.
"I did. I mix both tea AND wine together, yes? Makes for an exceptional punch!" The old man laughed at this, and suddenly became very sober. Leaning in near the captain, he spoke now in low tones. "Fiona says that she's received word that the Uli Rouge is nearing completion. She will be leaving Honshu soon, I believe. You'd best be there, yes? I'll be at the villa; do not fail us again, Igor. I'd hate to... have to see Fiona in any mood other than the one she does best: happy. Do not fail us, yes? We'll be in touch."
Scooting back from the table, the old man let out another great laugh. One of the patrons looked at him, but received a near-drunken stare back. "Good bye, Perfect Blossom!" Richard said happily. "I'll return... with more tea! Don't mind that lazy eyes of mine... or that stagger... I'm perfectly fit to pilot my space craft, thank you very much!"
And with that, the old man left the Tea Room.
Sighing deeply, Svaldi beckoned a waitress to him. "Whatever your top four strongest drinks are, mix them together in equal portions and serve it to me. I need to forget this. Now."
The place was filling up. Shoulders stooped with fatigue, Nadir looked around the tea rooms. Four hours! Four hours it had taken him to rewire power up to his ship's airlock. He'd only gone back for his ID card. He knew something was horribly wrong when the hatch closed behind him and the lights went out for a second time. Usually the lighting circuit didn't operate the doors and visa versa. He wasn't an engineer but knew that much about starship design and now knew a lot more having read through the 'airlock' section of the enormously unhelpful technical manual.
An old man staggered past him reeking of tea and wine. In a darkened corner something was going on that demanded more privacy than it was getting. Svaldi was there. It came as palpable surprise to Nadir that the captain of the Kusari Pride was to be found outside his ship. Nadir noted several KNF pilots and a few people from Liberty space. He straightened his shoulders, smoothed out his now crumpled uniform and went to the bar, giving curt salutes where appropriate as he went.
"Tea," he ordered from a robot. "Know anything about wiring?"