' Wrote:PS3 failed from release. but try taking out the HDD and putting it back in, actually. i dunno if that voids the warranty or not...might wanna check it out before doing that. (ive never personally had a PS3 but i have taken them apart and such)
the first 2 waves of 360s failed too, mine red ringed 4 times. so i took a Hatchet, Hammer, and blowtorch to it then sent it back to microsoft in pieces with a nice little note.
but. my Wii has never failed me. it plays super smash bros whenever i want it to.
but above all. my computer is teh sexiest. it will never die!
if it doesnt void the warranty take out the HDD put it back in. then if that doesn't work. you may have to get it replaced. my PS3 knowledge is limited its a mess inside that case
1. True. PS3 was a huge overpriced shoebox. A friend of mine has a PS3 AND a PS2 and he plays the latter more than the former. And he keeps badgering me to give him my PS2 games. Annoying prick.
2. My 360 never failed. Ever. And I've had it for close to a year now. And you did WHAT!? That is epicawsumsauce right there.
3. The Wii is cool... for a while. Then it gets boring. I got mine packed in a box in my closet xD
4. Computers die too y'know! I sure know my graphs card just did.
But yeah , best advice evarr : Trade in your PS3 for a new graphs card or processor.:P
All have their advantages and disadvantages and if all you want is to say PS3/XBox 360/etc suck, dont post here please.
And for your problem, first look in settings/system settings/system information to see how much space you have remaining. If for an unknown reason you have little space remaining, try formatting your PS3 HD, there is a utility for that somewhere but I forgot where.
If it doesnt fix the problem, then I do not know what is the problem.
And to all those who wants to say that this or this console is better or worse, please GTFO you thread hijackers.
' Wrote:1. True. PS3 was a huge overpriced shoebox.
PS3 was overpriced? When it first came out the average BluRay player was more than the $400 it cost for the PS3. So you got a great gaming system, home media player, and BluRay player for less than it cost for the average standalone BR player. I definitely thought it was worth it.:P
' Wrote:PS3 was overpriced? When it first came out the average BluRay player was more than the $400 it cost for the PS3. So you got a great gaming system, home media player, and BluRay player for less than it cost for the average standalone BR player. I definitely thought it was worth it.:P
So , once it came out it was only worth it to those who already owned an HD TV and wanted something other than a gaming console ( which , may I remind you , the 360 can read DVDs as well). Not to mention that the difference between DVD and Bluray quality is neglectable ( and yes , I have seen movies on Bluray). A movies plot wont get better from increased resolution...
Dont get me started on a 360 vs PS3 rumble... I was a Sony fan boy until this gen. My PS2 game stack is almost taller than me. The PS3 was just a bad idea , horribly executed.
PS: The exclusives sucked as well. R&C has been going downhill since Deadlocked. Naughty Dog are too busy starting new IPs to continue the Jak series. MGS4 was crap compared to 3. GoW3 is still to come , but I bet it will be exactly the same as the last ones but with better graphics.