I've sent you all of the reports from 01 to 127 of my project to integrate nomad nerves into the human nervous system to increase bio efficiency. I advise you to turn your attention to reports 01, 43, and 127 as they are the most pertinent. Please hold questions about how I extracted the nerves, should you have any. I realize that most institutions are currently unable to perform an autopsy on a nomad cadaver but the knowledge of how to do so shall remain part of my leverage until your group agrees to fund my project. Please understand my situation. If you wish to see the specimen in person at the Nexus, reply appropriately.
Report #01:
This is Doctor Margery Miller, chief of research in the Nomad Integration project. I have begun testing of nerve integration on a human subject. Keeping things simple: I decided to start with the femoral nerve originating at L2 and L4. The reasoning was that failure would simply result in loss of the use of a section of thigh muscles. An acceptable risk, and one that payed off. There are no ill effects as of yet. I can not observe any noticeable performance difference at this time. One of the initial worries from the team was that the subjects body wouldnt even be able to integrate the nerves since the nomad body used entirely different sets of messages from brain to peripheral organs however the nerves themselves are just the conduit. With the subjects brain remaining human the signals to the organs remain the same, simply faster. The augmented nerves are visible beneath the skin in the area from the L4 to the thigh. It creates an eerie appearance. Output speed is not significantly increased between the brain as all the original nerves in the subjects body are human. Extrapolating the readings Im getting from my equipment of the output speed within the integrated nerve is enormous. If this data is accurate, were looking at something huge.
Report #43:
Trial and error is a natural part of experimentation and Ive had to repurpose some of the nerves before integration could even begin. So far the results are much as projected with many negative side effects, both expected and unexpected. As usual, the true observations cant begin until after full integration with the subjects central and peripheral nervous systems. Presently, all nerve clusters below the L4 have been augmented. Those areas of the body experience a reaction time increase of almost fifteen times that of a normal human, however there are more negatives than positives at the moment. For one the muscles spasm irregularly but violently with the extra energy output, especially when idle. The subjects urination and bowel movement patterns have become irregular due to the same issue. Urination especially seems to be a problem due to a perpetually shocked bladder, so weve had to frequently make use of a catheter. The subject has also stopped ovulation, though whether this is due to the augmented nerves or to the stress on the body is not yet apparent. One final note, but an important one. I was originally hesitant to replace the laryngeal recurrent nerve because of the shock it would put on the heart but the effect of blood flow in the integrated areas is already interfering with the heart to the point where a pacemaker had to be implemented. It seems we may have to speed up the process.
Report #127:
So far, the overall desired effect is what I had expected. Communication throughout both the peripheral and central nervous systems has increased dramatically. Just as projected: an increase of nearly 15 times human average all around, with very small margin of variance. The stress on the heart was too much as predicted. The subjects heart was replaced with an artificial one, as stated in Report #54, as a result of the myocardial infarction. Now that full nerve integration is complete, more observations have been made than the standard increase in charge and muscle reaction. First, hormonal triggers occur and dissipate faster than in a normal human. The result is that the subject experiences sudden mood swings that are gone just as quickly as they began. Ovulation still has not resumed and isnt expected to do so at this time. The mental acuity of the subject is obviously greatly enhanced though physical reflexes do not follow their full possible potential. Rather, they are at their full potential presently. The mind can interpret things at a much faster rate but due to still using human eyes and muscles, the subjects actual physical reaction time is limited to what the human body can perform. This may be the next thing into which I look. The threat of organ failure is much less than Id anticipated. The subjects augmented; blue nerves can be seen beneath the skin in most parts of the body now. It must be strange to see for people who arent used to it. A minor sacrifice for the sake of evolution. Im still not satisfied by the way the nerves work with the human body. I believe introduction of cardmine will increase the efficiency with which the nerves work with the subjects body, including a restoration to normal bodily function such as urination and respiration. Estimated output after sufficient cardamine use is approximately thirty seven to forty times the average rate of intercellular impulse in the human nervous system. This session ends our current experiment. I will begin research into the next experiment as soon as I acquire funding.
Miyo - Exposing the truth no matter what!
Margery - I... have calculated the exact value of Pi.
Mel - Mel will take out the garbage, now~
Ayu - Everything happens on my patrol, doesn't it? :igh::
[color=#FFFF00]A man in a labcoat stands in front of the camera. Cybernetics are visible, crawling across the top of his skull like the sprawl of a massive metropolis over a moon, grasping at it, his sking, with small tendrils of metal that terminate by burrowing straight down into the flesh. It seems to slip over the right side of his head more, and a strip was visible on the side of his neck, probably connecting with his head cybernetics. He smiles as the video feeds optimises, looking slightly more human than most might.
"Overwatch." he says, "Today is an exciting day for project Noboru. It is well noted that we recovered our first specimens for the preliminary mutation processes just over seventeen years ago. Fifteen years ago, one of the survivors was taken from the tanks and put into extensive training to optimise him for service to the Consortium. Two years of training have been fulfilled as directed, and we believe specimen Zed-3 is now ready for field duty, under surveillance of our labs. There are deviations in the calculations that might arise due to the unpredictability of this specimen, but it is logical to assume that any risks would be nullified with the failsafe devices we've implanted and neural monitoring at all times."
He glances down and types a few keys. "I'm uploading the files now."
[color=#FFFF00]"I would advise a trial period as a Spahi before moving him onto the tasks he is optimised for, as this is strictly modus operandi. If our calculations are infallible, he will shortly prove himself and become an invaluable asset of the Consortium." He smiles a little bit more at this, the skin across his face stretching against the cybernetic implant in his head, holes stretching in his dry skin. "I hope to announce similar news for other members of the Noboru project in due time. They will become a major success."
Elsewhere, perhaps deeper within the nexus, perhaps without, an individual watched over the two concurrent reports displayed on Holo-screens around him.
"<::Miller... Noboru... hmmm, both will need to be looked into. The former most intently."
The black armored figure, surrounded by displays and holo-screens, toggled on a communications feed to another individual, presumably an Aide-de-Camp.
"<::Two things. Send a request to Miss 'Miller', DSO-54 for you. Tell her, I want more info on the subjects she's dealing with. Specifics of origin, gender, age, that sort of thing. I want to keep this on a trial period, and more importantly, 'test' any successful subjects to make sure the assimilation increases vulnerability to exogen influance." The man spoke, in a deep Dixie Accent.
A wordless response of data acknowladged his request.
"<::Secondly, I want regular reports on The Noboru specimen. Cross-comparison to our existing CCU genetypes. I want to make sure it is viable for integration into the 'Second Generation' specimens. I do want to make sure it has no side effects or behavior quirks before I approve large-scale Gene-replication."
Silently, the datalink de-activated, delivering the sender's message out across the network. The man who delivered it, sitting back and steepling his fingers, continuing to watch over the situation as holo-displays and datalinks permiated his workspace.
Miller pushes up her glasses and dramatically pulls the covering off of the object she intends to display. Beneath it is a small chamber filled with a clear gelatinous substance. In the "gelform" floats a nude Kusari girl, her blue nerves partly visible beneath her, curiously, unscarred skin. Her hands are bound behind her back and she has a breathing mask strapped to her face.
"This", Dr. Miller points to the girl, "is the second subject of my research into exogenic nerve integration." Miller steps aside, letting the various Consortium members and researchers present view the subject. She presses a switch, turning on the speaker connected to the subject's breathing mask at a low volume. The girl's low, rhythmic breathing can be barely heard. "As a result of its nerve replacement, the subject is hypersensitive to all external stimuli. It's for this reason that it's been placed in a state of sensory deprivation. It can usually hear people speaking just outside of its containment but not much farther and it certainly can't see or smell anything outside the gelform containment."
"Sensory deprivation", Miller explains to the audience in her heavy Bretonian accent, "causes most exposed to it to believe they've died after mere days and hyper responsive to stimuli. They will cling to the first person they can reach after being released from it. Subject II's sensitivity is only heightened further by the deprivation however make no mistake believing that it's cruel to keep it deprived. It would be in constant pain from the shrill sounds around her, the bright lights, and anything to make direct skin contact would range from slightly painful to unbearable. This gelform is for the subject's own protection. This also brings up the reason why its hands are bound, which many of you may have been wondering. A few weeks into its containment, the subject apparently developed an intense desire to self terminate and attempted to drown itself in the gelform by removing its breathing tube. As a result, its hands have been bound and its breathing mask made so that it won't come off. At most it can manage to force itself to fall unconscious."
"Observe." Miller uses the back of her hand held note pad to give the container a hard knock. The girl in the tank squirms in the gel and her soft whimpering comes through the speakers briefly. "It's quite an unpleasant sound. The gel dissipates the vibrations almost immediately."
Miller taps on her note pad, presumably bringing up new points to go over. "Now for the positive aspects of the nerve replacement. I must start with the subject's background. Subject II was, prior to this, a student at the University of New Tokyo attempting to obtain her second PhD at only age 24. I found her researching broad area data transmissions here in Kusari. In her reports, she has recordings of transmissions from nearly every major organization in Kusari space. She had even made a recording of a few, presumably low priority, transmissions from this Consortium. She had been fascinated with prospect of a collective consciousness. It was at this point that I encountered the subject in an escape pod in Hokkaido clinging to a handheld containing an, as of yet, unbreakable transmission. I still have her research but I felt the subject to be a perfect specimen for my experiment given her high intelligence."
"Subject II very well may have the fastest processing, still human, brain in the Sirius sector as a result of the nerve replacement to compliment its natural intellect. On top of that, Subject II will often fixate on whatever outside stimulus I provide to it. Sometimes even ones that cause it physical pain. Most of all, Subject II is hyper responsive to anything that brings it information. While it was not integrated into the hive mind of the exogens, I have infrequently allowed it access to closed data banks. The speed at which Subject II processes information is astounding. At least fifteen times the rate at which the human brain should be capable of processing."
Miller turns off the speaker and shows a figure displaying the amount of money it costs per week to maintain Subject II. "As you can see, this subject's needs have exceeded my limited budget and I lack the necessary equipment to conduct any further experiments on it. I would like to present Subject II as a gift to the Consortium to ensure our continued cooperation in research. You may use it for whatever purposes you see fit. Thank you; any questions?" She looks around at the audience.
Miyo - Exposing the truth no matter what!
Margery - I... have calculated the exact value of Pi.
Mel - Mel will take out the garbage, now~
Ayu - Everything happens on my patrol, doesn't it? :igh::