Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153...iller5.png | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story
2) Below is a few various versions ripped from IMEEM and YouTube as well as other sites, that have the closest instrumental / Karaoke sound. After stripping the audio with Adobe Premier, and uploading (Mediafire) it for you, this is what I have.
**This took alot of work, and I tried my very best to retain the quality and format for you, as well as find the cleanest and highest bit audio track** I hope you see me out, I could really use the credits mate, =) - - Rev
If you want to know how ii ripped from IMEEM, I used File2HD.com
and converted this :: Then used Premier to seperate the audio and export it in a mp4 (HD Quality) and increase the quality by converting to wav (notice the file size during download).
But you have to pay to download the MP3, and it's not the best version I've heard (but the only pure instrumental version). Don't know if there's a way to record the song as it plays, rather than paying to download it.
Here are the two files you have wanted. I had to go to a friends house to upload this, but it is worrth it. I Hope you see my effort, and find me worthy of your credits, here is your song both versions in mp3 - converted for you.