I'd also like to know if it's a work around to disable it, it's rather annoying at times as it doesn't quite work if you have weapons with different range and speed.
' Wrote:how to achieve autoaim?
I always shoot like on the last picture.
That IS the, so called, auto aim, see the guns pointing at the prediction marker rather than my cursor.
Imaging you have a BS, you are fighting a BS, if there is a missile between you two, you wont be able to hit him, because your guns lock on said missile.
' Wrote:But.. i think i said it wrong then...
my guns always shoot where my damn cursor is. if i move it, the guns move as well.
give me the dumbest tutorial ever if you can please. do i need to keep the aim on target for few seconds or something?
Ofcourse the guns move as you move the cursor. Say, you have salamancas with their max range, if there is no target between you, the gun projectiles will touch at said max range. If there IS a target selected, they will all touch at the range your target is.
Yeah, it's a damn pain when fighting in asteroid fields. Loads of shots end up hitting asteroids rather then the intended target. Gets bloody annoying. I'd love to see it turned off completely