Today i was flying around omega-5
with Deus Encarmine and Axe we killed 3 crusairs easily, pirated a trader and almost got into a clash with the SF.
The person we killed then came back shooting at us so we killed him again:).
The pirates are indeed strong we could easily overun the weakling SF and pirate every trader coming trough omega 5 and any other run we deicide to blockade.
Soon this day will come the day that all pirates unite underone banner and we will crush all opposition.
Now hand me another of your strongest wiskey. Ahhh hell give me the whole bottle.
Last night, Rogue 63, Rogue 81 and meself (Didanetliyvedi) - all of us Rogues - took on the SA in Texas over Planet Houston. It were a very bloody mess indeed. The LNS Dallas managed to take one of us out before he met his fate by means of me guns. Alas, the Washington put up a massive fight. He swung around to engage me after seein the demise of his leader. The battle was tremendous with at least four SA against us three Rogues.
Unfortunately we had to call off the fight. Seems the LNS Dallas called foul while the Washington and I danced around guns ablaze. The sorry lot takes the game a bit too seriously. The cad ... seems to call for screens and run for the admins all too quickly. Perhaps he should attempt to resolve the issue among men rather than bring in the powers be in the server. ARG! I don't mind bein called a scountrel, but dont'cha dare call me a cheat.
As the case be now ... the LNS Dallas be on me avoid PvP list. No honor tanglin with his sort.
Didanetliyvedi out...
* grabs a stiff drink and heads back to his crew *
####Downloading Log####
##Log Reg. Number 4372##
##Reg To: Ashenhurst##
This is Ashenhursts log of the day's events:
The Captain of the LLCS-Damonfauld stood on the bridge of the Spa and Cruise Luxury Liner he was the master of, overseeing the comings and goings of operating a busy and important ship such as this one. HE had been on a small trip into the dangerous space of the Badlands, the most inhospitable section of Liberty space save for the Radiation feilds of Texas. He had been keeping everything safe, only straying about 100 kilometres deep away from the safty of the Liberty cruiser patrol situated at Ithaca. His passangers were safe, because even if the Liberty Rogues did get past his multiple Flak Cannons and Pintle Turrets, they would have to fight an elite squadron of Eagles and Gryphons to get at this Liner.
He sat down on his chair and looked of the rout his passangers would see next.
The Werewolf spun around the edge of a black, obsidian rock, just barlyy missing a razor edged point and its cannon's opened fire. The Bounty hunter Guild ship broke appart, the wings both vaporised and the cockpit smashed into an oncoming stone the size of a small town.
The Pilot of the Werewolf, a Rogue by the name of Ashenhurst, sped on through the eeire blackness of the feild, not even the sun shone this deep into the nebula. He spotted anoher hunter trying to find his bearing and he zoomed in on the cock-pit of the light fighter with his bionic eye to see if the pilot was who he was looking for.
It was not. This was good and bad for the poor soul who had wandered this far into Rogue territory, Good because it wasn't the guy Ashenhurst was after, bad, because he was vaporized.
"Hey! Ash! You got anymore on your scanners?" Said his friend Wodgiss, who piloted a Hyena.
"Ney matey, Thee be nothin' on me scanners." Said Ash, his rough voice grated over the vox. "All I gots is thee Vindictive on Long range. She be comin' in ter assist us."
"I read her too, Captain North is a good man and I belive he has some fighters too. Apparently there is something big out there and this is a haul that will make us all rich!"
"Ach now matey, We all be pretly rich alrea'y! BUt I do be supposin' that a few million or so more g's can be too bad, yar har!"
"Never would I disagree more, once a Rogue, always a Rogue!"
A New Voice came over the comms;
"Nice to hear you two again but its down to business. One of our satalies near Ithaca has picked up what appears to be a Luxury Liner, and its basically unprotected, save a few fighter squads."
"I heard about this, Captain North, Isthat why your Brining the Vindictive?" Said Wodgiss, an edge of excitment in his voice.
"Ineed it is," Replied North, Captain of a Rogues Gunboat. "We needits guns to get past the sheilds of such a big craft."
"Wheel now!" Said Ash, "This be a righ' fine and migh'y trun o' events! Do we got some more fighter suppor'?"
"Yes, Alpha Zulu 352 is on rout, and they have figher bombers and interceptors."
"I got the Co-ordinates for the strike." Said Wodgiss "It looks like it will be only an hour or so. I suggest we leave now, before the convy decides to move."
"Roger that, I'll meet you two Hoodlums there, Captain North over and Out."
Flak shells burst all around him as he spun his sluggish craft around and around to avoid getting anihilated by the hazardous light-show. Ash was flying along side the massive Liner, which was probably about two kilometres long, almost as big as a liberty cruiser. A turret on the leviathan loomed ahead of him and as it spun to fire a shot as big as his ship at the Vindictive he launched a sunslayer torpedo. The Ordanace lanced outwards and struck the turret, shearing it from its mount in tiny peices.
Ashenhurst forcused his attention on a Grypthon ahead of him and he pulled the firing studs on his joysticks. His lasers cackled manicly back at him and the Gryphon died, not stopping his firing, he swept his guns along the lines of the surprised squad and killed another two before they re-grouped and did immelmans to reach him.
He flicked the sticks expertly and avoided a missle salvo and fired a torp at a Eagle that was only three metres infron of him. It exploded, and the squad broke up. He fired mroe lasers at the sides of Liner, he was now clsoe enough that his fighter was insdie the shields of the ship.
Wodgiss flew up infront of him, chasing a slower heavy fighter as it tried to avoid his reletless barrage and it eventualy succumed, the pilot welcoming death as an end to the suffering.
"Nice kills, Ash! You haven;t lost your touch after all!"
"Shadda up ye old fool! Ah'll beat ya in a figh' any day matey!"
A large shockwave rocked his ship, the main sheilds for the liner had gone down and the Vindictive was moving in. "BOARDING ACTION!!!" Shouted North over the Vox set, "All you maggots want in on this kill and you gotta earn it! These civillian boys ain't know whats coming for them!"
Ash smiled gleefully to himself, and he docked his fighter on a small port on the sdie of the Vindictive. Wodgiss was quick to follow and they met up and entered the main boarding room. The Crippled liner was helpless as the gunboat pulled up along the main promenade deck and attached itself. The shaped charges along the side with the boarding room went off, cleaving a hole in the massive liner and the gunboats door opened up to the hole.
The pirates charged out, with Ashenhurst at the head, followed by North and Wodgiss. He was dress in his usual gard, the stardard Rogue Brown jacket, was replaced by something of the same material and look but it was longer and more like a coat. {{Like Neo from teh Matrix but brown and kinda coarse to the touch}}. He Had his sabre in one had and his BarragerCP in the other. At his wasiter were a variety of knifes, light pilots, energy packs and slung over his shoulder was his stolen VengenceAR, a liberty assault rifle he now used as his own.
The Spa and Cruise Armsmen charged the blood-thirsty mob, armed only with shotguns and light dueling swords, more decorative then anything. They all wore bring, ceremonial clothes, oviously deisgned to look good and professional amonst the passengers but to the Rogues the red and yellow frills and tall helmets were mroe of a Joke.
Ashenhurst charged, and swung his blade at the first unfortunate sap who stood in his way. The horizontal slash cut the man across the chest and his blood spilled on the floor. Ash continude his motion and cut up, taking of the arm of another man and then a stab through the chest. The Blood flew as the pirate lay waste with the armsmen.
The Rogue besdie Ash was taken down by a shotgun blast and he charged, bringing his blade down from the top. His opponent was resourcesful and used his gun as a blocker, and held the sword aloft. Ash let go with one hand and punched the man in the stomach, causing him to buckle down and drop his gun. A quick sqing to the tendons behind the knee brough the man down on his chest and then a dagger to the spine stopped his movement.
Anotehr fool charged, oviously wanting to avvenge her fallen comrade but she stumbled on a splash of red ichor and Ashenhurst used this opertunity. He slashed lwo and took of a leg before standing and slashing to take of a head.
He looked around, there was no-one left in the ante room. It was time to move on. Blood was in his eyes and he wasn't ready to give up. There were several hallways leading out of the spacious room, its once beautiful funishings all now some shande of red. Ashenhurst ran downone, followed closly by many rogues.
Two armsmen where hinding behind an ornate desk, and they stood up to cut down the intruders. Ash was too fast, and fired his pistol and took out half of ones head in a bright flash of fate. The other was dumbfound and was overrun by a hored of Rogues, all stabbing.
Coming up next was a dinning hall, and here the enemy was more prepared. They had Magmahammers Mounter on Turrets they could pick up and move tables were pushed over as makeshift cover. The armsmen opened fire and several of teh rogues fell voer, clutching various vouces and adding more blood to the flood. Ash readied his assault rifle and fired a few bursts of blue laser at the Civillians and killed one, and then dove behind a table.
Where there was a breif lapse in firing, he jumped over the table and charged the line of Armsmen. a few ran but some tried to fight back. He swung low and one mans intestines law strew on the floor. He writhed in agony and Ash shot him with his pistol. Another upward swing and there flew an arm, downwars and more blood. Up, down, left right, and forward stabs. His blade was red and his arm was feeling fatigued, but he was not halting in the bloodshed.
An armsman stood up from behind a vase and shouted 'Mercy!' and ashed walked toawrds him and stabbed him thrugh the gut and held him close so he could whisper inthe dying mans ear. "Not fer you matey! Yer one o' thee lucky ones!" Ashenhurst drew a dagger and stabbed the man again in the back this time, digging the blade deep, and turning it a few times for added pain, before finaly sweeping small knife upwards through the spinal column and drawing out his sabre.
A Door lay ahead, and it lead deeper into the ship where more pillaging awaited. Ashenhurst could only wait for the pleasure that would come of killing more of the pathetic civilians and maybe finding a few passnegers locked up in some cabins. And then the captain of the vessel, was a prized he could save for last. Killing him would be fun.