' Wrote:I know that Kruger and Republican aren't on the friendliest of terms due to Republican's corporate rivalry with ALG, but if you ever need shippers RepEx is always willing to help. My Colossus (RepEx-Brizo) has been hanging out in Omega 7 a lot recently.
and this section desperately needs rewriting. The rest is good though.
"How did Kruger started to reestablish:
The reforming leader was the ex-kruger worker that rejoined the company. When he joined his rank was restored as Vice Chairman, so he had a chance to buy a majority of shares, mainly due to his rank. He bought them from his money that he got from selling his private business ships Other reasons unknown. chance showed up when the last Chairman got his company in great debts and it was close to ALG take over, he needed money to pay back his debts. The Vice Chairman offered him help and he agreed just to leave this company running. When he payed back he left the company leaving the Vice Chairman as Chairman. He left the company with small ammount of shares but the new leader soon bought them too and now he holds his hands on Kruger Minerals. However, ALG still owns a great ammount of company shares. Leader hopes that Kruger will be reestabished again, because he has a great funds that can be used for company recovery.(//THIS part will need reforms.)"
1st- Well... I don't see any problems with our relations with Republican shipping. Same thing is how GMG readcts to Kruger; ALGs are neutral/friendly or something like that, but they are unfriendly to Kruger.
2nd- Yes, we will tak about that part with other members.
' Wrote:I don't know that there's hard info for this, but since Gateway and ALG are allies, you might make Gateway friendly.
Well I talked to Baconsoda about our relations with Gateway and it is currently on hold.
' Wrote:What is your rep set for Kishiro. They are allies of GMG but they are also one of main exporters from Kusari space to Rheinland.
Currently there are no exact our reputation towards Kishiro, that means we are neutral but I don't know what are we going to do. GMGs are unfriendly towards us and you are their allies, so I don't know what is your stance towards us.
This part will be modified soon: How did Kruger started to reestablish:
The reforming leader was the ex-kruger worker that rejoined the company. When he joined his rank was restored as Vice Chairman, so he had a chance to buy a majority of shares, mainly due to his rank. He bought them from his money that he got from selling his private business ships Other reasons unknown. chance showed up when the last Chairman got his company in great debts and it was close to ALG take over, he needed money to pay back his debts. The Vice Chairman offered him help and he agreed just to leave this company running. When he payed back he left the company leaving the Vice Chairman as Chairman. He left the company with small ammount of shares but the new leader soon bought them too and now he holds his hands on Kruger Minerals. However, ALG still owns a great ammount of company shares. Leader hopes that Kruger will be reestabished again, because he has a great funds that can be used for company recovery.
Since we do export in Rheinland and seek no conflict, you can put us on Neutral freely. This will not hamper our relations with GMG, they tend to know we arent army but corporation.
Note part will be changed soon or removed:
"How did Kruger started to reestablish:
The reforming leader was the ex-kruger worker that rejoined the company. When he joined his rank was restored as Vice Chairman, so he had a chance to buy a majority of shares, mainly due to his rank. He bought them from his money that he got from selling his private business ships Other reasons unknown. chance showed up when the last Chairman got his company in great debts and it was close to ALG take over, he needed money to pay back his debts. The Vice Chairman offered him help and he agreed just to leave this company running. When he payed back he left the company leaving the Vice Chairman as Chairman. He left the company with small ammount of shares but the new leader soon bought them too and now he holds his hands on Kruger Minerals. However, ALG still owns a great ammount of company shares. Leader hopes that Kruger will be reestabished again, because he has a great funds that can be used for company recovery.(//THIS part will need reforms.)"
Not to be... well, to put it bluntly, a dick. but if i might suggest pouring 10-50 million for a better sig, or actually asking will anyone do it for you.
if you have no takers, i might toy with something until end of next week.
Few rocks and that logo, and a miner?
Some diamonds?
Representative office is now open... If you want to represent your faction in Kruger, please register on our forum and send me a PM, like the samura did.
We are posting it faster than expected, so you can give your feedback...
Also we found out that Republican is interested in our company too.
Please check this:
Quote:In 817 A.S., after numerous negotiations between ALG and Kruger, an agreement was made to merge the Glaenzende Steine Division into the ALG as a trial initiative. The details of this are secret, however it is rumoured that the offer was more substantial than predicted. This was in ALG's interests, as this money could had been used to remodel and the division, improving its efficiency. It was hoped by ALG Waste Disposal that this would had been the first step of many into total control.
Seeing ALG moves, Republican Shipping started to worry that such acquisition would had lead to a change in the power relations between themselves and ALG. Hence in the aim to cope with ALG strategy, Republican Shipping tried to bargain with some minority sharholders in order to acquire a stake in Kruger Minerals capital.
At this point the Rheinland Government stepped in. A potential acquisition of Kruger by ALG would have likely lead to a monopoly in the raw materials market in Rheinland, being ALG the biggest supplier of metal and Kruger the biggest supplier of H-Fuel. The Kanzler was not willing have the need to face such a challenge to his power and so he fiercely opposed to further integration between the two companies.
This situation seemed to be quite favorable to Republican Shipping aims but the Army Secretary pointed out that if Republican would had been involved in the mining industry they probably would have shifted financial resources from research on ship technology to research on mining technology with a potential harm for Rheinland ability to cope with other nations in the shipping technologies. To rule out completely the problem, the Kanzler even tried to nationalize the company on the base that H-Fuel is so important for military effort that it cannot be left in the hand of a private enterprise. Unfortunately for the Kanzler, the new war against Liberty weakened his support in the Rheinland Chamber of Representative and lead to the impossibility to have such nationalization to be approved.
This situation left Kruger Mineralen in a very bad position. Neither ALG nor the Republican Shipping were in the position to go against Kanzler will; many other Rheinland companies, were still suffering from the war situation where not in the position to invest huge amount of money in an almost bankrupt company like the Kruger. And, the same time, all the rumors about Kanzler opposition where pushing down Kruger Minerals stock prices.
Unexpected, a wealthy Stuttgarts family (that already owned the Stuttgart Wafer, Wurstel und Beer), taking advantage of the low prices of Kruger shares on the stock market suddenly bought a large amount of shares and finally got the control. In the first shareholder meeting after the takeover the new controlling shareholder, the Weber Fiduciary Fund (a legal entity used by the Weber family to operate on the Rheinland Stock Market), appointed a new CEO of the Kruger Minerals: the former CEO of SWWB, Thomas Weber. The business community saw as a peculiar coincidence that Thomas himself had previously worked himself in the Kruger when he was just 19 years old.
Being the the Stuttgart Wafer, Wurstel und Beer an important food supplier of the Army some rumors said that the Weber acquisition had been saw by the Kanzler with friendly eyes (if not directly inspired by him). An other indication of the Kanzler favor is the fact that no member of cabinet pointed out that one of Thomas Weber main consultant is Jack Hole, a bright mining engineer born in Rheinland but from libertonian parents and graduated from the Liberty Mining University.
Late 817 A.S., Under Weber's direction, Kruger Minerals is starting to grow again and it has made a remarkably grand level of reform. They are more convenient and they are trying to claim all Kruger fields absolutely. They have even developed a new logo as a symbol of new times. The new task of Kruger Minerals is to conquer the market, which is currently dominated by Daumann Heavy Construction
Kudos to Lump Lorry who made this part and modifyed my character story!
If there will be no questions or problems I will post it tomorow.