The style of written throws me off this one, and for me it is not really the type of style I would go for, sorry. although its damn good, just also the patch of white on the M has added a little to much light to it
' Wrote:How's this one?
The writing is a bit hard to read and the emblem is no the one I asked for.
' Wrote:
with all of these you have forgotten the name of the ship. 'Umbra Venator' it was nice thinking to place the emblem on the back of the hooded man but the lighting really isn't for me and the ship... of I don't know what is not really that good either
' Wrote:
that is a little light, I know its not finished as you said Tenacity but for me it would not fit the feeling I want for my character
I've sent you exactly what I want changed once that is done you will be rewarded.