Right.... Not saying they can't be killed people of low reading comprehension. I'm saying that they've got a healthy set of HP which increases their sphere of survival which is an attractor.
People are misinterpreting what Dusty Lens said to elongate their own internet penis. :|
Quote:Chances are you wont be able to kill them before they can dock unless you're packing some heat.
Besides that, liners are also complete gunboat killers.
Liners lose to lone fighters and bombers because of their large size (especially the slave liner) in a fight that must have an outcome. However, if a smuggler gets to their destination, then its a loss for the interdictor. The fact that most can shoot down a Liner in a fighter means very little if said liner can thrust from the trade lane between Norfolk Shipyard and West Point all the way to Buffalo, constantly under fire, without dieing.
Honestly I think they need their armour un-nerfed so everyone uses them again. Then trade routes can be buffed so its 40mil/hour in a liner. Which means 5k's can theoretically get 55~mil/hour. People will essentially be paying 15 million an hour for the privelidge of not being successfully pirated (or even in some instances, counter-piracy). More than enough to hire a pair of escorts with in a 5k, and -still- make more.
' Wrote:Actually, to be honest, leave things as they are.
ZAS~ has their SRP now, and honestly, I cannot be bothered waiting over 9000 years for a response from the next person I have to ask. (I mean, I think you can give me that, since your ID restriction combined with excellent SRP response time pretty much killed off the ZAS~.)
Oh, yes, Liners are terrible.
Have a nice day.
I'm sorry that the ZAS couldn't weather the storm.
' Wrote:I'm sorry that the ZAS couldn't weather the storm.
I would like to see any unofficial faction that weathers the non-existent storm of not being able to fly their ships for an extended period of time come back to life.
I too have to apologise that foresight went out the window. I would say competence did too, but for that, it would need to be in the house in the first place.
' Wrote:People are misinterpreting what Dusty Lens said to elongate their own internet penis.
Not really....
' Wrote:Sure they have a little more hull, but if you pick when to engage then with a little forsight you'll always get them.
They're the same as any other target, if you think they'll have enough time to run away, dont bother with them.
That said McNeo if a liner can go from WP to Buffalo and sell its cargo, the person chasing it flat out sucked.
' Wrote:I would like to see any unofficial faction that weathers the non-existent storm of not being able to fly their ships for an extended period of time come back to life.
I too have to apologise that foresight went out the window. I would say competence did too, but for that, it would need to be in the house in the first place.
Now now, the admin team is nowere near as bad as the balance team..... well execpt for the half arsed way the mining mod was tested on the community a single uber location at a time.
Personaly I'm still waiting for Omicron Iota to become the next high credit mining location, let the keepers deal with the hoardes of 'OMG KWICK CASH' nubs and lolpirats.
Not to mention: Have only a SINGLE PLACE IN ALL HUMANITY be capable of buying the raw ore to process it.
Cause we know that totaly makes good balance AND RP sense!
' Wrote:I would like to see any unofficial faction that weathers the non-existent storm of not being able to fly their ships for an extended period of time come back to life.
I too have to apologise that foresight went out the window. I would say competence did too, but for that, it would need to be in the house in the first place.
You should keep an eye on a lot of those merc and pirate groups who've weathered the non existent storm very nicely.
But then I suppose I wouldn't know how they do it... As performing such a feat would require a measure of competence.
You should keep an eye on a lot of those merc and pirate groups who've weathered the non existent storm very nicely.
But then I suppose I wouldn't know how they do it... As performing such a feat would require a measure of competence.
ZAS was a fairly simple group.
Their RP called on Zoners using Liners.
Suddenly, they're told they cant use the ships theyd been using for a while.
Their remaining options were rather slim, not to mention since it also doubled as trading for some of them I'm sure (I never really interacted with ZAS much back when it was active, tho I did escort some of their people on occasion) that will cause any non PvP oriented group to die off.
When unoffical fac tions loose the ships that their RP requires them to use:
-PvP oriented unoffical factions: Get new pewsticks.
-RP oritented unoffical factions: If no suitable alternetive is avalible, die off.
' Wrote:What happens if/when the OSC faction goes under? Who gets asked then?
As we saw with that breif attempt at a gallic based merc group.... they end up getting mass bastilled.
Which is also proably why so few people RP in gallia, not worth the hassle.