Effort is what it comes down to. If you put in barely any effort, expecting to maybe get this within the week, you'll likely be turned down.
On the other hand, make it look good (not everybody likes a long read, but loves a good one) and show that you've invested time into this project, and your chances are good.
As the owner of the Maelstrom I feel I should weigh in on this discussion.
A Scylla will humble you if you don't know how to handle her. She has more weaknesses than many other cruisers in her class and has only a couple strengths - which you will need to master if you don't plan on being grouped in with Little Johnny Ellayebeecee.
Honestly I suggest you play around with a mass-market cruiser like the <strike>ribbed for her pleasure</strike> Siege Cruiser and learn what it's like being in one before moving on. It'll help you avoid being embarrassed by a couple of gunboats. I learnt that the hard way.
In other news, post your stories in the ironically named Stories and Biographies section of the forum. As an outsider it took me about 6 months from first thought to fruition of a fully functional and permissible Scylla.