Siege cruiser is good only vs can do well against cruisers if you can aim forward gun.It will have much moar chances vs funboats than LABC...
LABC - Sloow as hell...Huge power plant.Two bs primaries and basics will tear cruisers apart if they got to close...Its good to snipe BS with dual LM too.Two guboats will eat it.
I prefer the Siege Cruiser because- its more maneuverable has a truster and looks sexy. When you mount a LM on you your gonna fall in love in it. It Strafes well and fast and as I sead its pretty maneuverable.
i have a labc it a grate to yous i put to bs flack cannons on it so the moment bombers get close i wack them how ever it more of what skills you have as a captain Ive atchuly got a [rm] bomber at a distents firing two moters at it i found it funny how ever it depends on the captain
I've got a 200-megawatt pulse cannon in the forward cargo bay that says otherwise.