"Since the food shortage is not urgent anymore with many traders headed to crete, i fetched a few Rheinland small arms in new berlin yesterday to get to crete. they are supposed to be crude, but one of the best in sirius. of course, i was intercepted by a rheinland military on my way - and allthough it is perfectly legal to trade with small arms, he requested my traderoute and every detail of the destination of that cargohold.
of course, i lied to him and told him its generally for the borderworlds - something around freeport 11, well, crete is somewhere around freeport 11, and he let me go, but he told me one thing you corsairs might be interested in.
he made clear that he had spies all around the place, to get a confirmation if those weapons really reached freeport 11 as a whole or were dropped "on the way". maybe it was just some bragging around of some RM officer, but maybe there is more about it - you might want to look into it if there is a mole there. - i ll keep my eyes open the next time i head to rheinland. if they really have knowledge that i dropped the weapons off on crete, it is allmost certain that there are certain intelligences on crete that should be... ahh, taken care of.
have a nice day, cpt. Richard Bach of the tradeship sanctimony
ps. another 9600 cargo units of artifacts safely reached manhatten. the liberty navy must be sleeping all day.
pps i do hope that this terminal is safe for leaving a message like that"
Message to: Crete
Comm ID: Arkady Borislav, SCRA Lieutenant
Location: Cape Verde, Omega-52
I've got it! It's a dastardly plan to defeat the Corsairs once and for all, perpetrated by the great houses...they simply choke Crete to death with people! They take advantage of the fact that you are not monsters, you will not simply let these people starve...it's absurd!
To combat this, perhaps you should start putting these ridiculous "tourists" in Legionnaires and sending them out to fight for their food, eh? I'm only half joking about that, by the way. I'll be returning to Omicron Gamma as soon as my old Viper is refueled and armed to help keep these house spies, these vile saboteurs and moochers, off of Crete.
The Lieutenant is right. Many of these passengers have seen the plight of Crete and are sorely offended that the Bretonian populace grows fat whilst Crete starves.
Our own recruitment has skyrocketed recently, these 'tourists' seeing the corruption of the Houses as they land on Crete, many fresh pilots and marines joining us in attacks on the Houses, many joining us in direct assaults on Cambridge, the source of both the tourists as well as much of our food supply.
In order to prevent our food supply on Crete failing, many of these recruits have been sent to our fortresses on Planet Gran Canaria for their training.
Message to: Ares, Cape Verde
Comm ID: Waverly, Veranda Incognita
Did I miss a memo somewhere? Last I saw there were a few bivouacs surrounded by willow picket fences daubed with mud and dung to keep the rodents out.
Now, your recruits are welcome to all the beets, turnips, and Sophie's pies they can eat; but I will not have hobnailed boots trampling through the Veranda, Uli Rouge, or Kell Aquatic Preserve in the guise of some "training".
I highly recommend you truck them back over to 50 or 52 for whatever training they undergo. Canaria is and will remain a neutral planet, sir. That is not up for debate. You have not presented any of this to the Council of Zoners in any form whatsoever. Formalities, sir, formalities. Even revolutions require paperwork. Please follow protocol when it comes to Zoner lands.
To: Eavesdropping Zoners
Comm. ID: Captain Ares, Planet Crete
Message Begins//
One: Never hack our comms.
Two: Never hack our comms.
Three: Neutrality, neutrality, neutrality... is that why you've provided the Corsairs, in their hob-nailed boots, with a staging post for attacks on Dublin? Even we don't use Gran Canaria as a staging point for attacks! Where's the protocol there, Mister Waverly? Last time I checked, you were also providing the Kusari Naval Forces with weapons-grade deuterium... Neutral indeed.
In fact, it looks like you're plotting the downfall of Bretonia. I can't blame you, what with their blasted monarchy and all.
Four: You never complained many moons ago when la revolucion was fully based off of Gran Canaria... hell, according to our records, our flagship's launch had some representatives from the Zoners spectating, eating their beets and pies, smiling the whole time. Since la revolucion was once based here, do you think we'd dismantle all of our defensive fortresses and pack off all of our civilians for Cape Verde? Come now, I expect more from you than that.
In fact, why are you complaining now? Our soldiers have not even approached your little Veranda or any of your other beloved locations and we don't plan on ordering such. It's a very big planet; you'll never see us, even if you wanted to.
-Ares out
//Message Ends
OOC: From now on use our message dumps, okay? Thanks.
I have sent messages to all trader contacts and asked them to transport food to Planet Crete.
I will also transport all the food I can fit on The Custodian. It won't be much as most of the cargo space is used for other things. Estimated cargo capacity for food rations is 1,500 tonnes.
To: Traders and Haulers
From: The Adv. Train Adler.Jung
Not sure if only food is needed. All basic supplies are needed in the humanitarian efforts on Crete. While those bloody Outcasts live off of the misfortune of others because of their blasted drug Cardamine, the Corsairs live in relative poverty, and persevere.
Add to this the almost constant assaults on their homeworld Crete and a dire situation indeed shows on Crete. The Adler.Jung has been making almost daily trips to Crete, sometimes 2 or 3, with the holds stuffed with not only food, but medical supplies, basic consumer goods, light arms (viva la revolucion), and on some trips, if I can get my hands on them, some Toys (//Lux Cons Goods) for the youth of Crete. Why should they not get their spirits lifted as well?
I will continue to make these runs until the Corsairs are free of the tyranny that keeps them down. They do not feast on the suffering of others, but keep their cause just and their fight true.
I will get the engineers to clear as much space in the cargo hold so I can use The Custodian to transport as many supplies as I can fit on my ship to Planet Crete.
Additionally, I think I have managed to convince a trade captain to start transporting supplies to Crete as well, I cannot give the traders name or the name of his ship for security reasons, but he will identify himself if needed.
Unfortunately Neither TBH nor Benitez were there for receipt. THe goods were dropped at Alegra spaceport. Not sure how your establishment distributed it.