We have heard of your group before, and it is great to hear another mercenary group willing to work for us.
However there is a little detail that we need to discuss.
It seems clear to us that you didn't take the time to read our bounty conditions, should you have you would have noticed that a mercenary license is required BEFORE claiming our bounties.
Acquiring a license is not only a law, but it also serves as a contract, where both parties are bound to offer certain conditions, and as an assurance that you won't be turning against us.
For now we will pay half the agreed price due your group not following our instructions, but we won't pay for any other bounty claim from your pilots unless you acquire a license. The license can be acquired HERE
I believe there is a little misunderstanding. We are not mercenaries. The very notion of this offends us. We are independent group of bounty hunters. Since we don't agree with some political decisions made by our Guild we decided to leave it and form EDGE. We believe that our mission, as bounty hunters, is to seek out and eliminate criminals, pirates, slavers and smugglers especially across Border and Edge Worlds where governmental presence is limited at best, and not waging some senseless war for resources. However, our link to Bounty Hunters Guild is not entirely severed as we are still registered bounty hunters. Therefore, according to both international Sirius Legal Codex and your own bounty board we are not required to be granted license prior to claiming a bounty. Confirmation of our credentials as legitimate bounty hunters can be found under navlink provided to you in previous transmission. Also you should not worry about us ever turning against you. We maintain fully neutral position in case of conflicts between lawful and corporate organizations. That is why although we were working often for IMG we have never claimed any bounty on BMM, or why although we were working often for Liberty Government we have never claimed any bounty on Rheinland Military vessels. Please note that this works both ways. I can assure you that we will not claim a single bounty on IMG for you. Our rules of engagement state that we maintain full neutrality in case of corporate or governmental conflicts. The only exception to this rule are escort missions when use of lethal force is necessary to protect escorted vessels.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Jack Payton
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Apologies for calling you mercenaries, if this offends you.
However maybe we didn't make it clear enough, but any organized group requires a license, our license covers mercenaries and bounty hunters. Don't think of this as a sign of mistrust in your group, its merely an administrative measure. We just like to know who is who and who does what in Daumann space.
Because bounty hunters usually operate alone, they come to Briesen, claim a bounty or two and vanish to the Omicrons and never seen again, we save them the paperwork, allowing them to do their job with without bureaucratic slowdowns, but when it comes to groups, of any affiliation, we request a license. As I said this is mostly an administrative measure.
I launched from Freistadt when I was imidiatly asked for help by a Military officer. He was fighting a Heimdall Hessian GS. So I jumped in and a fight broke out. at some point another hessian GS jumped in. He also kicked the bucket with the help of some DHC folk and a freelancer. We had chased the last gs all the way to omega 5 where it -almost- made it to Ronneburg. almost.
Anyway, this is the hessian GS I managed to down with some help:
Guten Abend. Enforcer Jack Payton here. Yesterday I was patrolling Omega-7 when I encountered Red Hessian gunboat attacking miners. Pirate was inadequately equipped and undertrained and was destroyed without much trouble. Only couple of minutes later I found his associate in a bomber and neutralized him. I believe that finance center at Battleship Leviathan has not received previous payment. Could you cross check it in your database, bitte shon?
Bounty targets: Red Hessian gunboat [()]-"Shaf.Hauzen", Red Hessian bomber Sketch Payment owed: 7,000,000 SC Payment receiver:EDGE|Leviathan
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Guten Abend. Today we spotted a Wilde cruiser in Omega-11 that ventured to Omega-7 and then to Stuttgart. Normally we do not hunt for free. However, we tend to make exception when it comes to the enemies of the human kind. While we were in the middle of destroying infected ship in Stuttgart two Red Hessians appeared and opened fire on the Wilde. Well, since their help was not necessary and their attack spoiled our fun, we decided to hunt them down. They escaped to Omega-7 where we destroyed the gunship. Remaining fighter evacuated to Omega-11 and got reinforcements in form of another gunship. After a while we destroyed the second gunship and forced fighter to do a combat landing. After that we returned to Omega-7 to repair our ships after the encounter with Wilde cruiser. Also I have heard rumors about mine fields being nearly depleted. Is that true? I hope it is not the end of our cooperation in Omega systems.
Bounty targets: Red Hessian gunship [()]-"Shaf.Hauzen", Red Hessian gunship Devil_in_Heaven Payment owed: 10,000,000 SC Payment receiver:EDGE|Leviathan
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