[color=#FFFFFF][font=Trebuchet Ms] - I'm not eating my mind, dear DeVirgo. That's impossible simply because I've lost it. A long, long time ago, ha-ha-ha - The Joker laughed hysterically - Now tell me... What is that you need to get done? Lets hear about your elaborate schemes.
"Nothing too elaborate, actually. There are certain weapons that some of our members with less than perfect pasts have told us that the descendants of the Hispania have. We've captured some of them when we've destroyed their ships. That's to be expected, of course, just as we know some of our weapons have been lost when our pilots bite the big one."
Max smiled with a bit of a predatory grin.
"But full and complete ships, with no damage. Full weapons loadouts. I think exchanging, say, four of them for your freedom is a quite equitable trade, don't you agree? It's not like you'd actually be out any money, as we'd foot the bill for you to actually purchase the damned things. You just have to ... drop them off for us. The Rouges, the Outcasts, the Mollies - pristine ships."
"Of course, since your Trident was shot to hell when we rescued you from that Nomad, we'd have to give you something to fly temporarily. That package you've so studiously been ignoring because you thought it was your toe is a ship key. Sort of like asking your Dad if you can borrow the keys to the family car, Joker my son, I'm allowing you the keys to an Orca gunboat."
"Now, before you think I'm completely nuts for trusting you - it's still you. You're twisted, of course, and I'm sure that you'll think of some way to pervert this. But one thing I've noticed about you - if you can play a joke on someone, you like to do that. And this would be a wonderful joke on your 'allies', and from their perspective, what's another fighter or gunship, really?"
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
[color=#FFFFFF][font=Trebuchet Ms] - It's always about toys, ain't it. Now I see how this situation is turning out to be very prosperous for you as we speak - mr. Haha admitted. - You know that I, although deranged, always fulfill my promise. Word is a word. Besides, you wouldn't give me this opportunity if you've known me otherwise.
- What's a killing Clown without his word? What? - The Joker prolonged his speech again. - Just another laughing monster flying around and blowing people up just 'cause his mental institution wasn't properly secured. I could just say "yes" and you let me go and I trick you later but what would be the point? So I'll play with the cards you've dealt me although there is no joker in it for me. I'll play along. For. Now. For now, dear Maximilian.
- Give me the list of the goodies you desire so much and I'll go fetch, a-haha-haha.