*** Incoming Single Light-Burst Transmission ***
*** Sender : Gabriel Willson ***
*** Loc : Omicron Theta SolarR Gunship "Wanderer" ***
*Downloading Live video feed*
My name is Gabriel Willson, Gabe for short
I belive you remember that we once bought on of your Battlecuriser class vessles
Amazed by its capabilites and power we are pleased to request another one of these great vessels.
With this new Vessel I would like to request an extended Docking bay so the ship can work as an forward base for the Solar Runners and aswell to those a full set of IMG Cruiser class turrets and two (2) IMG Battleship turrets
If there are any questions you wish to ask feel free too
I will be awaiting your reply eagerly
Yours trully
~Gabriel Willson
*** End of the Transmission ***
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
It seems Guildmaster Sanders handled the last request for a Saga from the Runners, but you're lucky enough to get me instead. Your pal managed to get the last one we had going spare, so if you are looking for another Saga I'm afraid you'll have to help us build another.
We'll get things started right now with some Basic Alloy, you can drop 2000 units of that on Fort Siloso in Tau-39 (you lot are explorers, I'm sure you can find it). We'll keep the docking bays open for you afterwards if you want to pick up some ore or drop off further supplies.
I don't know how well you get on with the Gauls, so you might be best going through '39 anyway, but everything else is to be delivered to Singapore Shipyard in Tau-44. Materials you lot can bring in:
500 Engine Components, Rheinlandische
1000 Ship Hull Panels, Kusarian
500 units of High Temperature Alloy from ALG
500 units of Super Alloy, Bretonian
500 units of Industrial Materials, Libertonian
Construction costs of 10 million credits, to be sent to IMG|Pangaea
The guns are a bit easier, transfer and equipping cost of 20 million to the same account.
Let us know when all that's done in this channel and permission'll be handed out. After that, you'll have another one ready to go to explore outside systems' helio-whats-its.
Mr. Black,
Glad you found this channel, but given that you probably saw that the Lhotse is fairly proliferated in the market. Ta muchly for letting us know you picked one up though. If it's the same 'rabid dogs' I've been hearing about, give 'em a good kicking from me.
*** Incoming Single Light-Burst Transmission ***
*** Sender : Gabriel Willson ***
*** Loc : Tau 23 SolarR Gunship "Wanderer" ***
*Downloading Live video feed*
Greetings its me again
I am happy to say that all the requested procedures have been succesfuly done
Despite the Singapore crew acting a bit hostile towards me it all ended well
Uploading proff now
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
All seems in order, we'll get it built for you over the next while. The guns are ready to be picked up and fitted on whatever you want, but I guess it'll be this one. Enjoy, and... don't wreck her or IMG diplomacy with it.
First let me introduce myself. Name is Brewer, former captain of the Blue.Note transport ship and current owner of the Jamaican.Blue (the ship this transmission concerns). Anyway, most of my work included contracting with various miners in the Omega's (hard-working folks, miners. Nothing but respect for an honest living.) Over the years I've found myself hanging my hat at a convenient IMG base or station more often than not. My son and daughters have grown up playing hide-and-seek in the corridors of Freistadt and Java Station. Contracts and connections, friends and family, and smoky jazz playing from the bars at Freeport 4. But enough of my rambling, on to the point...
The life of the honest man is often tested in the savage conditions in our line of work. Of course I refer to the Corsair threat that currently infests the Omega's, not to mention the surge in roving pirate bombers from the near and far reaches of Sirius, passing through and hunting those they perceive as weak, easy targets. As a father, I feel my jaw clench and grip the controls as I fly through the Omega's, afraid some merciless Corsair will render my ship and her crew to the cold void of space. You can't know this feeling until you have children, and it can drive a man to making choices he may regret.
So I chose to fight back. After seeing too many of my friends murdered over nothing, I contacted some friends who work at Jakarta, and with good standing, purchased a Gasherbrum with IMG gunboat turrets, pulse cannon, etc... And so I began the work I saw as necessary for the well-being of my fellow miners and traders; I provided security and protection for those who needed it in the Omega's, systems that lately have felt the thinning of manpower and resources by those who once protected them.
I know that ignorance is no excuse. I have nothing but respect for the IMG and wish to continue the work and services I am happy to provide... but I will regretfully relinquish control of my ship if you request it of me. Surely you can agree that someone must step up for the men and women of the Omega's? I am willing to do so, without expectation of recompense. I would confidently stake my reputation on my actions, and so I respectfully ask that you allow me to continue to defend the interests of the miners and traders of the Omega's in a ship that can effectively deter those that would threaten our way of life. Of course I will comply with whatever decision you make concerning the ship.
Thank you for your consideration and I await your response,
Brewer - current owner of Gasherbrum Gunboat Jamaican.Blue
(08-08-2013, 05:52 AM)PZB Wrote: To whom it may concern,
First let me introduce myself. Name is Brewer, former captain of the Blue.Note transport ship and current owner of the Jamaican.Blue (the ship this transmission concerns). Anyway, most of my work included contracting with various miners in the Omega's (hard-working folks, miners. Nothing but respect for an honest living.) Over the years I've found myself hanging my hat at a convenient IMG base or station more often than not. My son and daughters have grown up playing hide-and-seek in the corridors of Freistadt and Java Station. Contracts and connections, friends and family, and smoky jazz playing from the bars at Freeport 4. But enough of my rambling, on to the point...
The life of the honest man is often tested in the savage conditions in our line of work. Of course I refer to the Corsair threat that currently infests the Omega's, not to mention the surge in roving pirate bombers from the near and far reaches of Sirius, passing through and hunting those they perceive as weak, easy targets. As a father, I feel my jaw clench and grip the controls as I fly through the Omega's, afraid some merciless Corsair will render my ship and her crew to the cold void of space. You can't know this feeling until you have children, and it can drive a man to making choices he may regret.
So I chose to fight back. After seeing too many of my friends murdered over nothing, I contacted some friends who work at Jakarta, and with good standing, purchased a Gasherbrum with IMG gunboat turrets, pulse cannon, etc... And so I began the work I saw as necessary for the well-being of my fellow miners and traders; I provided security and protection for those who needed it in the Omega's, systems that lately have felt the thinning of manpower and resources by those who once protected them.
I know that ignorance is no excuse. I have nothing but respect for the IMG and wish to continue the work and services I am happy to provide... but I will regretfully relinquish control of my ship if you request it of me. Surely you can agree that someone must step up for the men and women of the Omega's? I am willing to do so, without expectation of recompense. I would confidently stake my reputation on my actions, and so I respectfully ask that you allow me to continue to defend the interests of the miners and traders of the Omega's in a ship that can effectively deter those that would threaten our way of life. Of course I will comply with whatever decision you make concerning the ship.
Thank you for your consideration and I await your response,
Brewer - current owner of Gasherbrum Gunboat Jamaican.Blue
After a long talk with the wife about all this, she "convinced" me that flying around like a space cowboy with unauthorized technology isn't really the kind of example I should be setting for the little ones. I have subsequently sold the aforementioned ship back to Jakarta. I suppose the impulsive tendencies of my youth die hard... ah well. I hope that this little "incident" will not interfere with the continuing trade and mining operations I have enjoyed with the IMG.
Greetings to whoever may receive this message; I hope it gets redirected appropriately.
I'm Lena Atzenbruck and I'm writing on behalf of ALG Waste Disposal.
As many of those IMG pilots that I've been flying with frequently will undoubtedly know, the situation in the southern Omegas and particularly the Taus has been becoming increasingly hazardous - partially due to the rise of a powerful new Maltese crime syndicate of some sort calling themselves the "Contari Lance", as well as generally very high Outcast activity in general, while in the south we have to deal with certain high-profile Corsair threats.
In any case, we've found the security ships we have on standby in these regions to be increasingly inadequate.
Therefor, we wish to strengthen security on our operations in those regions with the purchase of two IMGC-24C "Gasherbrum" class gunboats.
This would allow us to deliver a stronger security presence in the aforementioned regions against our common enemies.
Needless to say, they will only be used in a manner precisely as you see fit - if you wish to grant us these ships we will of course accept any conditions on their use.
Furthermore, we understand that vessels of this class may require resources that cannot be easily and / or hastily required.
We have essentially unfettered access to the markets for raw materials, tools, electronic components or likely anything else that may be required, so if necessary we will be happy to bring these to Jakarta.
Additionally, I would like to request that these vessels be kept on Java (or Jakarta if necessary) and Aland shipyard respectively, as these would be the ideal staging points for operations in the respective regions.
An interesting choice, and a grand offer to help us build them for you. Saves us having to haul stuff around instead, and for you having to mess around with credit accounts and whatnot. If you'd not picked it up yet, you lot are trusted well enough to be handed a couple.
Our shipyards are focused on mining and hauling craft for the most part but both Aland and Singapore are capable of churning out a Gasherbrum. Doing one each saves us carting them all about too much, so no worries there.
For each hull, we'd like the following delivered to each shipyard:
2,000 Engine Components
2,000 High Temperature Alloy
2,000 Super Alloy
4,000 Ship Hull Panels
We'll get them ready and handed over to you, should work a peach.
Would you be looking for some IMG turrets to put on them, or are you sourcing others yourself?
This is Seth Anarion speaking,i have been authorized by Lena Atzenbruck to establish contact with you.
I'm happy to inform that all the materials needed in order to build the 2 Gasherbrum the ALG has requested,have been succesfully transported to the IMG Stations.