' Wrote:I can't believe you're the person who proposed this. And I LOVE it. Though, maybe restrict ships upto gunboats ? I don't really want to see Marduks everywhere :unsure:
' Wrote:And I dont get the tractor stuff- it is a strange disadvantage.
Explain why it is any because except you cannot pick the 18 bots bats dropped by blasted ship in PvP, mines and cds are anyway different then the human ones.
The Nomad ID was made pre-4.85 and never had a tractor, it was never fixed cause the Keeper faction and ID was made. This can only be fixed with a mod update I think.
Also, the Keeper ID itself can only beam in at a 250-300m range instead of the other IDs having a 1k or so range.
Do it. The Core and the Order are bored to tears of fighting each other (imagine that), the order never has any nomads to shoot (who are, by the way, the order's primary target), and it would finally make the omicrons a little less empty and spark some decent action there.
It's a shame that this idea will never be considered, because I believe it could work. It certainly couldn't hurt to try to help a dying faction.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
as much as nomad indies going around typing like they are any other human would be the only con i see in this - i have to say, the benefit would far outway the cost.
your really getting two birds with one stone, by breathing life into Nomads, and giving a direction and purpose for the Order - it would also give all the order lolwhut indies something to shoot.
Keeper's can still have their rp, being the much more enlightened, mature nomads, whose aim is not exactly always war. keepers also have a ZoI that isnt restricted, and for those Keepers that want to make war their primary motive, get access to the heavy guns like the Irra and Marduk.
nomad restarts should have rephacks that make them friendly to OC's (because otherwise, the indies would shoot them), and neutral to wilde.
This also gives a lot of those kinda players freedom to just "engagin' all red i see" as long as they do it in their ZoI.
The idea is great, but how people stated above: "will it ever be considered? "
I fully support the idea and hope that the developers will atleast think about it.
even it will end up in overgank when it is new cuz everyone wants to try it out. YES! (with some changes)
against stupid lolwuts who just lol around like a human in local chat or wherever add:
"Has to use nomnom speech"
so not doing so will end up in 6.10 (which should be punished harder than in other cases)
' Wrote:Picture this, you start a fresh new character on the server and you notice a handy little /restart Nomad command. You think, hmm, this used to be closed, worth a shot.
"/restart Nomad" + Return BAM
You have a Nomad IDed Morph on the Nomad City in Omicron Iota, repped all Nomad and such, with no tech cept the ID, Scanner and shield.
The Nomad ID handily lists a nice amount of guidelines for you;
"Nomad ID - You are one of millions of Nomads, have fun.
* Can engage any non-freighter or transport
* Cannot leave the Omicrons
* Cannot attack Outcasts
* Has to follow orders by keeper IDd players
* Has to use nomnom speech
Allowed ships: Fighters, Gunboats, <strike>Cruisers, Battleships</strike>" (open for debate)
You think, "WOW, I can finally be a Nomad without any work!"
The Nomad ID also has no tractor beam so Indie Nomads naturally have a disadvantage and it can call be done with FLHook coding (sorry Cannon) with no need for a new mod update. Pros: More Nomad activity, stuff for the Omicron Zoners/Order/Core/Factions to actually fight there
Public use of Nomad stuff, people can be free!
Fun for everyone.
More balanced sides in Omicron battles
Everyone thinks they can play a Nomad better than the Nomads, prove it
Lots of Omicron Combat
Omicrons are finally as dangerous as they're made out to be in lore
No more Keeper Elitist (lol, that doesn't even exist now, the Keepers are just scared of the possible outcome)
Cons: Public Nomads?!?!?!! - 1
Lots of Omicron Combat - 2
Open Nomad Tech - 3
Restricted to the Omicrons? - 4
No tractor? - 5
1 - Public Nomads can be done. "But people won't act like Nomads" Then they can be sanctioned the same as an LN who pirates or a Zoner who engages everything on sight. 6.10 Biatch.
2 - Is that such a bad thing? There is a three way war between the Core, Order and Keepers (Zoners voyeur and sometimes hop in) that the Nomads don't even show up for anymore. It's getting boring.
3 - Nomad Tech isn't overpowered. Nomad Tech on Nomad ships is fine, the Voidrunner is a bit unbalanced but that's being fixed next version, other than that, the other ships are fine.
4 - The Keepers are the defensive part of the Nomads, the Das Wilde and Aoi Iseijin act as the offensive part, the Keeper war is in the Omicrons, it also massively balances the Public-Nomad concept.
5 - The Nomad ID never had one, can't be changed until next version, could be a nice balance thing though.
' Wrote:nomad restarts should have rephacks that make them friendly to OC's (because otherwise, the indies would shoot them), and neutral to wilde.
This can be set so that the Outcasts and Wild are White, and it wouldn't matter about the Wild so much as no Wild occur inside the Omicrons. It would just be so that the Wild players show as White to the Nomad ID.
Das Wilde and Aoi Iseijin NPCs and bases are in the Omegas or Kusari, where this ID couldn't tread.
' Wrote:I never loved you so much :ylove:
Thank Yuri, he literally wrote the Nomad Bible and spent five years of his life trying to make the Nomads work the best he could.
' Wrote:The idea is great, but how people stated above: "will it ever be considered? "
I fully support the idea and hope that the developers will atleast think about it.
That's for the Keeper leadership and the Admins to decide, hopefully this could sway their opinions on it.
Possible additions to the ID:
* Has to follow orders by keeper IDd players
Edit to the ID in OP: Can't attack Wild ships
Edit: The Scorpion would also not be usable on this ID.