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Update on the Top TB panel. There were numerous mistakes in the French translation.Thanks to the AMES Research Station and Mr. Xahin for pointing out errors, we are now 100% French Approved.
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kidd_meier, thanks for links. I was thinking about it, but mmm not sure if it'll work. These coats have so many details, most of them will be smoothed in smaller pic sizes.
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If I can give my advice once again, I'll tell you the english word "intelligence" can be translated in several words in french :
- "intelligence" means the quality of an intelligent person. There are other meanings, but they're rarely used.
- "renseignement" or "service secret" is the translation of intelligence service.
To make things more and more complicated, the french word "renseignement" means two things : either the activity of a spy, or a simple information you can ask to anybody, when you're searching something for example.
Then... don't use the words "Bureau de renseignement", this is the place you go to when you want to know something.
I think the best translation would be "Service secret de la Marine" or "Service secret de la Flotte". I prefer the first one, even if it'd me more convenient in sea than in space.
I'll conclude with the next words :
- Translation is a really, really complicated job. Google translator is NOT your friend. I don't know the result in other languages, but trust me, NEVER use it for french.
- The french language is a challenge even for native speakers, then it must be horrible for foreigners. This is full of words with two or more meanings. Google will only give you one of them, generally the bad one.