exactly. paid hundreds of euros to keep the potentiometers working properly... by bying new ones every 3 months. srsly.
edit: how the hell did this happen?
Corsair LawsCorsair Court Our forces combined, no-one shall stand before us. Our enemies shall be burnt and cast to the wind, our troops marching forward over their mangled corpses. True we stand alone, with wolves circling, but our isolation lends us our strength, for we are one and they are divided.
The days of Darkness are no longer, for we are the Corsairs and we are fear incarnate! Viva los Corsairs, the Empire shall rise!
The blood of the Hispania runs in our veins. The blood of our enemies shall wet our hands.
i take it you dont see the metaphore of a huge useless piece of crap equipment being hoared in hundreds in comparison to the amount of food on the picture, eh?
Used to work for Yorkville Sound Ltd. Building speakers. 10 000 watts is nothing these days. It is how the cabinet delivers the 10 000 watts that count. THAT monstrosity from the pic did not look like it had enough solidity to it to not give you that ratling/burgling sound most kids think is cool from thier sub compacts as they shake, and rattle to pieces anoying all in 1 mile radius.