Anyway, I was actually discussing this with some people already, so I'm obviously in favor of it. The idea being that this would supplement daily raids by giving all the sides a weekly chance at a pre-set event with even numbers and firepower for an even fight.
I'd say let the non-military groups in as well. First they make it easier to balance numbers without leaving people out. Second some factions really do take part in the war effort.
However, it would be limited to factions of the two houses and the Exiles.
Gallic Corp security divisions (many act as government-sponsored privateers like the QCP used to for Bretonia)
Unione Corse
BowEx Security Forces on occasion
LN on occasion
Freelancers on occasion
Groups that you might expect but shouldn't actually participate;
QCP - They have been fully exiled by the Crown and are considered renegades and vigilantes. Their past actions ended up with the Admiralty and crown severing all ties. While there are still sympathetic people in the military and government, open collaboration between the QCP and BAF doesn't happen.
CR - They aren't part of Bretonia's military apparatus and due to incredibly bad relations in the last several years, the BAF would not collaborate with them.
Outcasts - Bretonia does not collaborate with the Outcasts, contrary to popular belief.
Groups that you might expect but shouldn't actually participate;
CR - They aren't part of Bretonia's military apparatus and due to incredibly bad relations in the last several years, the BAF would not collaborate with them.
Small fleet dedicated to the old Kusari which was hostile to Bretonia, led by the old Emporer of Kusari who was/is an enemy to the Bretonian public, for nigh on half a decade and responsible for millions of Bretonian deaths.
Not part of Bretonia's military apparatus and due to incredibly, incredibly bad relations in the last several years, the BAF will collaborate fully with them.
Yes, I can see how that works.
Faction and person responsible for the entire Tau war, death of thousands/millions, destruction of a lot of the Bretonian navy < CR
6 Wars with CR, each one being declared on Bretonia by CR, and breaking the treaties we signed after each one.
Yeah, don't trust you, live with the mistakes you've made.
One war that almost brought about the destruction of the House, killed thousands/millions, led by a publicly hated figure and put the House in a far worse position for the invasion by Gallia.
Yes, I can see how you would trust the Exiles completely.
Extremely odd how the previous leader of the BAF was very happy with the CR aid, even wanting to get an alliance signed.
Now there's a complete turn around simply because of a different player.
It's quite obvious it isn't only 'roleplay' motivating that decision.
' Wrote:Extremely odd how the previous leader of the BAF was very happy with the CR aid, even wanting to get an alliance signed.
Now there's a complete turn around simply because of a different player.
It's quite obvious it isn't only 'roleplay' motivating that decision.
I was actually the one pushing for that alliance. Then I talked to our current allies and we have chosen a different path based on what is in the best interest of ourselves and our allies.
The reason an alliance hadn't already been made was because of the distrust between us. On a roleplay level. My character joined the BAF right as the CR began one of those wars and the first fight she was involved in as an Ensign was fighting the CR in Leeds and Tau-31. Since then there have been 3 more wars. It may be my fault that my character rose to become Fleet Admiral. But it's yours that the memories she has of CR is of them breaking their promises.
You've angered Bretonia repeatedly, you've angered Liberty repeatedly, you've angered Kusari repeatedly, and now you've begun shooting the Ronin and Exiles while they work with Bretonia against the Gallics. You've burned every bridge you've made, and have yet to give Bretonia a reason to really trust you again. In fact, you've done the opposite in attacking a key ally in our war against Gallia.
' Wrote:I was actually the one pushing for that alliance. Then I talked to our current allies and we have chosen a different path based on what is in the best interest of ourselves and our allies.
The reason an alliance hadn't already been made was because of the distrust between us. On a roleplay level. My character joined the BAF right as the CR began one of those wars and the first fight she was involved in as an Ensign was fighting the CR in Leeds and Tau-31. Since then there have been 3 more wars. It may be my fault that my character rose to become Fleet Admiral. But it's yours that the memories she has of CR is of them breaking their promises.
You've angered Bretonia repeatedly, you've angered Liberty repeatedly, you've angered Kusari repeatedly, and now you've begun shooting the Ronin and Exiles while they work with Bretonia against the Gallics. You've burned every bridge you've made, and have yet to give Bretonia a reason to really trust you again. In fact, you've done the opposite in attacking a key ally in our war against Gallia.
Can't argue with that but I would say that the Ronin have done far, far worse.
Bretonia could easily deal with the CR, it was involved in total war with Kusari.
The entire Tau war was caused by the leader of the Ronin.
How can you say that the CR are trusted less than the people responsible for the ravaging of your military and slaughter of thousands of Bretonians?