I really like how they improved the combat system; weapons feel a lot more real now. The male customization is rather limited though, and I usually end up with a really weird looking Shepard. Hopefully I'll be able to import how my character looks from ME2. The Multiplayer is actually very fun to play but the AI could do with an upgrade. I really had no problem with the facial animations, and the cutscenes are pretty cool in my opinion.
After what I saw in the demo, I'm mostly pleased with the way the game is.
Of course there are graphics problems and such, but like KoRny said, It's most likely 'cause Demo'.
I highly doubt that even EA would release a full game in that condition.
I loved the cinematics and the ending of the first part of the demo made me literally cry, so, I know ME3 is going to have that emotional depth that ME1 had and ME2 lacked most of.
I liked the reworked combat alot, and I liked the new flair to Biotic abilities.
Last, I'll backup where I said 'cause demo' with the fact that I was reading about the content of the demo -months ago- when those things were all rumors, so I'm sure they probably didn't use a final version of the game to cut the demo from.
ME3 looks, and sounds like it will be a lot better than ME2 was. And even ME2 was still good, though nowhere near ME1.
Not to judge too soon, but if the whole game is like the demo was, it might even be on par with ME1.
EDI turns dude and sacrifices herself to infect the reapers with a virus to lure them all to Earth, the united galactic fleet finds a way to drop the intergalactic deuce on our planet and destroy it taking all le Repurs with it. All is good le humans lost their most prized thing but have saved the galaxy, humans are now demigods.
Renegade Ending
EDI hax0rs le Repurs allowing Shepard to control them, she/he turns all Borg Queen on the galaxy enslaving everyone putting himself in charge
Hidden Ending
"It was the 22nd century, mankind's darkest hour...."
' Wrote:For all you know, they just released lste alpha-early/late Beta they had made a month or so ago.
Don't judge by a demo.
Lets just take BF3 as an example.
The beta had huge lag problems, no DX11, a few balancing problems and the only map available for 90% of the beta was one of the most annoying map in the game.
And now look at it: Awesome maps, much less lag, some of the best graphics on the PC currently and the balance is much better.
I played the multiplayer right now , It looks like gears of war mostly but the sniper rifle is awesome 1 hit kill and it take 3 to 4 secs for an reload the assault rifle is very good