' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]1 year 'till official milfdom!
Just sayin' but I think you're a scosh unclear as to what makes a milf official. :mellow:
It ain't age, but birthing an actual kid that allows entry into milfdom for those pre-milfs who are aesthetically predisposed to milfiness once the actual state of milfana is attained.
Yeah Happy Birthday for all lesbians, owww damn my girlfriend is lesbian, GOD thank you that my girlfriend is lesbian, everyday its party with here and here girlfriends:P
No Matter How Good You Are, Don't Ever Let Them See You Comming
' Wrote:Yeah Happy Birthday for all lesbians, owww damn my girlfriend is lesbian, GOD thank you that my girlfriend is lesbian, everyday its party with here and here girlfriends:P
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' Wrote:Just sayin' but I think you're a scosh unclear as to what makes a milf official. :mellow:
It ain't age, but birthing an actual kid that allows entry into milfdom for those pre-milfs who are aesthetically predisposed to milfiness once the actual state of milfana is attained.
[color=#FFFFFF]Marb, I don't think you are supposed to use that head in this thread.
' Wrote:Yeah Happy Birthday for all lesbians, owww damn my girlfriend is lesbian, GOD thank you that my girlfriend is lesbian, everyday its party with here and here girlfriends:P
I think there's something which went a little over your head, regarding the word lesbian.