A gallic restart and a trip to Beaumont in IDF will get you a double bribe. It's not enough tho, and you will need to do some lot of missions after that.
' Wrote:Gallic Junkers used to have the Junker Guard ID and IFF, not so anymore, they have their own ID and IFF now. When you restart Gallia they are about 4 bars green I believe but it only shows up when you see an NPC in the bar. Haven't seen a Gallic Junker NPC in space yet???? That said, no missions at all. None of the Gallic Junker Bases seem to have them, unless I'm missing one?
It seems the only way to get Gallic Junker full green is if you are lucky enough to find a triple bribe. Also, it would seem that the enemies of Gallic Junkers are the GRN, GRP and other Gallic corporations, which make no sense as Gallic Junkers are meant to be semi-lawful. Our allies seem to be the unlawfuls, which itself doesn't make much sense?
Huh,i hope that's not the case...i just saw few GJ npc's in Lanquedock system and i killed them:)but my rep isn't droping at all...same thing with weapon platforms...and as much as i know there are no G.Junker depos in Gallia (like Zoner guard rep thing in Sirius).
' Wrote:A gallic restart and a trip to Beaumont in IDF will get you a double bribe. It's not enough tho, and you will need to do some lot of missions after that.
Oh and there are missions both in Bourg en Bresse and Lixheim. You will want to get a Council bribe before doing them, or you will end up having council, KNF, and KSP full red (gotta kill lots of Council).
' Wrote:Oh and there are missions both in Bourg en Bresse and Lixheim. You will want to get a Council bribe before doing them, or you will end up having council, KNF, and KSP full red (gotta kill lots of Council).
Thanks,i'll try,i already did many many missions for GJ and it's going really slow...and Navy rep is growing up much faster then GJ due to Council missions...
This sounds like a bug, honestly. Doing missions for the Gallic Junkers improves your rep for the GRN and other lawfuls way faster than for the Gallic Junkers themselves.
' Wrote:This sounds like a bug, honestly. Doing missions for the Gallic Junkers improves your rep for the GRN and other lawfuls way faster than for the Gallic Junkers themselves.
Yes,true,missions are against Councill so.....i did double bribe just now and i still have 4 cubes until full rep witch is worst then just one bribe and few missions i did before...
If you restart Gallic Junker, then fly to Beaumont in IDF, get GJ double bribe, then get a Council bribe, you fly to Lixheim and will have to do some 10 or more missions for that additional green cell, and no, GRN nor any other lawful wont get full faster. IF you do it this way.
' Wrote:If you restart Gallic Junker, then fly to Beaumont in IDF, get GJ double bribe, then get a Council bribe, you fly to Lixheim and will have to do some 10 or more missions for that additional green cell, and no, GRN nor any other lawful wont get full faster. IF you do it this way.